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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.19 - 315votes)


Alt Names: alt いぬやしきalt อินุยาชิกิalt 犬屋敷alt 犬舍alt Last Hero Inuyashikialt اینو یاشیکی
Author: Oku Hiroya
Artist: Oku Hiroya
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMecha MechaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Inuyashiki has a family, a wife and two kids, none of whom care about him. When he learns that he has only three months to live he realizes that the only one who will miss him is his dog. Shortly after this realization he is killed in a crash landing by aliens. He is rebuilt by them as a machine with a human exterior. How will his life change now that he isn't human?
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Thanks for the chapter(s)!


- I want a Gantz posters too

- The old man doesn't seem too realize that he does cry

Chapter 7 is upload, if someone want to make a donation to help me to buy this manga here is my paypal account http://bit.ly/1lU8wYS or if someone want to buy the magazine  which contain Inuyashiki, I can give you a link and the steps to buy it, the magazine is around 4 dollars

Thanks for all the updates xpunkcion !

chapter 12 is also missing

about this chapter, you have to wait until vol 2 is on sale, in this way I'll get chapter 12 and 16 in only 1 purchase and save money for the next chapters

Please upload chapter 7 soon, so that I can read chapter 8 to 15


chapter 12 is also missing

thanks alot xpunkcion!!

Please upload chapter 7 soon, so that I can read chapter 8 to 15

The old man is the real deal, using his newfound powers for good, like a genuine superhero. He's just awesome.

The old man's pushover personality might finally change as he accepts the fact that he's not that person anymore.


Now he just needs to do something about that family.  He has no reason to be weighed down by them anymore.

You rock dude! Thanks a bunch!

Thanks for posting your scans. :)


about the chapters in order... saddly I had to delete all files from my desktop, I had a problem with a virus, so as I have recently chapters clean, I started to upload it in english according how I was finding them.

Man I'm BUYING  and SHARING the recently chapters I also left a english translation that a friend translated from japanese to english. I was thinking that someone can take that translation and type it properly in english, Now I'm just taking those japanese - english translation and typesetting it. If you don't Like it, it's ok, I will stop doing it and wait for someone who can provide and write it in english properly.

Thanks for posting your scans. :)


I don't know what is the point of uploading ulterior chapters without providing the ones that go in between. 


Specially because I would hate to have bad quality chapters as the ones provided by Xpunkcion in his Spanish version. It would be the worst fate to this manga to be taken for a bad scanlator. Sorry but it's the true. 


Man I'm BUYING  and SHARING the recently chapters I also left a english translation that a friend translated from japanese to english. I was thinking that someone can take that translation and type it properly in english, Now I'm just taking those japanese - english translation and typesetting it. If you don't Like it, it's ok, I will stop doing it and wait for someone who can provide and write it in english properly. 

I don't know what is the point of uploading ulterior chapters without providing the ones that go in between. 


Specially because I would hate to have bad quality chapters as the ones provided by Xpunkcion in his Spanish version. It would be the worst fate to this manga to be taken for a bad scanlator. Sorry but it's the true. 


After reading the first 6 chapters, i was actually happy, the character was great, i felt the story was going into a nice direction.


then i read that new chapter 11


damn, those 6 first chapters made me forget it was the same author as gantz...


then i read 12 and 13 , and i have some hope again.

i hope to not see again a chapter 11 after that, please Oku :D

Hope he goes Megaman on those bitches (^:

Sure he's probably an unstoppable terminator, but at the time he does not really know he's that strong and still he's risking his life for a complete stranger and face a bunch of little shits. What a hero !

Do homeless people really get mercilessly beat to dead by youngsters? ._.

In japan homeless hunting, is the scummy way for punk brats to spend a good time to relieve stress and "help society" by cleaning trash, and is nothing new at all, really whoever said that Japan was a better place was quite ignorant or just delusional.

thanks again Blackbrago!

Was surprised that the alien text is actually readable. (From left to right, at times english - just that some letters are mirrored/upside down.)

Do homeless people really get mercilessly beat to dead by youngsters? ._.

In some countries it's the other way around. Yes, our (real) world is a sick place.

Do homeless people really get mercilessly beat to dead by youngsters? ._.


the worlds strongest ossan

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