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* * * * * (4.65 - 75votes)

Binetsu Kuukan

Alt Names: alt 微熱空間alt Feverish Atmosphere
Author: Aoki Ume
Artist: Aoki Ume
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaJosei JoseiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Akasegawa Naoya's mother remarried recently and he suddenly finds himself trying to get along with his new big sister Amane, a student of the prestigious Kasugano Girls' School. But his new big sister isn't like what you might first expect.

(Serialized in "Rakuen Le Paradis", an anthology that comes out three times a year.)
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I'd love to say that it's just unrealistic, but so are high school students with no personality or hobbies or sex drive so...

shouldn't have judge everything from realistic view, sir.

so what about magic? is it unrealistic too?


I hope yuri win, but i guess it very unlikely happen.

the... end?

You say that like it's a bad thing.


I'd love to say that it's just unrealistic, but so are high school students with no personality or hobbies or sex drive so...

From the other stories out of the magazine (14-sai no Kai, for one) I'd put their focus solidly on romance, albeit more nuanced than the type that the Romance label brings to mind. So, yeah. Josei rather than shoujo.

While I don't doubt the demographic, in terms of style it's not shoujo that this feels like to me.  It's more like certain shounen or young-ish seinen.  The art style is shounen-ish, the MC is a guy, and the tone feels more like one of those rare nice, non-harem, low-filler shounen romances than it does like a typical josei.

It's a weird josei.  Although I must admit that overall, while josei used to have a very, um, unified style and approach (OLs falling for power corporate guys with that small-eyes we're-so-adult art style), lately they seem more variable so it isn't as weird as it would have been ten years ago.

Ah, well.  Whatever demographic it was aimed at, and whether that was a sound decision on the aimers' part or not, it's cute.

Yuri is in everything nowadays, impossible to avoid it

my problem that there isn't enough yurism in the world and didnt expect it here

Yuri is in everything nowadays, impossible to avoid it

You say that like it's a bad thing.

Shoujo ai? Seems pretty serious. Wasn't expecting that one

Yuri is in everything nowadays, impossible to avoid it

Shoujo ai? Seems pretty serious. Wasn't expecting that one

 I still find it funny how "Pupa", which contains rather graphic cannibalism (vore even?), is considered Shounen. 

Then there's the old shounen standbys, Fist of the North Star, Yotsuba&! (why is this scanlated in English when it's licensed + in print?), and Kekko Kamen (serialized in Monthly Shounen Jump even!)  

Yeah. It would take a really weird editor to publish this in a josei mag.
Maybe this "Rakuen le Paradis" mentioned in the description, being an occasional anthology, doesn't quite fit into the genres.

From the other stories out of the magazine (14-sai no Kai, for one) I'd put their focus solidly on romance, albeit more nuanced than the type that the Romance label brings to mind. So, yeah. Josei rather than shoujo. Things progress, not smoothly, but the complications won't be completely cliché.

Bring on the cute. With an insulin chaser and a Kleenex or two.


Give him points for having the tact not to say what he thinks and enough skill to mask his emotions.  Was kinda mean that the parents sorta "lied" to them.

How many times do people have to repeat this ... Josei is NOT a genre it is a DEMOGRAPHIC!!!! They are not the same!

Isn't that exactly what they are talking about though, them being surprised that this is published in a josei magazine? There being a demographic which this is made for most likely influences it even more than the genres do. So if this manga is dissimilar to what older women more often than not "like", then it would be surprising to see it being published in a magazine aimed at that demographic. (I really dislike talking about people's preferences based on gender, so that is why I put like within quotation.) Simply put, "Oyasuma punpun" was probably not made for 10 year olds, and thus people would probably be surprised if it was published in Shounen Jump. This manga seems to be a similar case, though I do not now as I have yet to read it.

I should also mention that thanks to the fact that Shounen, shoujo and those things are defined by the magazine they are published in (not directly by the demographic they are aimed at) you get some strange things now and again. I still find it funny how "Pupa", which contains rather graphic cannibalism (vore even?), is considered Shounen.

PS. I am tired and writing this on my phone, so sorry for any mistakes.

Yeah.  It would take a really weird editor to publish this in a josei mag.

Maybe this "Rakuen le Paradis" mentioned in the description, being an occasional anthology, doesn't quite fit into the genres.


How many times do people have to repeat this ... Josei is NOT a genre it is a DEMOGRAPHIC!!!! They are not the same!

also if this is josei I will eat my socks

Yeah.  It would take a really weird editor to publish this in a josei mag.

Maybe this "Rakuen le Paradis" mentioned in the description, being an occasional anthology, doesn't quite fit into the genres.

also if this is josei I will eat my socks

I really don't want this to go the incest route and stay cute but the Romance tag and the way this is going doesn't really make me feel comfortable...


God this is so cute and funny.


And by Aoki Ume too! (Hidamari sketch)


Instantly followed.

I, on the other hand, am a fan of that scenario (well, more if the impasse gets broken and the person goes for it).  And it is definitely adorable, at least in this new chapter.  Now I'm sad that ship will never sail . . .


Oh, I should've clarified that I guess. I'm fine with it too.. IF it goes somewhere. But it's almost definitely NOT going anywhere here. That part makes me not like it.

Personally I don't mind if it goes the 'incest' route, they aren't blood related.

I really don't want this to go the incest route and stay cute but the Romance tag and the way this is going doesn't really make me feel comfortable...

Umetentei throwing in yuri. No big surprise there. Although I'm not really a fan of the whole "I'm in love with my best friend but can't do anything because we're both girls" situation. Still adorable.

I, on the other hand, am a fan of that scenario (well, more if the impasse gets broken and the person goes for it).  And it is definitely adorable, at least in this new chapter.  Now I'm sad that ship will never sail . . .

Fucking finally! An update!

Dunno where this manga is going but i want more ><

Man.  She is so totally masking an attraction to this guy by acting the way she does.  So cute.

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