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Fukushuu Kyoushitsu

Alt Names: alt 复仇教室alt 復讐教室alt Revenge Classroom
Author: Yamazaki Karasu
Artist: Kaname Ryu
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Fujisawa Ayana was horribly bullied at school. At first, she tried to defend herself, but she soon learned to just stay quiet and wait for the pain to end. However, the bullying escalated one day, when someone pushed her into traffic. At the hospital, as she recovered, she suddenly realized that even if she didn't fight back, her classmates were probably going to eventually kill her.

From this realization, she soon decided that the only path left was for her to take revenge. Her new plan included the students who bullied her, those who stood aside and laughed, and those who did nothing to make it stop. She began gathering notes on her classmates, planning exactly what she could do to make each of their lives collapse. While some of the students really seemed to deserve their fate, her plan also included classmates that she used to count as close friends...
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Huh, this week's revenge feels a little tame compared to the previous two.

One potential problem with blackmailing someone so blatantly is that her pawn now knows WHO she is and how manipulative she is and may plot his own revenge against her in the future.


Ayana might have done better to remain unknown to him, i.e., sending him an anonymous e-mail or other type of message with copies of the incriminating evidence and coercing him into obeying her without letting him know who she is.


i thought that too. this is the most stupid thing criminals can ever do.

what im thinking is she will deal with him in such a way that he wont be able to retaliate for some reason. maybe because no matter what he tries, it'll backlash and affect them both, or because he is being blackmailed or threatened, kinda like raising a white flag with "dont mess with me and i wont mess with you, but if you dare turn your back on me, you'll go down".

One potential problem with blackmailing someone so blatantly is that her pawn now knows WHO she is and how manipulative she is and may plot his own revenge against her in the future.


Ayana might have done better to remain unknown to him, i.e., sending him an anonymous e-mail or other type of message with copies of the incriminating evidence and coercing him into obeying her without letting him know who she is.


Perhaps. Although I'm hopeful this is one of those "the villain wins" stories, and so Yoshinaga will probably face revenge very soon and have no time to make a move.


Still, right now Yoshinaga would have trouble framing Ayana, and not only because of the blackmail. He knows too little. Most likely, all she told him was to bump into Nomura. He may be suspicious, but it will be kinda hard to connect the dots (he will need to suspect Nomura and even if he does, he has no way of knowing how she got rid of Mineshima during the Science class).


The real threat to Ayana is Nomura, but I suspect right now she rather admires her.

As for her new pawn, I wonder which category Yoshinaga belongs to and what the backstory with the sister is. Of course, he can go down with the others for all I care.


One potential problem with blackmailing someone so blatantly is that her pawn now knows WHO she is and how manipulative she is and may plot his own revenge against her in the future.


Ayana might have done better to remain unknown to him, i.e., sending him an anonymous e-mail or other type of message with copies of the incriminating evidence and coercing him into obeying her without letting him know who she is.

And now the 3rd guy falls. This one was a real scumbag but clearly it was small fry. The one plothole I find here is that if everybody knows he spreads rumors, how come they believe on him? Then again considering how bullies and kids are now, it isn't that unrealistic that they are prone to irrational bursts. At the very least Ayana made a new henchman through blackmail, and this one is another scumbag but a fairly weak-minded guy, which is the perfect pawn.


To be honest, I don't think the other students buy his false rumours on face value. They probably just choose to believe what is convenient to support their own views and prejudices: Shibuya probably just felt that Mineshima's "accusation" of Ayana was a perfect excuse to bully Ayana by ordering her to fetch the ink. She couldn't care less whether the rumours are true. And of course, that's how gossip-mongers operate in real life, they have an acute sense of what people want to hear.


Too bad that Ayana had been counting on that.


I like the plot structure, alternating bullies, inciters and onlookers as victims. The next pair seem to be real bullies, so the next revenge is going to be particularly satisfying. But the monster inside me really wants to see Ayana shatter frail crystals like air-headed, innocent-looking Emi.


