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* * * * * (4.65 - 66votes)

Sora x Lila: Sorairo no Lila to Okubyou na Boku

Alt Names: alt ソラ×リラ ~宙色のリラと臆病な僕~alt Sora x Lila - Sky-blue Lila and my Timid Self
Author: Kagesaki Yuna
Artist: Kagesaki Yuna
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Shou lives out in the country. He has a big crush on his childhood friend Sora, but is afraid that she thinks of him only as a little brother. One day, Sora announces that she was abducted by aliens. Later that day, Shou confesses his feelings for her and she dies shortly afterward. Shou is still in shock from her loss, when an alien girl named Lila comes down from the sky. She has a disk that contains a brain scan of Sora, and she can run Sora's personality in her own body. She also wants to have a child with him. Will Shou be able to cope with all of these sudden changes, and will he be able to keep Sora with him after all? [tethysdust]
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Niiuchi makes me think of a puppy. I don't know why. Probably her hairstyle.


And...did Shou's mother serious say "nya nya" when he left?


Am I reading this right? Do the males seriously die after producing around eight children? Ladies, lay off the men and give them a chance to recuperate. There is a limit to how much of a neutral faced nympho the females of a race can be!

Kagesaki Yuna really need to improve her work in the next series, that this manga just got 2 volume and Tamanyan only 3 volumes is enough proof mmm...


I'm not sure that the number of volumes in a series is a valid way of determining the quality of that series or of the author's work.  After all, the series Yokokuhan by Tsutsui Tetsuya only ran three volumes and it is an extremely well written and well drawn series that ties things up very well in only those three volumes.


Unlike a series like Naruto or Bleach that never seemed to end and eventually got rather stale in my opinion.


By the way, all three volumes of Yokokuhan are available in English, published under the English title of "Prophecy."  I highly recommend it.

Kagesaki Yuna really need to improve her work in the next series, that this manga just got 2 volume and Tamanyan only 3 volumes is enough proof mmm...

but Karin went for 14 volumes and Hekikai for 11 and all of her works are in monthly magazines, so I wouldn't say the she's bad or need that bad to improve, maybe just made short series for a change in pace.

Kagesaki Yuna really need to improve her work in the next series, that this manga just got 2 volume and Tamanyan only 3 volumes is enough proof mmm...

Lucky for him Lila didn't stumble upon Rape manga or else it wouldn't be a date they'll end up doing. XD


Don't you think it might have been better if she had picked up a hentai scifi manga involving a tentacled monster?

Lucky for him Lila didn't stumble upon Rape manga or else it wouldn't be a date they'll end up doing. XD

Heikikai no AION is in the same universe.

IIRC, she said that she had dreamed up the world of Hekikai no AION before Karin, and had returned to it after finishing Karin.


FWIW, there are two chapters in her cross-over book "Kanon x AiON", plus a couple of omake sections that nobody has cared to scanlate.  They relate to AiON, not Kanon (the Kanon ones have been scanlated already), though the omake sections are a free-for-all, zipping freely between Karin, AiON, Kyoumen no Silhouette and Tamanyan.

How long before she goes back to doing some sort of Karin spin-off just like Tohru Fujisawa and Yukito Kishiro ?


Place your bets sirs.

Heikikai no AION is in the same universe.

oh my,,that newest chapter,, really tear jerker.. i think,sora is death then following comedy story like make children with alien,is not a good match story,,because the heavy burden of guilty from MC over sora death cannot wiped by just a comedy story. if only sora never die to begin with,then maybe this story will really interesting.

After 4 chapters? The FIRST 4 chapters of a series? Yeah, the gods of readership demand appeasement.


You have to keep in mind that in Japan, people PAY for this stuff. Acting high and mighty when you're getting it for FREE, simply results in 2 volume long stories because the books sell like dogshit.

point is, read the spoiler

yes, because after 4 chapters, we urgently need to move on because..... the gods of readership requires entertainment from their puppets. dance for us puppets, dance.

