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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.19 - 315votes)


Alt Names: alt いぬやしきalt อินุยาชิกิalt 犬屋敷alt 犬舍alt Last Hero Inuyashikialt اینو یاشیکی
Author: Oku Hiroya
Artist: Oku Hiroya
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMecha MechaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Inuyashiki has a family, a wife and two kids, none of whom care about him. When he learns that he has only three months to live he realizes that the only one who will miss him is his dog. Shortly after this realization he is killed in a crash landing by aliens. He is rebuilt by them as a machine with a human exterior. How will his life change now that he isn't human?
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"Who are you?"

"Your worst nightmare."



Please, don't...


Really hope they keep this more optimistic tone to the story. I really enjoyed Gantz, but I could use a more idealistic story after all the coldness Gantz tried to convey with its characters and theming.


I would love for this series just to be about a super powered old man againist the bad guys in the world.

Yep this is already so out of the cliche manga world that is rly refreshing!

Really hope they keep this more optimistic tone to the story. I really enjoyed Gantz, but I could use a more idealistic story after all the coldness Gantz tried to convey with its characters and theming.


I would love for this series just to be about a super powered old man againist the bad guys in the world.

He is a walking quantum badass reactor, the shaking is just the inter-dimensional vibrations that pass through his body as he consumes suns in alternative universes.

Please, don't...

Shaking? SHAKING?! he's not shaking he is absorbing badass particles so he can do his combo attack "asskicking without taking names"... next chapter shts going down.

He is a walking quantum badass reactor, the shaking is just the inter-dimensional vibrations that pass through his body as he consumes suns in alternative universes.

Chapter 25 Download links 


English: http://adf.ly/xmhyO

Español: http://adf.ly/xmjHx

Русский: Translation is on the way

Srpski: http://adf.ly/xmmwh


Note: I need an native english speaker or someone good at english (if u know japanese it will be better) who can help checking the english translation. My friend who is a native english speaker sometimes is busy like now in this chapter. 


I just want you to check if there is/are mistakes in the english translation.

Is Exterminate the right word for that panel ? I do not think it gives the right feeling for a old man who was just whimpering 10 chapters ago. I am super busy with university , so i can't really help :/

Chapter 25 Download links 


English: http://adf.ly/xmhyO

Español: http://adf.ly/xmjHx

Русский: http://adf.ly/xo1z9

Srpski: http://adf.ly/xmmwh


Note: I need an native english speaker or someone good at english (if u know japanese it will be better) who can help checking the english translation. My friend who is a native english speaker sometimes is busy like now in this chapter. 


I just want you to check if there is/are mistakes in the english translation.

Inu-jii laying down the law.

He's shaking out of excitement.

Shaking? SHAKING?! he's not shaking he is absorbing badass particles so he can do his combo attack "asskicking without taking names"... next chapter shts going down.

Ah.. that way of running.. brings me all the way back to Gantz

And the bad guy is definitely a Gantz Alien! Look at him! He survived!

You really wrote all that out just to say that you aren't allowed to criticize anything if you aren't paying for it? Are you fucking stupid?


Uh, yeah. I did. People like xpunkiconx work hard to translate this stuff at literally no profit. You are totally allowed to criticize something like this. It should just be constructive criticism. There's a difference in being allowed to do something and being told you shouldn't do something.

And its not that you aren't paying for it, its that the distributor (In this case, translator) is making no money from it. They are literally bringing this stuff to you in your native language for free, asking absolutely nothing from you. The absolute least you can do is be nice to them and have some common courtesy.

So yes, i did say that, and i'll continue to say it. If you are going to criticize the good people that bring us this stuff, have a little fucking common decency and use constructive criticism.

Lastly, if it bothers you that the comment is long, don't fucking read it. We don't need more assholes like you on Batoto. 

Man I hope the girl's not dead.


Also, old man has now become Liam Neeson.

I can see the massacre coming with the long hair yakuza being blow up to smithereens

His poker face can't fool me, the dude must have been trying his hardest not shit his pants as soon as Gramps busted in their Yakuza meal time.

Those lines around the main character that are resembling trembling get me every time.

Tsuzuku in two weeks.

Thanks for the release o/

This is more like a parody than a serious story.

Dude, that isn't how it works. Yes, you MAY criticize something like a book or a movie - the idea being that these people were paid to create a product or service, and if that service isn't to your liking, you can most definitely criticize it. Same with time, if you spend the time to read a story, the story should be good. However, efforts like this, in which these people have very little skills you couldn't obtain yourself in a couple of weeks, it isn't polite nor necessary to criticize them. This translation comes to us, free, for no money or effort on our part. If you think the translation is bad, then don't read it and it may die out due to lack of support. However, you are not supposed to criticize translation efforts and fan projects with the same eye you use to criticize movies and TV and officially licensed manga. They are not doing this for money or material gain, but for fun and the support of fellow fans. If you don't want to give them that, then fine, but don't criticize them for a project they are doing out of the kindness of thier heart. Because these skills are something you can gain easily and you are a fan of the work and started from the same place xpunkcion did, then yes, in this situation you should only criticize if you are willing to put in the time and effort to do a better job yourself. If you aren't, then shut up. No one needs the opinion of an ingrate like you.


You really wrote all that out just to say that you aren't allowed to criticize anything if you aren't paying for it? Are you fucking stupid?

Ah.. that way of running.. brings me all the way back to Gantz



The quivering is the best part.

This is gonna be good.

Kill them Grandpa


Kill them all

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