As for her new pawn, I wonder which category Yoshinaga belongs to and what the backstory with the sister is. Of course, he can go down with the others for all I care.

And now the 3rd guy falls. This one was a real scumbag but clearly it was small fry. The one plothole I find here is that if everybody knows he spreads rumors, how come they believe on him? Then again considering how bullies and kids are now, it isn't that unrealistic that they are prone to irrational bursts. At the very least Ayana made a new henchman through blackmail, and this one is another scumbag but a fairly weak-minded guy, which is the perfect pawn.


As far as the discussion goes for those "that did nothing", let's be honest here. WHY in the freaking hell, do we have to be so prone to indifference and "neutrality" and "I don't give an F about you" when, we humans live in what is refered as group known as SOCIETY, where the main idea is to HELP each other out, rather than stay away of everybody's businesses because "they aren't ours"?


Seriously, it is this very selfishness that causes a lot of problems with society nowdays. How many thefts could be prevented or stopped, if people were a bit more willing to say catch the guy up? Or how many violent fights could be stopped if instead of taking photos and recording with their cellphones to upload on youtube, they actually tried to stop the fighters? How many people could live after being run by a car, if instead of watching, they gave medical treatment or called ambulance? There are just SO MANY GOOD things that could be done, and SO MANY BAD things that could have been prevented, stopped or mitigated, had people just gave a "little more of a fuck" than they usually do.

Sure the "punishment" Ayana, gives them is quite severe, but not completelly undeserved, in one way or another, they helped this whole situation skyrocket dangerously. The Class Rep was the one and single support Ayana had, why Ayana had to pay the price of her whole family situation? Seriously she could have looked for support the same way Ayana did on her. Now sure emotions bottle and then explode, but what she did to Ayana was unfair and there is no sugarcoating that either.


To be honest indifference is not neutral by any means, seeing how much indifference actually makes the bad things worse and the good things scarce, it becomes a very evil all in itself, so she really isn't that wrong when she wants to punish that indifference.

i just thought of something.

what if she finds contraceptives in one of her mate's purses and replaces them with placebos?


...i'm a monster, i know

A different approach, and a different manga story.


I want to see how Ayana will do then arrive to the friends that were helping her!


Especially Ai!



I just can't believe that someone from the school was probably like: "Let's put all the assholes and all the problematic students in one class, that should be good just like a manga scenario"...

from what I can understand, the 2nd victim - the class rep - did not open herself to others, the way Ayana did when she tried to talk about her problems. If she did, she might have received some help. Instead, she got angry for the responsibilities piled unto her, and taking that anger out on Ayana.

This is true with most people. Some people tend to bottle up their feelings, and after a serious shaking, will blow up like a can of soda. (yeah, weird analogy.)

Revenge is sweet.


I see what you're saying, but Ayana says that she learned about what the Class Rep did for fun back when they were still close. I think that implies that Ayana already knew about the Class Rep's situation (though perhaps not the full extent of it) before Ayana went on a revenge-cruise.


Thus, I point to her act of vengence on the Class Rep as being somewhat hypocritical of her. Sure, the Class Rep didn't helping her (though maybe she did, we do get to see her stop some of the minor bullying, even if she did it in a cold way). But then she should also be aware she didn't help the Class Rep either.


I just want to see the vendetta unfold and how she plots it, and share the evil laughter in the end. For this kind of manga, it suffices to me.

You said it bro.


I like self-acquired justice, But i wish there would be some explanation about where the adults are in all this - the plot needs a stronger backing.


Sharing your parents isn't 'playing dirty'. Telling the teachers isn't wrong. the police isn't just there to protect the rich and powerful. And if the adults ware part of the problem rather than part of the solution, shouldn't revenge reach them as well?



Personally, I can do away with realism there. And while I agree with you (except about the police, but maybe I am just cynical), I think this is more a story of personal revenge than of school bullying. It's standard in this kind of setting just to do away with the adults (check the Adults are Useless trope at TVTropes) and concentrate in how the main character interacts with their peers. In series like DICE, this is taken to extremes, with students doing clearly supernatural, violent things to each other and no adult is anywhere to be seen.