After 4 chapters? The FIRST 4 chapters of a series? Yeah, the gods of readership demand appeasement.


You have to keep in mind that in Japan, people PAY for this stuff. Acting high and mighty when you're getting it for FREE, simply results in 2 volume long stories because the books sell like dogshit.

Lila was surprised that Sora took over her body, but what did she think was going to happen when downloading a recently deceased soul? That being said, Lila specifically requested Shou's genetic material. If that's all Ira's and Lila's species needs to reproduce, couldn't they just get DNA samples from him? It wouldn't be that hard to do, especially if Shou is a secretor*. After just a few samples, they could just recreate his entire DNA code and tell it to produce sperm. And don't tell me they can't do that. They inserted a human soul onto a floppy disc! *A secretor is someone whose genetic code can be found in their blood. The percentage of people who are secretory is somewhere between 40 and 50 percent.

 This is true, tho unfortunately that wouldnt happen because the story would be over very quickly and as we all know drawing manga is often a Mangaka's lifeline.

Lila was surprised that Sora took over her body, but what did she think was going to happen when downloading a recently deceased soul? That being said, Lila specifically requested Shou's genetic material. If that's all Ira's and Lila's species needs to reproduce, couldn't they just get DNA samples from him? It wouldn't be that hard to do, especially if Shou is a secretor*. After just a few samples, they could just recreate his entire DNA code and tell it to produce sperm. And don't tell me they can't do that. They inserted a human soul onto a floppy disc! *A secretor is someone whose genetic code can be found in their blood. The percentage of people who are secretory is somewhere between 40 and 50 percent.

The tragedy hits faster than Fuuka hit by the truck.


Is Seo also drives that train ?

You are aware that she's published in a shounen magazine? The bulk of the readership of such magazines is children and as such is renewed every 5~10 years. That is why so many mangas are formulaic and derivative, plots are recycled and tropes that should have been long dead are still in use. Every couple of years, they have a completely new readership for which everything is fresh and thus there's very little reason to evolve or innovate, they just stick to what they know. Changes come either at a glacial pace or blindingly fast when an unexpected success causes a major outbreak of follow the leader syndrome in authors and publishers.


The lion's share of her audience is still as naive, you however are not.




Why so serious?


**********TOLD YOU SO***********


anyway, kids of today aren't what they used to be; but yes, it seems more of the second reason than the first one.

Its just thet she didn't grow with the audience. i mean if you objectively look at karin, it isn't that great either. it was VERY fun, but come on- a story about a special snowflake teenager torn between two worlds and isn't really fitting in with either one? yuna's problem is that the audience isn't as naive and simple as it used to be, and this is why we don't give her work much of a chance anymore. Pity really.

You are aware that she's published in a shounen magazine? The bulk of the readership of such magazines is children and as such is renewed every 5~10 years. That is why so many mangas are formulaic and derivative, plots are recycled and tropes that should have been long dead are still in use. Every couple of years, they have a completely new readership for which everything is fresh and thus there's very little reason to evolve or innovate, they just stick to what they know. Changes come either at a glacial pace or blindingly fast when an unexpected success causes a major outbreak of follow the leader syndrome in authors and publishers.


The lion's share of her audience is still as naive, you however are not.

There are definitely signs that Kagesaki has been flailing about in recent years, trying find some good formula again.  She did well with Karin, almost in spite of herself (to read her own comments about it in the omake sections).  Hekikai no AiON was okay, she had a bit of a kinky following with O-nii-chan Control, but failed with Tamanyan.  And it looks like this series will wind up even shorter than that one.


2001 - Sakura no Ichiban - 5 volumes

2003 - Karin - 14 volumes

2008 - Hekikai no AiON - 11 volumes

2009 - O-nii-chan Control - 5 volumes

2010 - Kyoumen no Silhouette - 4 volumes

2013 - Tamanyan - 3 volumes

2014 - Sora x Lila - 2 volumes (probable)


Its just thet she didn't grow with the audience. i mean if you objectively look at Karin, it isn't that great either. it was VERY fun, but come on- a story about a special snowflake teenager torn between two worlds and isn't really fitting in with either one? Yuna's problem is that the audience isn't as naive and simple as it used to be, and this is why we don't give her work much of a chance anymore. Pity really.


