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* * * * * (4.71 - 646votes)

Love is Hard for an Otaku

Alt Names: alt Aşk Bir Otaku İçin Zorduralt 宅男腐女恋爱真难alt ヲタクに恋は難しいalt Cinta itu Sulit untuk Seorang Otakualt L'amour, c'est compliqué pour un Otakualt Wotakoialt WOTAKU NI KOI WA MUZUKASHII
Author: Fujita Hiro
Artist: Fujita Hiro
Genres: Comedy ComedyJosei JoseiRomance RomanceSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A gaming otaku and a fujoshi reunite for the first time since middle school as working adults.
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a pair of adult working otakus with special relationship?... instant follow...

Isn't this the manga that someone asked to not translate on MangaUpdates?


Sorry for raining on everyone's parade, but please check out this thread.


Someone is translating this manga for their Japanese class, and if someone translates this manga into English, then their work goes to naught.

Yea saw that too, what was the (troll? not troll?) thinking? If it's real work, he should have been doing other low key untranslated work. Asking the Internet not to do something, that's like, a recipe for disaster, man...

so they'r a couple now??

Isn't this the manga that someone asked to not translate on MangaUpdates?


Sorry for raining on everyone's parade, but please check out this thread.


Someone is translating this manga for their Japanese class, and if someone translates this manga into English, then their work goes to naught.

Moe asf

Ohh, I've seen this on Pixiv! Really excited to read this :D


Handsome otaku and hot fujoshi... yeah right.


I think this might be the template for my new relationship goals.

Hmm. Do I need to level up my otakuness to get all the references?

oh my gosh, this is sooo nice

Soo... what's their relationship?!

It's complicated.

Aren't all relationships like that XD

i freaking love this. glad that i accidentally stumbled upon this manga.

this better remain a comedic vanilla as it is right now because it's really funny!!

Soo... what's their relationship?!

It's complicated.

Was wondering when someone would pick this up. It's a very endearing read.

Love the mangaka's comment next to the page count.

Soo... what's their relationship?!

i love this manga


Sooo.. Are they in a romantic relationship now?

hmm... I smell a sweet fragrance

I like this one. It's funny and cute.

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