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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.53 - 92votes)

Watashitachi ni wa Kabe ga Aru

Alt Names: alt Aramızda Duvarlar Varalt 你我之间一墙之隔alt Ci sono muri tra noialt 私たちには壁がある。alt Hay paredes entre nosotrosalt 우리에게는 벽이 있다alt There are Walls Between Usalt هناك جدران بيننا
Author: Tsukishima Haru
Artist: Tsukishima Haru
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Makoto is suddenly confessed to by her narcissistic childhood friend Kikuchi Reita. Not even just any confession, he stands in the street and publicly says “If you want a boyfriend that badly, I don't mind going out with you”. Which was obviously a no, since Makoto has never considered Reita to be a man, especially a man of interest. What will become of her daily life now that Reita insists on her going out with him?
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Childhood friend trope + Girl who holds her ground = Right up my alley. B)

inb4 she falls for the friend.

 Yes pls. It'll be hilarious. 

inb4 she falls for the friend.

how did they get floored by a small sheep?

    • lzy likes this
Kız ne kadar duygusuz ya -_- Soyun diyor mal bir şey yapmıyor. Ben olsam .... ..... ..... nys. O çocukluk arkadaşını yerim :3 Ama gerçekten narsist :P

Im rlly liking the story so far, I hope it continues to develop slowly rather than using cliched plot devices to immediately up the pace cuz its good as it is.
Thanks for the new chapter.

It's funny how many times Reita does that "put-you-in-the-corner" thing xD

Gotta love comedic narcissistic characters.

Not as much as they love themselves, of course.

But you still gotta love 'em.


I think he loves walls more than he loves himself. 

Gotta love comedic narcissistic characters.

Not as much as they love themselves, of course.

But you still gotta love 'em.

Kızın duyguları yüklenirken error vermiş sanırım biri bana soyun diyecek.. Sağ çıkamaz oradan :D

At least we got the confession out of the way.

Se esta poniendo muy interesante. ¡Gracias Pig Rabbit Fansub!

If the characters in this are even half as good as Nakanmon's were then I'm probably going to love it.


Don't let me down, Tsukishima!

This guy should write a book about crossing the dreaded friendzone, uh I mean, friend"wall" :o


This is going to be a fun couple ^_^

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