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* * * * * (4.53 - 519votes)

World Customize Creator

Alt Names: alt ワールド・カスタマイズ・クリエーター
Author: Hero Tennki
Artist: Hijikata Yuu
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyDrama DramaFantasy FantasyMartial Arts Martial ArtsSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Tagami Yusuke, led by a mysterious voice, is summoned to another world, "Caltsio". He was just a young video game lover, but Fate decided to make him become the "Evil God of Calamity" of this world, obtaining the ability to create and customize everything, [Customize Creation].

obs: This a rough (edited) translation of the synopsis.
web-raws: http://www.alphapolis.co.jp/manga/viewOpening/842000050/

Adaptation of the web/light novel series.
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I hate how chapters always feel like they end abruptly, as if they're cut short with a missing page or two. Could have at least put a little note at the bottom like most other manga that say <つづく> which means <to be continued>. It's like trying to write a paragraph without full stops.



[_] Denial: Lies!

[_] Snarky: Just like everyone else :^)

[_] Skeptic: Proof, or I call BS.

[X] All of the above

Oops wrong quote, well thats how the LN works anyway.

I hate how chapters always feel like they end abruptly, as if they're cut short with a missing page or two. Could have at least put a little note at the bottom like most other manga that say <つづく> which means <to be continued>. It's like trying to write a paragraph without full stops.



[_] Denial: Lies!

[_] Snarky: Just like everyone else :^)

[_] Skeptic: Proof, or I call BS.

[X] All of the above

Calling BS TOO!

I hate how chapters always feel like they end abruptly, as if they're cut short with a missing page or two. Could have at least put a little note at the bottom like most other manga that say <つづく> which means <to be continued>. It's like trying to write a paragraph without full stops.




[_] Denial: Lies!

[_] Snarky: Just like everyone else :^)

[_] Skeptic: Proof, or I call BS.

[X] All of the above

While Sun is cute, I'd have to say that I would have to throw my lot in with Ifoca.


is she gonna die?
We'll all see a real evil dark god if that so happens. lol

Come on nobody die among mc surrounding, and even at the end mc is going at his pace. If i remeber wn end at around +100ish chapters if memory don t fail me


Really? What chapter of the novel? I can't find any info pertaining to that outcome.

While Sun is cute, I'd have to say that I would have to throw my lot in with Ifoca.

My thought:




Do you have any proof for that? Because I really don't see any other contender for her position. 

Sun must be protected.





In one of the 80ish + chapter of the wn mc ans sun went awol while going to visit old man at the village. What happen during the few hours was never said... and story just kept going after that so yeah ship is not just sailing but flying

I must be the only one who likes Volet more than Sun. Oh well, that ship will never sail unfortunately... the OTP is strong in this one

Read it in one go, arts isn't really good but story kinda interesting.

At least Isekai LN where MC skill isn't steal other people skill.

or pantsu, if you know what I mean...

Read it in one go, arts isn't really good but story kinda interesting.

At least Isekai LN where MC skill isn't steal other people skill.


MC should marry Sun already. Everyone knows she wants the Black God D.

I like funny sight angles. Not so familiar with text composition, though.


P.S. looks like this image not going to appear. Anyway that lower-right panel of page 2 still entertains me. If he could do this thing to the other people, he would be feared among the lands.

that whole conversation with ifoca. i hope it's not some foreshadowing of his future transformation into an actual evil god. so far nothing real bad has happened to anyone he's close with. what if something bad happens to sun? the rage will be glorious. he could basically topple whole cities upside down.

My thought:


Wait, a MC that knows his tropes enough to actually PUSH the matter when someone say "it's probably just my imagination." ? Well played there.

Honestly, the romance between brotag and Sun make the manga for me. 

That look on Sun's face that says she likes the head pat though its not what she wants. Nice work from the artist. 

that whole conversation with ifoca. i hope it's not some foreshadowing of his future transformation into an actual evil god. so far nothing real bad has happened to anyone he's close with. what if something bad happens to sun? the rage will be glorious. he could basically topple whole cities upside down.

For some reason I'm extremely annoyed by the main character not sexing up his (basically) wife in this series. It usually doesn't bother me, but in this series they need to be smushed together like a barbie and ken doll.

"Dammit woman, your job as a spy is to provide us with the information we want to hear, not the actual truth!"

Now the problem with this is, this is actually truth in manga. This kind of stuff happens on the regular and not just for espionage for that matter. Especially if any other conclusion is very unpleasent or a problem.


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