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* * * * * (4.54 - 215votes)

Goblin wa Mou Juubun ni Tsuyoi

Alt Names: alt ゴブリンはもう十分に強いalt Goblin Is Already Strong Enough
Author: Salamander
Artist: Salamander
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Goblin-san accidentally reached level 99... and now she keeps killing heroes.
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Thought they would use the coffin as a boat.

Let me tell you about a certain tactical RPG.

tl;dr When they say "Goblins are weak", they mean "Goblins are weak compared to other creatures at the same level, so if the goblin is 90 levels above you, it's only as dangerous as most other enemies 88 levels above you (which is still deadly dangerous, duh)". Aki, on the other hand, got particularly lucky with her base stats, so she dominates her own level so much she can take on monsters several levels abover hers. Also, her battle level may rise slowly, but her sword mastery level seems to grow like a chick, which takes her pretty firmly into the Mascot territory.
Seriously, Aki would ace pacifist runs in an Undertale environment, while Granite would be of the poor genocider that keeps dieing.

That said, the way things are going, Aki is progressing to become the lowest level hero that can beat the demon king. Or, maybe, pacify him... I am starting to think a pacifist ending may entirely be possible.

Is there a Story for this some place? Or did they go right to manga?

After reading Dungeon Meshi, I always thinking how the monster taste like in every fantasy manga mmm...

Monsters? or do you just want to eat Wasabi?

After reading Dungeon Meshi, I always thinking how the monster taste like in every fantasy manga mmm...

May have missed it or forgotten about it, but I don't remember seeing anywhere in previous chapters that fire was useless against water monsters ? What goes in other series/games may not work the same here. Also, even if Kraken-chan use water type attacks, it still seem to be made of blood and flesh. From what we know, fire may even be more effective against its flesh which isn't used to fire/burn attacks ?


But all this is beside the point, really, because...even if Aki said they have beaten them, we only saw a tentacle tip being chopped as proof. The krakens may have simply retreated after sustaining injuries, thinking the meal wasn't tasty enought to risk more than that. That would still be considered a victory for Aki & Granite. Who knows ?


(PS : yeah, I know that even if they had killed them, they couldn't have kept two whole kraken on their row boat, I didn't miss that.)

You did miss however that Granite isn't a pure fire mage. She knows some Ice magic too. something I went and checked after I posted.

10 levels under. Her Mage partner is Fire based who would be useless against water Monsters so including her in the average levels is as pointless as her trying to fight them.

May have missed it or forgotten about it, but I don't remember seeing anywhere in previous chapters that fire was useless against water monsters ? What goes in other series/games may not work the same here. Also, even if Kraken-chan use water type attacks, it still seem to be made of blood and flesh. From what we know, fire may even be more effective against its flesh which isn't used to fire/burn attacks ?


But all this is beside the point, really, because...even if Aki said they have beaten them, we only saw a tentacle tip being chopped as proof. The krakens may have simply retreated after sustaining injuries, thinking the meal wasn't tasty enought to risk more than that. That would still be considered a victory for Aki & Granite. Who knows ?


(PS : yeah, I know that even if they had killed them, they couldn't have kept two whole kraken on their row boat, I didn't miss that.)

Granite reminds me of a Certain mage who uses Explosion magic.

Megumin, but the forehead of Granite isn't similar.



Did you just look at the pictures or something? There's not that many characters to remember lol

Granite reminds me of a Certain mage who uses Explosion magic.


Granite reminds me of a Certain mage who uses Explosion magic.

The irony that the story of the struggling hero is more interesting than the gimmick goblin.

It's like the inverse of Dragon Quest, where I always found the monsters a little more endearing than the heroes. Though goblin has her moments.

I LIKE the camera eye xD!! It stares like an pervert ;D. DONT ask WHY i know that.


I would never think to ask you that.


~Ol' Pervy stares at camera eye, then stares at his own eyes in the mirror, stares again at camera eye, goes back and looks at his own eyes in the mirror, repeats this process several more times while trying to remember just when he had posed for the mangaka...~

The irony that the story of the struggling hero is more interesting than the gimmick goblin.

Dying a fluffy death...I'm sure there's a certain princess in another series that would be exceedingly happy...

The question is, who's dying the fluffy death. Her, or the 18m tall chick?

Dying a fluffy death...I'm sure there's a certain princess in another series that would be exceedingly happy...

Beating two water monsters, while being at least 6 levels under the recommended and with half a squad? Being able to dodge Wasabi's attacks isn't a fluke.

10 levels under. Her Mage partner is Fire based who would be useless against water Monsters so including her in the average levels is as pointless as her trying to fight them.

Beating two water monsters, while being at least 6 levels under the recommended and with half a squad? Being able to dodge Wasabi's attacks isn't a fluke.

I'm beginning to think that Granite is there to get one shot by monsters, and have a large forehead that doubles as a target.


Yes, Mimit, Wasabi's swimsuit is very cute. Hard to believe Wasabi can go from agreeing to being somebody's friend to splitting their head like a melon. Does that mean Wasabi is a tsundere?

She's flat chested blonde twintail. It's obvious duh.

This is fun :)

I'm beginning to think that Granite is there to get one shot by monsters, and have a large forehead that doubles as a target.


Yes, Mimit, Wasabi's swimsuit is very cute. Hard to believe Wasabi can go from agreeing to being somebody's friend to splitting their head like a melon. Does that mean Wasabi is a tsundere?

It helps that said friend will revive at a church in one hour.

More fulfilling than Cast Away. I get the feeling her horny friend was just waiting nearby for her to ask for help.

I'm beginning to think that Granite is there to get one shot by monsters, and have a large forehead that doubles as a target.


Yes, Mimit, Wasabi's swimsuit is very cute. Hard to believe Wasabi can go from agreeing to being somebody's friend to splitting their head like a melon. Does that mean Wasabi is a tsundere?

Apr 30 2017 10:49 PM

Mimit sure knows her priorities. And that devil's tablet looks cool too.

I LIKE the camera eye xD!! It stares like an pervert ;D. DONT ask WHY i know that.

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