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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.51 - 229votes)

Kin no Kanojo, Gin no Kanojo

Alt Names: alt 金の彼女 銀の彼女alt 金银彼女alt Golden Girlfriend & Silver Girlfriend
Author: Akai Maruboro
Artist: Akai Maruboro
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The romantic comedy depicts a hapless protagonist and his beautiful love interest - The plot starts when the girl he likes fell into a lake and then appears the "Lady Of The Lake", who asks, "Did you lose your golden girlfriend or your silver girlfriend?" This leads the original to be split into two girls: the "Golden Girlfriend" is the graceful and ladylike type, while the "Silver Girlfriend" is the mischievous, foulmouthed, and straightforward type.
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He only has one skirt in his hand.  Who's walking home in panties?

...unless he's going to take off his...

this is really hilarious!!!! cant wait for next chapter~

Of course. Honesty is rewarded. That's how the legend goes, only it was an axe in the Honest Woodcutter's case and involved the God Hermes and by being honest, Hermes gave him both axes in addition to the original. If he had chosen one or the other and things stayed true to the story...the goddess probably would have kept all the girls such as happened with the woodcutter's greedy and jealous neighbor when he lied and tried claiming the gold axe from Hermes.

That's the original legend right? Damn, I thought the real legend had something to do with a japanese goddess instead of Hermes, mostly because I've only read and seen variations of that legend with a female as the giver. Oh well, the more you learn I guess. Thanks for sharing.

Also, am I the only one who prefers Ayanomine's angry screaming face over her serene royal smiley face? Scream it to the heavens and testify sister!! Hallelujah!!!

Strange. After reading this the only thing that come into my head is "YES!!!"

Didn't I see this somewhere *cough* fakku *cough* before? '-'

Kick ass a new chapte- ah damn.

the spirit was like "so do your best teehee~"



Somehow ... I get feeling she is trolling him ... *x* ...

Ctrl + D, Done!!!!


Really, that goddess likes saying, "I'd like to see some interesting development from these. Hohohoho....."

gonna follow it :3

the spirit was like "so do your best teehee~"


I love it

Oh Japan...How I love your spin on things

look at the bright side, instead of one you got double paizuri right? ^^

That original girl wish for a wings.... Pterodactyl wings....

You can't exchange that kind of girl with anything, Dammit !

That's right! You didn't drop either of those twins in the lake! Give him back his boke! He just can't achieve the same level of tsukkomi without her!

Page 13... lost it there...

LOL!!! I'm going to miss her as well, without her there will be less epic tsukkomis



Why hello.




and the silver girl says hello to his class.

I don't know how I followed this manga, but I'm glad whoever did this :D

So the answer is to choose neither of them.


Of course. Honesty is rewarded. That's how the legend goes, only it was an axe in the Honest Woodcutter's case and involved the God Hermes and by being honest, Hermes gave him both axes in addition to the original. If he had chosen one or the other and things stayed true to the story...the goddess probably would have kept all the girls such as happened with the woodcutter's greedy and jealous neighbor when he lied and tried claiming the gold axe from Hermes.

That's right! You didn't drop either of those twins in the lake! Give him back his boke! He just can't achieve the same level of tsukkomi without her!

So the answer is to choose neither of them.

wait, what happen to the normal one ? isn't it suppose to give him the gold, silver, and the normal one right ?

normal one got split. First part of her that hated her life and wanted to go wild, second part will be like angel or something.

Talk about a win-win situation.

wait, what happen to the normal one ? isn't it suppose to give him the gold, silver, and the normal one right ?

Aye, I do think that's how the original story went, the gold, silver and iron axe. Maybe in this one, the goddess split the normal one in two?

wait, what happen to the normal one ? isn't it suppose to give him the gold, silver, and the normal one right ?

A lake that turns things into gold and silver asking you which you threw and said neither and you get rewarded with both?

*goes to buy a ton of bricks*

PS, the title of this manga is kinda redundant since the pages are black+white and the only thing seperates them is the headband.
Just pointing that out =3=

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