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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.19 - 315votes)


Alt Names: alt いぬやしきalt อินุยาชิกิalt 犬屋敷alt 犬舍alt Last Hero Inuyashikialt اینو یاشیکی
Author: Oku Hiroya
Artist: Oku Hiroya
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMecha MechaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Inuyashiki has a family, a wife and two kids, none of whom care about him. When he learns that he has only three months to live he realizes that the only one who will miss him is his dog. Shortly after this realization he is killed in a crash landing by aliens. He is rebuilt by them as a machine with a human exterior. How will his life change now that he isn't human?
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Chapter 24 Download Links
English: http://adf.ly/wHUqb
Español: http://adf.ly/wHUOi
Русский: http://adf.ly/wHUCV
Srpski: http://adf.ly/wHmYR


Btw if you wanna download the previews chapter visit my

Blog: https://xpunkcion.blogspot.com

Why do morons such as yourself seem to believe that one may only criticize something as long as one can do it better? What’s wrong in your heads?


Dude, that isn't how it works. Yes, you MAY criticize something like a book or a movie - the idea being that these people were paid to create a product or service, and if that service isn't to your liking, you can most definitely criticize it. Same with time, if you spend the time to read a story, the story should be good. However, efforts like this, in which these people have very little skills you couldn't obtain yourself in a couple of weeks, it isn't polite nor necessary to criticize them. This translation comes to us, free, for no money or effort on our part. If you think the translation is bad, then don't read it and it may die out due to lack of support. However, you are not supposed to criticize translation efforts and fan projects with the same eye you use to criticize movies and TV and officially licensed manga. They are not doing this for money or material gain, but for fun and the support of fellow fans. If you don't want to give them that, then fine, but don't criticize them for a project they are doing out of the kindness of thier heart. Because these skills are something you can gain easily and you are a fan of the work and started from the same place xpunkcion did, then yes, in this situation you should only criticize if you are willing to put in the time and effort to do a better job yourself. If you aren't, then shut up. No one needs the opinion of an ingrate like you.

Does anyone know how far behind we are? Or is 23 the most current chapter?


I think we are caught up on it.

Does anyone know how far behind we are? Or is 23 the most current chapter?


OMG I used a word wrong, and you dont agree with me?!!! Lets fight some more!

Thanks for the update.


I can kinda understand how this series might not be as popular as Gantz. But I really like the way the story is told.

This is just totally stupid sir, you have no obligation to demand anything from something that is free and is being worked on/ released voluntarily. To say something as I unconstructive as "worst translation ever" and then believe that anyone will take you serious is just bullshit. This is what sucks about the scanlation scene, lame ass fanboys who take your hard work for granted.

You ought to look up the definition of the word obligation since you are clearly using it incorrectly. Yes, I do not have the OBLIGATION to demand anything from something that is free. However, what I do have is the RIGHT to do so. Just like whoever worked on it has the RIGHT to straight-up ignore my every word. That is how free speech works, hombre.
Also, another word that you do not seem to understand: Fan boys. This term is used to describe people who sheepishly lap up anything related to their fandom, regardless of quality. You know, people who cannot take criticism well *hint hint*. Those people here saying dumb, hyperbolic stuff like “worst translation ever” certainly do not fit that description.

I assume that English is not your first language (woe to the world if it actually is). So here is a tip from one non-native speaker to another: If you plan on using a technical term or difficult loanword, read its definition first. That usually helps avoiding embarassing mistakes and miscommunications.

Last but not least, I do not understand why you quoted my post in the first place. Your rant appears to have nothing to do with my point (namely that that the argument used in the post of FrenchLegend is utterly moronic). It seems like you should be saying that stuff to StoneDeathGaze.

Chapter 23 Download
English: http://adf.ly/vZnSC
Español: http://adf.ly/vZmid
Русский: [/size]http://adf.ly/vZnOO
Srpski: [/size]http://adf.ly/vZndX
Btw If someone will complain about the translation.
- If you are good at japanese also at english, you can PM and help with the translation.
- If you won't say thanks and that's all))))
sincerely, a Gantz's fan from somewhere.)))

Thank you for doing this!
Chapter 23 Download
English: http://adf.ly/vZnSC
Español: http://adf.ly/vZmid
Русский: [/size]http://adf.ly/vZnOO
Srpski: [/size]http://adf.ly/vZndX
Btw If someone will complain about the translation.
- If you are good at japanese also at english, you can PM and help with the translation.
- If you won't, say thanks and that's all))))
sincerely, a Gantz's fan from somewhere.)))

I hate to admit it but with the latest chapters the art have really gone downhill.

I've been thinking about the same thing. We saw this in Gantz - the art became awful, it looked almost graphically generated, very bland. It's as though he can't draw "large action scenes". I loved the early art of Gantz, very human.

I sincerely hope the author can keep this work up and not water it out like Gantz! I love the premise!

Why do morons such as yourself seem to believe that one may only criticize something as long as one can do it better? What’s wrong in your heads?

This is just totally stupid sir, you have no obligation to demand anything from something that is free and is being worked on/ released voluntarily. To say something as I unconstructive as "worst translation ever" and then believe that anyone will take you serious is just bullshit. This is what sucks about the scanlation scene, lame ass fanboys who take your hard work for granted.

Do it yourself then.

Why do morons such as yourself seem to believe that one may only criticize something as long as one can do it better? What’s wrong in your heads?

I hate to admit it but with the latest chapters the art have really gone downhill. Compared to the samples at the official facebook page it appears to be scanned low res or something as well, but even then it the art really feels chunky and completely cut and pasted, I guess the budget doesnt call for all the assistants that were available in the haydays of gantz. Like this one, I cant feel any movement in the picture:



Worst translation ever.

Do it yourself then.

Worst translation ever.
Another chapter, another 2 actually unique pages.

This old man really need to learn some martial arts if he's serious about helping people. He has the strength but can't really use it now.

Damn I was feeling like the exploding like grasp ! :o

YO!!! if the Yakuza end up kidnapping grandpas family and using them to make him do things against his will.. I'm through with this one, that would just be way tooooooooooo predictable.

Is this manga really "ecchi"? Yes, it has some nudity, but it doesn't really fit with the definition of ecchi as it's not for fan service. I think the tag should be revised, and a "mature" tag be placed instead...

they take the girl? fuck those yakuza, man. why robogranpa didnt blow his brain off?

Alright chapter 22 is here

Download links:


English: http://adf.ly/vEt5M

Español: http://adf.ly/vEt1W

Time for some cyborg barbeque! hell we've been waiting for this..

I was cheering when Inuyashiki showed up. They did that slimeball guy really well. I can't wait to see him get blasted.

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