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* * * * - (4.48 - 102votes)

Liar x Liar

Alt Names: alt ライアー×ライアー
Author: Kindaichi Renjuurou
Artist: Kindaichi Renjuurou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: One day, on a whim, twenty-year old Minato decides to walk around the city dressed in her friend's cute high school uniform. To her horror, she ends up running into her stepbrother, Tooru, who is actually only months younger than her. Since he's cute and a notorious player, Minato has had to deal with constant jealousy and suspicion from other girls throughout her entire school days.

Amazingly, she manages to convince Tooru that she's actually someone who just happens to look a lot like his stepsister. He is so convinced that he starts trying to date her and, for various reasons, she goes along with it. What started as a simple joke is now evolving into the biggest lie Minato has ever told!
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THANK YOU, MYSTIC IRIS. Lots of updates lately!
Wow I did say that I want to see the senpai have a bigger role in my last post, but I DID NOT expect it to happen this quickly in the next chapter.

In every story I notice there are the contrarians, people who ship the guy who isn't going to get the girl, who meditate on the path less travelled by which the MC is not going to take.  I respect those people.  But it ain't going to happen.

It looks bleak for Tsukagushi-senpai, sadly, but he's definitely my best pick for liking Minato as her plain 'ol, obsessed-with-cleaning self. Sounds you're totally resolute about that ship not happening :D
Now, I'm reminded of Robert Frost's "Road Not Taken," because you referenced by mentioning "the path less travelled". I remember interpreting taking the road less travelled as doing something that deviates from the norms by which it will "[make] all the difference," but when read more deeply can mean that it shoudn't matter which road to take since it'll be travelled all the same as they are sort of similarly worn. Anyway, I though that it was a tricky but great poem aaaaaand I feel like I'm going off topic now

Double trouble! Wonder when it will all explode in her face. It will surely be fun~

I feel like this is dragging a bit. All these side plots. There's no real hope for anyone besides Tooru, so why bother?


Thanks for the chapter Mystic Iris!

I'd like to see her together with the university senpai, actually (I wonder if his role will be more than an extra character in the future chapters, since it's clear that he's been watching over Minato from afar for a while now). I'm thinking that maybe the thing with Tooru is more of infatuation and one of the things that's more driven by the regret of not being close before when they were younger.

In every story I notice there are the contrarians, people who ship the guy who isn't going to get the girl, who meditate on the path less travelled by which the MC is not going to take.  I respect those people.  But it ain't going to happen.


merkkari, sentry, I thought at first Tooru knew, for the same reasons--Liar x Liar, plus the general silliness of the idea that he really can't tell it's her.  And if he's kind of loved his sis all along and that's why he went through so many girls, never caring much about any of them (a common manga thing), I can see him keeping quiet for fear of losing what they've got.  But it's been going on so long without any hints from his side that I dunno.

At first I thought that the MC's big brother was pretending about him not knowing that his girlfriend is actually his stepsister, because of the title Liar x Liar, which gave me the impression that there were two liars who were both lying to each other, but now I'm not sure...


And also I would like to know more about their past. Preferably from Tooru's (the brother) perspective.

Yeah, i also think that he knew from the very beginning that it was his stepbrother and that he is continuing the game only because he wants to confess first about her lies and also maybe because he may thinks that he cannot have such relationship with her if both of them are fooling one another and thus can pretend not to know the truth.

I'd like to see her together with the university senpai, actually (I wonder if his role will be more than an extra character in the future chapters, since it's clear that he's been watching over Minato from afar for a while now). I'm thinking that maybe the thing with Tooru is more of infatuation and one of the things that's more driven by the regret of not being close before when they were younger.

At first I thought that the MC's big brother was pretending about him not knowing that his girlfriend is actually his stepsister, because of the title Liar x Liar, which gave me the impression that there were two liars who were both lying to each other, but now I'm not sure...


And also I would like to know more about their past. Preferably from Tooru's (the brother) perspective.



pumped like muther fuking Arnold Schwarzenegger

She sure has gotten herself into a mess. Sometimes I'm scared to read new chapters of this manga because I just want to see something actually go right for her...

Love this manga. I'm dying to see the next chapters.

man, i wish this was more popular

It grosses me out a bit even though they're just stepsiblings. :/

Well, this was a nice surprise -- thanks Mystic Iris for the new chapter!


I sooo want her to go out with Karasuma-kun! :o

Don't you just want to shake her and say Why??? 

Thanks for the chapter & Merry Christmas, Mystic Iris!

as the story progresses and some of the chapters are starting to drag, I am finding the female lead to be less and less likable. Actually, the male lead (assuming it to be her step brother) is growing more and more disagreeable as well. i fear the story will just extend for another volume or two of perpetual close-calls and near-misses without any real character development. 

This is how multiple personality disorders are born, but I actually like this story, even though I don't really agree the way the main character handles things.

Thank you for the update, Mystic Iris!  :D

Why is this so addictive?!!

Damm you, Karasuma! I know that you said those things out of spite only.

chapters 1-33 chinese raws


Really good manga, thanks for the chap \(^-^)/

Ohhh, poor Mina. The life of a double-agent sure is tough.

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