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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.19 - 315votes)


Alt Names: alt いぬやしきalt อินุยาชิกิalt 犬屋敷alt 犬舍alt Last Hero Inuyashikialt اینو یاشیکی
Author: Oku Hiroya
Artist: Oku Hiroya
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMecha MechaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Inuyashiki has a family, a wife and two kids, none of whom care about him. When he learns that he has only three months to live he realizes that the only one who will miss him is his dog. Shortly after this realization he is killed in a crash landing by aliens. He is rebuilt by them as a machine with a human exterior. How will his life change now that he isn't human?
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Author must be pretty tired of drawing this manga


I mean once he defeated the psychopath kid there was nothing left to really do.

if an asteroid was coming from the direction of the sun, it would be impossible to spot until it was too late.  the given scenario is very plausible.

No, it’s not plausible. Thanks for demonstrating though that you know about as little about the topic as the author does. Asteroids don’t just randomly pop up. They’ve been in our solar system for millennia or even longer when they hurtle towards Earth. In other words, we’ve had decades upon decades to look around and catalog the asteroids around us and as far as ones with a diameter of >1km are concerned we have pretty much tracked all of them down already (source) and right now we are even in the process of doing so for all of them that are even just >140m.

Put differently: There’s no fucking way an asteroid large enough to wipe out human civilization SUDDENLY, without us knowing about it, approaching Earth from the direction of the Sun (what did you even mean by that???). In fact, this is what the manga tells us. According to InuyashikiTrump the approach of this asteroid has been known for years as even Obama knew about it already. So what makes this implausible is that within that timeframe THE ENTIRETY OF MANKIND, as InuyashikiTrump points out, failed to prevent that asteroid from hitting us. And that is just preposterous. There are so many ways to accomplish it, all solidly based on known physics, and all well within our technological capabilities, that it would take an incredible amount of incompetence to screw up this comparatively simple task.

As for your comment on the president’s powers, InuyashikiTrump is not legally declaring murder legal, he’s just pointing out that since he revealed the incoming apocalypse it might as well be because people will not care about jail anymore.

You're terrible, try to do something better you little shit.

Why insult him for pointing out a fact? Their translations are below average, the typesetting is ugly and the cleaning mediocre. I know that leechers such as yourself are still glad that you don’t need to learn moonspeak to read the latest chapter and thus get easily offended if your beloved scanlators are criticized but try to look at this objectively. These are almost speedscanner levels of bad.

This is coming from someone who’s worked with decent groups before (Deadbeat-Scans on Peace Maker as well as Illuminati-Manga on Wolf Guy - Ookami no Monshou). So I know what quality looks like.
Is asteroid-san truck-kun's older brother?

What an unbelievable scenario. The mangaka apparently does not know the first thing about asteroids.

if an asteroid was coming from the direction of the sun, it would be impossible to spot until it was too late.  the given scenario is very plausible.


what the author really doesnt understand is the US.  the president cannot write or repeal laws - he's not a king, no matter how much that dipshit fascist dictator wishes he was.  writing and repealing laws is the job of congress.


That's what Russian hookers are for.

The comment section is GOLDEN today today!! (Get it?>;3)

Some people getting Triggered...

As for me I welcome our new Overlord "Comet-Chan" -__- may we all go to bits and peaces. 

Author must be pretty tired of drawing this manga

The story just took a major nose dive. Idk if I'm going to keep reading if this keeps up. :l

I forgot about this manga a while back and marathoned all the chapters I missed...  The only thing I can say is wow, I think I just lost some brain cells without the aid of alcohol...  The writing is sub-sh*t!  It's when sh*t took a sh*t!  GAH!

The real WTF
This manga has nothing to save it

What an unbelievable scenario. The mangaka apparently does not know the first thing about asteroids.

He should just hire someone else to write the story while he draws the manga.

Interesting chapter today.
So we might have similar ending of Saikano in this manga? The old man will sacrifice himself to save the world and above all, his family....  Why? he still love his family so much and he do anything to save them.

You should ask how?
I don't think that he have enough firepower to hit asteroid.

Sad how it is actually kind of accurate regarding the Radioactive Carrot's attitude

 Why imitate One punch man? That's so dumb.


Dafuq? The asteroid trope is old as dirt. OPM certainly didn't come up with it.

 Why imitate One punch man? That's so dumb. There is no way, a big asteroid would come that close unnoticed.

Actually, it could. The sky is huge and asteroids are tiny specks by comparison. NASA estimated that we only know about 10% of the asteroids in our solar system. There's a chance we would get hit by one without ever knowing it was coming. It's only in movies that people always see it coming because the point of the movie is how everyone reacts.

 Why imitate One punch man? That's so dumb. There is no way, a big fat giant head would come that close unnoticed.


Well first of spoilers. Second they said "Did everything they could to stop it" So it's not a matter of not nothing it. As it is a matter of "WE CAN'T DO SHIT TO STOP IT!"

 Why imitate One punch man? That's so dumb. There is no way, a big asteroid would come that close unnoticed.


Interesting chapter today.


So we might have similar ending of Saikano in this manga? The old man will sacrifice himself to save the world and above all, his family....  Why? he still love his family so much and he do anything to save them.  Kinda Saikano deja vu no?

Trump would never call for anarchy.   This is a comic, but the author is making a very nasty political statement that shows he doesn't understand Mr. Trump.    Makes me sick. 





Oh my god, that shit at the end had me laughing so hard.


I wonder if the mangaka saw Trump got elected and was like "FUCK IT, WE IN IT NOW YOU FUCKING MOTHERFUCKERS, TIME FOR SHIT TO GO SIDEWAYS"

any group other than Xpunkcion doing this?

these guys are terrible

You're terrible, try to do something better you little shit.

This edge is like falling into a well full of razor blades and Tabasco.

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