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* * * * * (4.72 - 314votes)

Youjo Senki

Alt Names: alt A Little Girl's Military Recordalt บันทึกสงคราม ของยัยเผด็จการalt 幼女戦記alt Die Militärischen Aufzeichnungen eines kleinen Mädchensalt 유녀 전기alt Saga Of Tanya The Evilalt 战记alt Колдунья в погонахalt Военная хроника маленькой девочки
Author: Carlo Zen
Artist: Toujou Chika
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaFantasy FantasyGender Bender Gender BenderHistorical HistoricalPsychological PsychologicalSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: "There's a little girl on the foremost lines of war.

With blond hair, blue eyes and porcelain white skin this little girl mercilessly terrorizes the enemy from high above in the sky. The name of this girl is Tanya Degurechaff, and she commands the army with a cute girlish lisp.

But in reality, she is one of Japan's most elite salarymen, reborn as a little girl thanks to the whims of God. Will this little girl become the most dangerous being amongst the sorcerers of the imperial army?"

-description via /ak/ wiki

adapted from the light novel series of the same name
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This is the most constructive response so I'll just respond to this.

Of course, I would love to be a QC. kuraiaku et al, please contact me if you need a TL checker.

I'm a translator as well. I said what I said only because I am also a contributor to the scanlation scene. In fact, I'm reaching out to /ak/ because I'm interested in contributing to series. I've improved my skills from criticism myself. I think it's good to humble down and take any advice. I also don't think what I said was that crazy. I suggested some trivial ways to increase the quality. It's easy to implement. There are other suggestions I could have made, but I thought "first things first."

I honestly think that the respect granted to the original mangaka should be worth more than respect toward a scanlator. Let's face it. What we are doing is outside the permission of the mangaka. The mangaka is getting no profit out of it. The least we can do is to make a good quality version of their work.

>your arrogant attitude as if you pay them sum of money making me sick.

Ironic, as I despise some of the western "companies" that make money out of milking poor people that don't know any better and giving marginal returns to the original mangakas.

I wish I had money. I would love to support the awesome artists that make all these works that we love.


Also, to kuraiaku, you should check out the /ak/ wiki. There are some resources there that will help a lot in the scanlation process.


I'm not the translator, I'm just random reader quoting the translator's comment that he/she can't upload the chapter in a single chapter due to file size. I'm more of raw web novel reader so I don't really know manga scanlation process, and in case I got manga raws floating around I read it directly for my own consumption...

Youjo Senki word or vocabulary are at expert level or very complex. If you ever read the LN translation, they even noted that the difficulties translating this akin translating formal college paper, compared other novel like konosuba or those mainstream transported to alternative world which most of them have easy vocab and grammar.

This is worth noting. The translation is definitely hard.

But what I pointed out are trivial editing issues and simple misspellings of English that could easily have been avoided by using a simple spell checker.


Edit: "it's better than nothing"

This is a terrible mindset in my opinion. It normalizes poor quality. Believe it or not, a lot of these artists know that their works are being translated and being put out for free without their permission. Some of these guys make a living out of their work. They go find the scanlated versions, and it's easy to find.

Let's assume we HAVE to make scanlations in order to read these things, so we cannot support the mangakas financially. I think that's basically the case and the purpose of why we are all here.

Assuming that, what's the best way to respect these artists? In my opinion, it's at least giving them respect by doing the best work possible, isn't it? It bothers me that we prioritize the scanlator over the mangaka. If we appreciate the manga, it should not be like that.

I translate because I love the material, and it pains me that others cannot understand it. I do it out of respect for the mangaka and being so inspired that I want to share it with others.

How about you volunteer being a QC rather than being a fucking whiner for a release that you spent zero penny on it. 

I understand the translator may need a feedback and critic to improve, but your arrogant attitude as if you pay them sum of money making me sick. 

This is the most constructive response so I'll just respond to this.

Of course, I would love to be a QC. kuraiaku et al, please contact me if you need a TL checker.

I'm a translator as well. I said what I said only because I am also a contributor to the scanlation scene. In fact, I'm reaching out to /ak/ because I'm interested in contributing to series. I've improved my skills from criticism myself. I think it's good to humble down and take any advice. I also don't think what I said was that crazy. I suggested some trivial ways to increase the quality. It's easy to implement. There are other suggestions I could have made, but I thought "first things first."

I honestly think that the respect granted to the original mangaka should be worth more than respect toward a scanlator. Let's face it. What we are doing is outside the permission of the mangaka. The mangaka is getting no profit out of it. The least we can do is to make a good quality version of their work.

>your arrogant attitude as if you pay them sum of money making me sick.

Ironic, as I despise some of the western "companies" that make money out of milking poor people that don't know any better and giving marginal returns to the original mangakas.

