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* * * * - (4.19 - 315votes)


Alt Names: alt いぬやしきalt อินุยาชิกิalt 犬屋敷alt 犬舍alt Last Hero Inuyashikialt اینو یاشیکی
Author: Oku Hiroya
Artist: Oku Hiroya
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMecha MechaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Inuyashiki has a family, a wife and two kids, none of whom care about him. When he learns that he has only three months to live he realizes that the only one who will miss him is his dog. Shortly after this realization he is killed in a crash landing by aliens. He is rebuilt by them as a machine with a human exterior. How will his life change now that he isn't human?
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Well, it's time to insert some plot from Armageddon

I know that Oku did hentai before, but did he have to relive in in this chapter? Could've done with a tad less nudity.

I bet the author is trying to find a way to make the bad dude become the good dude, like stopping human extinction.

yea but it will probably cause his death, the bad dude will probably self destruct to destroy the rock after they did their best together to destroy it and it failed.


i hope it's something else though since it's so cliché it is actually physically painful.

Calling it now:




Calling it now:



Oku, the fuck are you doing, my guy? I take it the manga will end with old guy and shishigami pulling a sonic and shadow and using chaos control to defeat the comet while playing life and learn?
I bet the author is trying to find a way to make the bad dude become the good dude, like stopping human extinction.
Trump just made the purge real.


At the start of the news conference I was like "man, this president is way too sane, he just slotted Trump into the generic president role in a disaster manga and -- whooops, nope, there we go, that's 100% Trump."

Lets see who's stronger between this old man and Genos against the asteroid :)

Well... maybe both? One does feel compelled to question who the mangaka thinks his audience is. It's very common that the view of another country's political mechanics and public figures becomes highly distorted across borders, so it's hardly surprising that someone from Japan would picture him like this; likewise, these theatrics probably fly better with a Japanese reader base. (Though, having read Cheeto King's Twitter, I'd say that this is not altogether detached from how he communicates...)


That said, you'd think a mangaka with an established publisher would do a bit of research. And he didn't. Which leads me to believe that author-sensei values ham-fisted spectacle over good storytelling and expects his audience to do the same. This is the guy who claimed to be the inventor of that "tits getting blurry as they bounce up and down" thing you see sometimes. I do feel like his storytelling used to be better, though. Guess he ran out of inspiration or decided that this kind of thing is more profitable.


View must be great from your glass house, dude.

Little known tip, to keep windows extra streak free, without having to stock special cleaners, use newspaper to wipe off the windex, though I don't know if it matters with all the people that are bound to rub their butts on a glass house's walls....


Good point about the manga though, a lot of this manga's plot seems to center around what would be cool, and has stopped being believable based on what we know about the characters. Though I wonder if this mysterious asteroid has anything to do with the plot convenient aliens that started this whole Shishigami mess...?

Is asteroid-san truck-kun's older brother?

The oldest, though Lightning-chan is a second cousin, they've been "transporting" people away since before recorded history.

Edit: on second thought, not gonna argue.

NASA  estimates it can only detect about 1 of 4 major size asteroids.   http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/10/30/499751470/nasas-new-intruder-alert-system-spots-an-incoming-asteroid


I was wondering about the distribution of asteroids in the planetary orbital plane versus from "nowhere" so to speak.    Larger asteroids would be mostly from the orbital plane, or close tilts.  See https://arxiv.org/abs/1104.4114


And no Mr. Trump is nowhere close to "sociopathic", but the Clintons and the Obamas obviously are, indeed: criminal sociopaths. 

this author really is the king of 'interesting premise but shit falls flat right in the middle' kind of manga

Trump just made the purge real.

1)  Do you people really read manga to read about realistic things?  Really? 


2)  The orbits of small bodies in the solar system are only meta-stable.  Gravitational things happen out there and collisions do too.  These can and do rarely cause small bodies to change their orbits in a drastic way.  (Same with comets, a bit further out)


3)  This Mangaka has a long history of viewing the general public as sociopathic.  Not surprising that he might think that a fictional version of someone like Trump is a sociopath as well (the jury is still out on whether he is one, in reality).  

This manga spontaneously combusted.


It has been a while it was making laugh because of its ridiculous pace and its exophtalmic characters who look like out of water fishes, but now, it took a turn for the worse.


Author has run out of ideas. He clearly doesn't give a shit anymore.

sorry if I ask this, but is this mangaka retarded?
Or does he simply not know what to do with this manga anymore, so he spontaneously decided to go yolo on us?


Well... maybe both? One does feel compelled to question who the mangaka thinks his audience is. It's very common that the view of another country's political mechanics and public figures becomes highly distorted across borders, so it's hardly surprising that someone from Japan would picture him like this; likewise, these theatrics probably fly better with a Japanese reader base. (Though, having read Cheeto King's Twitter, I'd say that this is not altogether detached from how he communicates...)


That said, you'd think a mangaka with an established publisher would do a bit of research. And he didn't. Which leads me to believe that author-sensei values ham-fisted spectacle over good storytelling and expects his audience to do the same. This is the guy who claimed to be the inventor of that "tits getting blurry as they bounce up and down" thing you see sometimes. I do feel like his storytelling used to be better, though. Guess he ran out of inspiration or decided that this kind of thing is more profitable.


Fucking special little snowflakes, I tell you.

View must be great from your glass house, dude.

That asteroid is probably pregnant, everyone knows that pregnant asteroids land to give birth. They are pretty much like tortoises.

Can I just point out how hilarious it is that one panel of Trump acting in a slightly unrealistic manner was enough to trigger a bunch of people into calling this manga garbage and "make them sick" because manga was their safe space from hearing mean things about real life?


Where the fuck were you when the rest of this manga was also not particularly good? But whoa now, he didn't even make fun of Trump but simply had him go off the deep end for a single panel, that's too fucking far, man.


Fucking special little snowflakes, I tell you.


If you're whining about the asteroid, yeah, that's pretty contrived and dumb.

Is asteroid-san truck-kun's older brother?




sorry if I ask this, but is this mangaka retarded?


Or does he simply not know what to do with this manga anymore, so he spontaneously decided to go yolo on us?

Don't forget to rate this manga 0 before you unfollow.

This is terrible. We just had a tiny healing arc and everything was happy. Now we get more dumbass Trump shit in this when anime and manga is supposed to be a form of escapism. What the fuck oku hiroya

Also muh political pandering 

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