Edit: than again, perhaps I'm just too optimistic. Perhaps it is yuna who is getting tired quickly of her own works and hurries to try new directions without giving proper closure to the old ones.

...but i really hope it isn't so. I need another Karin.

There are definitely signs that Kagesaki has been flailing about in recent years, trying find some good formula again.  She did well with Karin, almost in spite of herself (to read her own comments about it in the omake sections).  Hekikai no AiON was okay, she had a bit of a kinky following with O-nii-chan Control, but failed with Tamanyan.  And it looks like this series will wind up even shorter than that one.

How long before she goes back to doing some sort of Karin spin-off just like Tohru Fujisawa and Yukito Kishiro ?


Place your bets sirs.

There are definitely signs that Kagesaki has been flailing about in recent years, trying find some good formula again.  She did well with Karin, almost in spite of herself (to read her own comments about it in the omake sections).  Hekikai no AiON was okay, she had a bit of a kinky following with O-nii-chan Control, but failed with Tamanyan.  And it looks like this series will wind up even shorter than that one.


2001 - Sakura no Ichiban - 5 volumes

2003 - Karin - 14 volumes

2008 - Hekikai no AiON - 11 volumes

2009 - O-nii-chan Control - 5 volumes

2010 - Kyoumen no Silhouette - 4 volumes

2013 - Tamanyan - 3 volumes

2014 - Sora x Lila - 2 volumes (probable)

Thats actually normal in the entertainment industry.


"No one is doing X right now, so if we do it we'll be edgy and cool!"


That said, this is pretty terrible. The premise itself is fine, but the writing is just awful. We don't need entire pages where Sora or Shou are rambling to themselves the whole time. Yes, they're nervous, confused and scared but its still a story. Have them shut up and move on.

yes, because after 4 chapters, we urgently need to move on because..... the gods of readership requires entertainment from their puppets. dance for us puppets, dance.

inb4 it turns out the aliens don't use sex for reproduction.

You know, it only struck me in chapter 3 that Sora traded down in almost every way, since Lila comes up short in all categories when compared to Sora, aside from being alive and having longer 'hair.' Well, at least Sora seems perfectly okay with being NTRed by Lila, though she doesn't know about the Shou's love for her.


And is it just me or does it seem like the twin tail girl likes Shou? And just how dumb was Sora? She's the naive one, not Shou. The girl is/was an A-grade idiot.


of course, because it cold reality and truth facts, she is already dead,

what she is right now, her current existence is just a copy, a bodyless existence copy, a soul copy to be exact, because the real soul from the real body has already moved on (or not if the author decided to use this as plot in latter chapters),


imo these whole stories is just askin to be axe if the author didnt get his/her shit together soon, 

You know, it only struck me in chapter 3 that Sora traded down in almost every way, since Lila comes up short in all categories when compared to Sora, aside from being alive and having longer 'hair.' Well, at least Sora seems perfectly okay with being NTRed by Lila, though she doesn't know about the Shou's love for her.


And is it just me or does it seem like the twin tail girl likes Shou? And just how dumb was Sora? She's the naive one, not Shou. The girl is/was an A-grade idiot.

Ladies and gentlemen, the creative process of Kagesaki Yuna.

Thats actually normal in the entertainment industry.


"No one is doing X right now, so if we do it we'll be edgy and cool!"


That said, this is pretty terrible. The premise itself is fine, but the writing is just awful. We don't need entire pages where Sora or Shou are rambling to themselves the whole time. Yes, they're nervous, confused and scared but its still a story. Have them shut up and move on.

This is so funny and seems a little similar to birdy especially ch. 3

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