My suspension of disbelief works well with that.


Also being a good parent is pretty much a deathflag if you live in a manga.

you might get away with being loving but iresponsible like an absent parent.

and you might get away with being kind of responsible as being concerned about your childrens academics but indiferent about their emotional wellbeing.

if youre acting both loving and responsible towards youre children youre seriously tempting fate.

and while good teachers do exist in manga teachers that hates or are indiferent towards children and teens are fairly common.

if anything, i'm angry at those monkeys she calls "parents".

from what I can understand, the 2nd victim - the class rep - did not open herself to others, the way Ayana did when she tried to talk about her problems. If she did, she might have received some help. Instead, she got angry for the responsibilities piled unto her, and taking that anger out on Ayana.

This is true with most people. Some people tend to bottle up their feelings, and after a serious shaking, will blow up like a can of soda. (yeah, weird analogy.)

Revenge is sweet.

The thing is that class rep was the only one who could stop that chain of revenges so mc got to burn that bridge so she could take care of everybody.


Also we should take notice that bullying was limited to silent treatment, but after class rep abandoned friendship it escalated.

Personally, I like the similarity of this revenge story's methods to that of "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Dumas.  She isn't actually killing her tormentors, she is instead using Edmund Dante's more elaborate methods of information and evidence gathering to anonymously plan the destruction of their entire life.


Of course, I have always enjoyed Dumas' story of ultimate revenge and seeing it's methods mirrored in this manga have merely increased my enjoyment of this story.


The first victim made sense, the second one less so.

I understand punishing the people who stood by and did nothing, but that logic applies to Ayana as well. The class representative is facing an abusive relationship, of which Ayana did nothing to help. 

from what I can understand, the 2nd victim - the class rep - did not open herself to others, the way Ayana did when she tried to talk about her problems. If she did, she might have received some help. Instead, she got angry for the responsibilities piled unto her, and taking that anger out on Ayana.

This is true with most people. Some people tend to bottle up their feelings, and after a serious shaking, will blow up like a can of soda. (yeah, weird analogy.)

Revenge is sweet.

The first victim made sense, the second one less so.


I understand punishing the people who stood by and did nothing, but that logic applies to Ayana as well. The class representative is facing an abusive relationship, of which Ayana did nothing to help. 

it actually makes sense that she's also targeting the ones who ignored her... as one quotation said... "The only thing necessary for the triumph [of evil] is for good men to do nothing."

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor" is the same thing as "You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem," which is a false dilemma fallacy. seriously, some people just don't fucking care. it doesn't mean they're perpetuating a problem nor are they causing one. just because i am not helping out a victim does not absolutely and necessarily follow that i'm against them. however just know that i'm also not for them.


however one can argue that by ignoring the MC they are being unethical and lack proper morals, but that does not warrant them punishment for not doing.


they are not in the wrong, the MC is, for targeting them


Well, we can invert that, you know. If they feel comfortable at their inaction, then we have to admit that indifference to other people's suffering is no cause for punishment.


However, they are also "other people" to people. So why should anyone care - including us - about what Ayana does to them? In a sense, her punishment is no different from bullying, and her targets just as innocent as she was.


And that is the lesson this kind of society teaches its downtrodden. That their suffering doesn't matter. So, why should other people's suffering matter to them?


Does this mean she is as bad as her bullies? Maybe. But I'd venture to say that at least she has her reasons.


Are the "innocent" targets as innocent as she was? I don't think so, if anything they are guilty of inaction (you said it, they lack proper morals).


So at the very least everyone is a villain, including her. Whether they deserve the punishment is inconsequential, because you have said yourself that no one has an aprioristic reason to care for the others. So if they are entitled to ignore her suffering, we're entitled to ignore theirs at her hands.


So it's okay to bully her, it's okay for her to punish the onlookers and no one has to care about anything.


Just to set the record straight, I'm playing devil's advocate here.


