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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.71 - 160votes)

Bird Café!

Alt Names: alt とりきっさ!alt Bird Cafe!alt Torikissa!alt Wilcome
Author: Nobuyoshi Samurai
Artist: Nobuyoshi Samurai
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaAward Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyCooking CookingFantasy FantasySeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Wilcome, wilcome!

This is a 4-koma about a cafe run by two avian sisters. Originally a oneshot, before winning a newbie contest and being awarded a serialization.
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I guess Hirokazu is already qualified to become a Disney Princess since he can gather birds mmm...

my god, casual rin-chan is amazing.

Many thanks. I was suffering from Suzu deprivation. 

We all were. Suzu is the key to world peace

Many thanks. I was suffering from Suzu deprivation. 

Birdmen and bird cafe in one day! :D

goddamit, this has more that one year and I just found it, loving it 

am I the only that read "muscle bushtits" as muscle bullshits xDD


also, this manga is one of the loveliest I have read, it gave me the Ciel Scans feels of manga xD

As far as I know, they don't eat sap.


they eat, but not all type of tree sap, only some of it ...

if the tree produce "bad sap" they will aim only for bug)

also Woodpecker usually eat almost dried sap which inside soft wood ...

(which makes them looks like eating the wood, but they aim for sap instead)


it hard to be seen since the sap usually stick at small fragment of wood or covering insect and worm too ...

of course if the sap is bad but have insect in it, the bird won't eat it (usually the bird will take it out from beak if it dislike the sap taste)


Note I :

several plant and tree have SWEET sap, either before being boiled or just as raw as it is ...

(for human licking the raw one is not suggested since it can give stomachache and digestion problem)

also bird isn't always hunt sweet one, sometimes they seek another type of sap which NOT sweet ...


Note II:

if you have bird as pet and tried to give new odorless food to it (usually seed), the bird usually will "taste" it first, and might spit it or don't want to eat more if it dislike the food ...

(it's not absolute tough, since there might be "adjustment period" with their new food, in my neighbor case, it takes almost a week before the bird eating the new food, at that time, he still give the old food, so the bird won't starve)

some bird have odd habit tough (like taking out seeds from their feeding box, drop it at floor or leaf first before eating it)

(I know this since my neighbor have 4 birds as pet)


I, myself don't really fans for taking bird as pet ...

(I still accept loli bird and loli harpies if they available ... =3= )


Real Live Trivia ...

Woodpecker don't eat wood ...

what they eat is tree sap, worm and insect INSIDE wood ...

(they also eat several type of fruit and seed too)

another thing about pecking / drumming ...

they use it to mark their territory or attract their mates ...

As far as I know, they don't eat sap.


another Real Live Trivia ...

other type of bird won't pecking / drumming wood ...

(because usually their beak is weaker, and they don't have much interest in it)

some bird can use their beak in weird way tough ... like kiwi bird ...

it use sharp sense to detect worm and insect underground or at small hole in several place ...

and use it long beak to catch it ...


Real Live Trivia ...

Woodpecker don't eat wood ...

what they eat is tree sap, worm and insect INSIDE wood ...

(they also eat several type of fruit and seed too)

another thing about pecking / drumming ...

they use it to mark their territory or attract their mates ...

I'm guilty of that one.


On another note, nice and warm chapter. I don't know how I found this mango but... Thank you, me of the past!


Real Live Trivia ...

Woodpecker don't eat wood ...

what they eat is tree sap, worm and insect INSIDE wood ...

(they also eat several type of fruit and seed too)

another thing about pecking / drumming ...

they use it to mark their territory or attract their mates ...

Ugh my heart, Suzu-chan is too cute.



Birds eat other unfertilized (and sometimes fertilized) bird eggs all the time. It's really not all that uncommon.


It's more like eating your period mmm...



Damn Rin-chan does not hold back.Even I felt a little sorry for them..

I assume the eggs are unfertilized and the yoke provides nutrients to baby birds in the egg anyways so it's fine.


Talking about eggs:




Being more serious: trying to go to a cafe by effectively following dirt paths and climbing mountains and then a tree? The managers must be a little off... or shady?  I'd like to have a bit of a backstory, though I guess that will probably never happen :/  Course, if the managers are off, then that must make Hiro the closest thing to insane in this manga.


I wonder if this RAW comes out weekly or monthly ...

A commenter in the 4th page of comments says it runs monthly in Comic Ryu

I assume the eggs are unfertilized and the yoke provides nutrients to baby birds in the egg anyways so it's fine.

Yeah, you’re right actually!

I was a bit creeped out =)

All those muscle-birds, though...

More sweet than funny this time but that's cool too.


I wonder if this RAW comes out weekly or monthly ...



farmer usually will check if the egg get fertilized or not ...

they will hatch the chicken so they can sell the meat latter ...

(Hen will be kept for eggs while rooster will sold for meat)


I assume the eggs are unfertilized and the yoke provides nutrients to baby birds in the egg anyways so it's fine.


The three idiots at the end...still holding together. XD

Well if this manga doesn't brighten your day then consider all hope lost.

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