I wish I had money. I would love to support the awesome artists that make all these works that we love.


Also, to kuraiaku, you should check out the /ak/ wiki. There are some resources there that will help a lot in the scanlation process.

I think the 3 newest chapters are numbered. This is only up to chapter 4. Please correct the chapter numbering. For raw manga reference check http://ak-scans.wikia.com/wiki/Youjo_Senki

it's being split up because batoto have file size limit. It's the correct chapter numbers albeit the 5 one being divided into to parts because file size.

I think the 3 newest chapters are numbered. This is only up to chapter 4. Please correct the chapter numbering. For raw manga reference check http://ak-scans.wikia.com/wiki/Youjo_Senki

You all very lucky they make loli out some random dude from japan Imagine the mangaka twist by making hitler into loli in alternate reality germany Goddamnit

Japan has been making Hitler into a loli in an alternate reality Germany for decades now.


Japan fucking LOVES alternative history WWII.


The consequence for using OP skill is to deliver an embarrassing chuuni speech praising the dude you hate the most? Very good balancing tbh.

not to mention the probability of her soul being corrupted into becoming an overzealous worshipper whenever she used it...

Dual wielding rifles?  Please tell me, she holds one for a reserve.

One is mg34 iinm
You all very lucky they make loli out some random dude from japan Imagine the mangaka twist by making hitler into loli in alternate reality germany Goddamnit

 rakudai kishi is one of those LN which focuses on the execution of the story elements. This makes it something like a very well made clay pot. What makes it maybe commonish clay but the skill was how the author put it together. Subjectively, the LN is better than the anime due to the mudune elements that the anime by removing such details.










Have you converted the files to a grayscale file type? It helps to reduce image sizes. Also saving as a .jpg for those large, colorized pages works too.

Even though we are not technically doing the series anymore, we can still help out if needed. Drop a message on the /ak/ wiki and we'll try to help.


Cheers for the release. It's pretty good surprisingly (barring some negative opinions).

Ok, thanks for advice.
I've only looted 4chan archives for chapters since no one else bothered to upload them though.

Saw th light novel on Sky's site, and I did consider reading it. This has convinced me, not to mention with Sky's superb quality, It's going to be a fun night for me as I try to catch up.

The anime is coming up this season as well.

Where is the moe genre, when you need it...

Kek wills it.

Thank you so much for this update!




But seriously i have been waiting forever for an update but instead we got THREE RELEASES, this is even a BAJILION TIMES better. I love the dedication put in to this especially the the last page of ch.3.4 where there is an explanation/clarification for all name translations

Terrible quality release. Please, at least try. It's hard to translate, I heard, but at least getting a QC to check for trivial spelling errors and choosing a better font. Not doing those things mean you are either lazy or don't actually give a fuck about the original content.


How about you volunteer being a QC rather than being a fucking whiner for a release that you spent zero penny on it. 

I understand the translator may need a feedback and critic to improve, but your arrogant attitude as if you pay them sum of money making me sick. 


The consequence for using OP skill is to deliver an embarrassing chuuni speech praising the dude you hate the most? Very good balancing tbh.

This is.... glorious 

Saw th light novel on Sky's site, and I did consider reading it. This has convinced me, not to mention with Sky's superb quality, It's going to be a fun night for me as I try to catch up.

3 chapters in a day? you are awesome dude

Honestly, I found the LN much much better. This felt like a trainwreck in comparison, too many tacky details, and so on, and so forth.


For instance, why is every military diagram drawn with furries? Sure, it's lighthearted, but this series isn't meant to be lighthearted. In the author's notes even, the author promises that if the reader enjoys optimism or rooting for a main character to win it all or obtain a happy ending, that the series wasn't for them.


No issues with the translations, just the manga. I don't feel it matches up well enough with the original source in art, design, and structure. Disappointing. Hopefully the anime goes better.


To quote the segment from the author's note (someone called these spoilers after reading them, though I don't really consider them anything more spoiler-y than anything above):


Looks like some one edited the part about not understanding figurative speech and eating .. oh well, about the "furries":




Another!? Gr8 job m8! Cheers!!

Honestly, I found the LN much much better. This felt like a trainwreck in comparison, too many tacky details, and so on, and so forth.


For instance, why is every military diagram drawn with furries? Sure, it's lighthearted, but this series isn't meant to be lighthearted. In the author's notes even, the author promises that if the reader enjoys optimism or rooting for a main character to win it all or obtain a happy ending, that the series wasn't for them.


No issues with the translations, just the manga. I don't feel it matches up well enough with the original source in art, design, and structure. Disappointing. Hopefully the anime goes better.


To quote the segment from the author's note (someone called these spoilers after reading them, though I don't really consider them anything more spoiler-y than anything above):


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