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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.72 - 179votes)

Kumika no Mikaku

Alt Names: alt クミカのミカク
Author: Ononoka Akihiro
Artist: Ononoka Akihiro
Genres: Comedy ComedyCooking CookingRomance RomanceSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Aliens have become common on Earth. Kumika is one such alien who can get nutrition just by breathing and therefore does not need to eat, but from unexpected circumstance she takes a bite of Earth food and has her first experience of delicious Earth food. The uptight Kumika discovers new tastes through eating and awakens to new kinds of emotions.
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I love this series it's like pajama pants and flannel sheets for your heart.

And a fleecy pullover/sweater/jumper for a complete set.


That look is pure joy.

I crack my knuckles. This will not stand.


Uh, actually? Hot chocolate isn't sweet

Uh, actually?  Yes it is.  Honestly, could we get real here? 

Yes, it is possible to make cocoa with no sugar.  But nobody who isn't a total self-conscious health freak or major hipster or something ever does so.  If the Aztecs had had sugar, they probably would have put it in too.  But sugar cane comes from Asia and sugar beets from Europe and honey bees were introduced to the Americas by Europeans, so they couldn't.  As soon as the two substances came together it was a match made in heaven and nobody sensible has ever looked back.

I am a massive chocolate fan.  And I like it dark and fairly bittersweet on average.  But unsweetened hot chocolate is not a thing.  Not in North America, not as near as I can make out in modern Mexico, not in England, France or Spain that I know from direct experience and probably not in the rest of Europe.  And apparently not in Japan.  Maybe a few isolated individuals drink it that way for whatever perverse reason, but certainly not enough to be making broad claims like that.

Doesn't matter if we're talking crappy hot chocolate powders or hot cocoa or hot chocolate made by melting chocolate into the hot milk, they're all sweet.

wait... the black skinned alien is a girl??!!!... i didn't noticed it!!! i thought it was a guy!!!

It's hard to tell in black & white but she is pink.

If all aliens were this cute, I wouldn't care if we get invaded.

Seems pretty cute.  I gotta say though, when it comes to alien lasses with prehensile head-tentacles, she's got nothing on this lovely lady.

wait... the black skinned alien is a girl??!!!... i didn't noticed it!!! i thought it was a guy!!!

I love this series it's like pajama pants and flannel sheets for your heart.

They thought romance was in the air... not yet guys, not yet. 

I am fucking dying here... No more cute aliens please...

Name a more perfect character.
I'll wait. 


I mean mimuira comes close.

Name a more perfect character.
I'll wait. 


Damn Straight. Head Tentacle cuteness

Different country different taste Not everything must be conform to your "Western" views Does it wonder why you ever bother to read japanese comic in the first place?



Name a more perfect character.
I'll wait. 


Kumika is cute





I crack my knuckles. This will not stand.
Uh, actually? Hot chocolate isn't sweet

Different country different taste

Not everything must be conform to your "Western" views

Does it wonder why you ever bother to read japanese comic in the first place?

To be fair, prepackaged hot cocoa mixes generally run semi-sweet to sweet, depending on brand and style, and that's not just a Japan thing; they're popular in North America and Europe, at the least.


And true, it's not Aztec xocolatl, but it's possible to be purist in anything: arguing that "sparkling wine" is not automatically champagne, refusing to admit that tea might come premixed into sachets called "bags", dissing Coca-Cola because they de-cocanized the coca leaves and use corn syrup, etc. etc.


...That's kind of missing the point of the manga: that food itself can be amazing, even if it comes in a bunch of different forms and variations and personal preferences.  Heck, look at curry: it's the closest thing to a "universal" Asian dish, and it's got dozens of variations. :)

I crack my knuckles. This will not stand.


Uh, actually? Hot chocolate isn't sweet

Man that guy is a total liar. Cocoa isn't sweet the slightest.

I'm drinking real Cocoa, meaning powdered

and mixed with hot water, and it's so bitter that you can't possibly compare it with anything else you regularly eat...

I like the taste of Cocoa and its bitterness,though, and on top it's healthy as well[as long as you don't add sugar that is].


Seems like Japanese people are delusional to the point that they think the sweetness added by mixing it with tons of sugar (and milk?) stems from Cocoa itself... /swt


Someone should make them drink the original "Xocolatl"-drink[which consists of Cocoa powder,chili,vanilla and water], created by the Aztecs to wake them up xD

*slams fist on table* this is the kind of quality manga content I am after.

she is so cute and so earnest, but this does seem like yet another manga that is going to make me feel hungry after reading it.

I was in the middle of reading ch. 03 when it disappeared on me.



Sorry. I made some mistakes that I corrected and it's now it's waiting to be approved. Hopefully it will be back up soon. Thanks for reading this series and I hope you enjoy.

On top of that, you can always read on our site for the most up to date version. We upload releases to Batoto separately a few days after it's initial release to fix any last minute errors. 

Has the author posted the character list for Kumika's language so that we can read her food recommendations? From the last page of chapter 3, it looks like they made a one-to-one translation with kana.

that was sweet through and through 

I was in the middle of reading ch. 03 when it disappeared on me.


Sorry. I made some mistakes that I corrected and it's now it's waiting to be approved. Hopefully it will be back up soon. Thanks for reading this series and I hope you enjoy.

I was in the middle of reading ch. 03 when it disappeared on me.


Dai Mahou Touge? Is an anime but has a bit about a potato cutting out its own eyes and boiling itself.


Don't forget the factory arc from Humanity has Declined

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