There's a very long philosophical discussion about what constitutes society, and whether every individual shares collective responsibility for the others. But that is a very long and boring discussion and let us avoid it. I am here just For the Evulz.


If they knew about what was happening to her, or even suspected and still did nothing, they are perpetuating the problem. Is her revenge disproportionate? Hell yes. Do those not directly bullying deserve what is coming/has come for them? Of course not. But they are not unrelated to what happened to her.

"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor" is the same thing as "You're either part of the solution or you're part of the problem," which is a false dilemma fallacy. seriously, some people just don't fucking care. it doesn't mean they're perpetuating a problem nor are they causing one. just because i am not helping out a victim does not absolutely and necessarily follow that i'm against them. however just know that i'm also not for them.


however one can argue that by ignoring the MC they are being unethical and lack proper morals, but that does not warrant them punishment for not doing.


they are not in the wrong, the MC is, for targeting them

I'm fine with that, too. Even if she is a selfish bitch as you say (and I'm not agreeing), the others are just as bad or worse. Villain on villains.


I just want to see the vendetta unfold and how she plots it, and share the evil laughter in the end. For this kind of manga, it suffices to me.


I really don't need a moral discussion in every manga I read. This one is morally weak: Gandhi's "An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind in the end" is enough to destroy the main argument.


As for the backstory, it seems the author has decided to let it trickle as the revenge goes on. Fine by me. And she is no master, her two plots so far are very simple and about the oldest tricks in the book: getting the cuckold to find the lovers and candid camera from hell are as old as fiction.


But I love it. It caters to primeval instinct. It's the kind of manga that invites us to just relax and watch the world burn.


I didn't think the class rep was going to be such an easy target, I expected she would be a tough nut to crack and take a more elaborate plot. But it is pleasant to be surprised. I am now wondering who will be the real hard nuts. The lead delinquent, the one with the permanent scowl from chapter one, Ren-kun, is my current bet.

Well the author left very clear this happened during a lot of time, and somebody attempted to kill her, and being run by a car is not something you heal from quickly, she is not only getting revenge to make them suffer, she went this route as a survival method because if she does nothing she is likely to get killed, that is enough to make a quick change of switch, also she investigated them for months, so it is likely her malevolent feelings grew over time.


As far as Ren-kun is concerned, from what I've seen in the raws (of which I don't understand shit). This guy is horrible, and apparently the worse of the class and a rather important character on this whole bullying issue.

isn't she just a little b*tch for targeting students that have no direct correlation to her bullying.


If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.


The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

If they knew about what was happening to her, or even suspected and still did nothing, they are perpetuating the problem. Is her revenge disproportionate? Hell yes. Do those not directly bullying deserve what is coming/has come for them? Of course not. But they are not unrelated to what happened to her.

isn't she just a little b*tch for targeting students that have no direct correlation to her bullying. i understand getting revenge to those that seriously bullied you, but getting revenge on people like the student council president is ridiculous. at this point she is just getting revenge for the sake of vengeance. the people that refuses to help or just don't help at all should not be included into the scope of her little game of revenge. they are simply minding their own business and they are not obligated to help her out


… and that is why this is tagged "Horror". No one said she is nice.


I could take the long route and try to make a case that indifference to injustice equals complicity. Or that one's humanity is defined by how one responds to the plight of the weak. Or that a bully feeds off the passiveness of onlookers as much as off the weakness of their victims. Or any other moral nonsense that racks the minds of philosophers since times immemorial.


But I won't. You are right. The protagonist is a bitch in a vendetta. Isn't that wonderful?


Go Ayana, kill them all. Let god sort the good from the evil!

isn't she just a little b*tch for targeting students that have no direct correlation to her bullying. i understand getting revenge to those that seriously bullied you, but getting revenge on people like the student council president is ridiculous. at this point she is just getting revenge for the sake of vengeance. the people that refuses to help or just don't help at all should not be included into the scope of her little game of revenge. they are simply minding their own business and they are not obligated to help her out

This is gonna be good xD

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