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* * * * - (4.37 - 103votes)

The World of Moral Reversal

Alt Names: alt 貞操逆転世界alt 贞操逆转世界alt Teisou Gyakuten Sekai
Author: Amahara
Artist: Mantarou
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: On our current society, most porn consumers are males, we are the ones who think with our d***** many times, we worship the female body and our society, products, advertisements and many other things are centered around that.

But, what if it wasn't that way?

What if, instead of men being the ones controlled by their sexual urges, women were the ones who bought porn magazines and had the most interest in sex?

What if the moral standards between men and women were reversed?

PS: This is a non-H adaptation of a doujinshi series with the same name.
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I literally read this doujin.

congratulation! now wear your lab coat and go to harvard. you are now belong to Faculty of Admirable Pervert. Edit: Faculty of Advance Physics


I literally read this doujin.

Chapter 2 posted here on Bato.to after asking Desudesu for permission, since it wasn't uploaded here yet!


All credits goes to him!


Chapter 3 will be translated by us soon.

Is there anyone picking the series?, seems the group is inactive :(

We're back, baby.


Anyways, we have all the 1st volume RAWs, but we only have high-quality scans por chapters 2, 3, 5 and 6. All others are pure eye-cancer, so if anyone can buy the magazines where the other chapters (4, 7, 8...) were published in and send us, we'd thank you a lot.


In the meanwhile, we'll work with what we have.

Is there anyone picking the series?, seems the group is inactive :(

Raws of chapter 7 and 8 are on jcafe24.


Well, it's obvious why the protagonist is a girl now. This manga can't instantly turn into porn if the author wants to tell the story to a broader audience.

So, are you a slut, boys?

So what if I am?

Anyway, my point is that this idea of moral reversal has been done before, by at least fifty years. Although I am eagerly looking forward to how this newer version of that story will play out.


By quite a few more than fifty years, my boy. Something to the tune of 2400 years, except that back then it wasn't considered an elseworlds story, but people really did think that womenfolk couldn't control themselves...

Amahara Artstyle Quite a Mess Like "One"
Then Mantarou Charged in Art Like "Murata Yuusuke"

And like ONE, Amahara's rather good at storytelling. Even the FF doujins can be quite funny, especially the time-mage ones, despite those being very much more explicit.

So, are you a slut, boys?

Somehow I miss the Amahara's artstyle...

Amahara Artstyle Quite a Mess Like "One"
Then Mantarou Charged in Art Like "Murata Yuusuke"

Those two girls look familiar- OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Damn you're right, it's the original duo!

Those two girls look familiar- OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Yeah is little hard to recognize them without the bad drawing XD

Who is that character on the credits page? Also when you guys say it would be more interesting if the mc was a guy, did you mean a guy in the same situation as this mc or a guy from this world? Because the latter could be really cool too.

Tip : read the description you have answer with google

Who is that character on the credits page? Also when you guys say it would be more interesting if the mc was a guy, did you mean a guy in the same situation as this mc or a guy from this world? Because the latter could be really cool too.

Funnily enough the locker room talk you are referencing seems to be a gender neutral thing where I live. More specifically people of both gender here tend to talk openly about sex and things relating to it, no matter the gender of the audience. It is interesting to see how different stereotypes and anecdotal experience can be.


Yeah, people aren't just as aware of it since you don't see girls doing as much team focused sports, but male nurses often say the dirty talk from the female majority workplace can get pretty irritating.

Those two girls look familiar- OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Isn't this exactly what people call "locker room talk"?
Pointing out the nurse is "sexy", discussing about porn, thinking how they wished sex was easier to achieve, isn't too far off from how men, specially teenage boys, talk between each other. Obviously not all men do that, but I think they are the exception, not the norm (except perhaps between people that read manga in their free time?).

Funnily enough the locker room talk you are referencing seems to be a gender neutral thing where I live. More specifically people of both gender here tend to talk openly about sex and things relating to it, no matter the gender of the audience. It is interesting to see how different stereotypes and anecdotal experience can be.

it's interesting but i feel it would be more interesting with a male lead,

It would be a generic haremshit, so fucking interesting.

hahahahaha... no wonder the plot sounds familiar...
this is actually the non-H version of amahara's Hmanga...

That loli knows her priorities..

Somehow I miss the Amahara's artstyle...

`We'll release 4 chapters of Deities of a Peaceful Era pretty soon and there's also 33 Years Old Single Female Knight-Captain, which has a few volumes left to release as well.


But it's interesting to see all this mishmash of different styles, you have Amahara's unique art, there's Masha on Interspecies Reviewers and Mantarou here at The World of Moral Reversal.


Still, one thing unites all of them: Amahara's unique ideas. Seriously, we love this guy so much that we only translate his stuff.

Somehow I miss the Amahara's artstyle...

i see your a man of culture as well

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