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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.54 - 222votes)


Alt Names: alt おくさん Oh! My Sweet Honey!!alt Oku-san
Author: Ooi Masakazu
Artist: Ooi Masakazu
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: About a housewife that has moved into a new town trying to adjust to her fairly new married life with certain quirks and encounters with neighbours along the way.
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Topic [SPOILERS] Current Chapter Discussion New Window svines85
  • 4 Replies


I'd be wanting that milk too. (~w~)

Misleading chapter title. Was expecting somethin more epic

Super awesome, thanks a lot TSP!!

The thirst is real.

i need this kind of porn

Never thought I'd be so entertained by a manga about housewives.


There is a god


Fuck yeah it's back!

Looks like she wasn't strong enough to get pass the Booty Barrier. BOOM


That right hook would have made Manny Pacquiao proud.


That part where she slaps her friend in the face with her boobs was just GREAT!  It is an example of good 'slap stick' humor!

She should have used that technique to get those carrots!

Wai nobody translate this!? Does this manga disappear faster than

What a boring woman. Only stays at home and does housework, just dotes way too much, can't keep a thought for 3 seconds straight, is way too submissive and man, is she prude. "Don't look!"? After six goddamn years of marriage? That's way too late to play the "cute and innocent" card. While I certainly know that someone like her might be ideal for some people, I'd not touch her with a 10ft pole. No interesting character and the body just ain't my case.
Ummm hence the title called Oku-san? And also not a cliche one.

I want a house-husband as sweet as her.

That part where she slaps her friend in the face with her boobs was just GREAT!  It is an example of good 'slap stick' humor!

Wow, super awesome, thanks a lot TSP!!

No problem, I'll gladly touch her with my 10 ft pole.


Can I touch her with my 10 mm pole!?


(And quit laughing, guys!  This is what happens when you get old and haven't been intimate with a woman in over a decade!!!  It atrophies and shrivels up from lack of use!!!)

Thank you for your Bustiness!~

Once again...a very nice rack, and ass. ('w')b

Finally after more than a year we get a new chapter T_T

If anybody has experience with Photoshop or manga scanlation, get in touch with me ASAP as I am still (I originally started the scanlation) doing this manga. I need someone that could re-draw and pre-typeset. Send me a private message via Batoto.

I wish a new group would pick this up we literally got 42 more chapters now unscanlated if i could i would do it myself but no knowledge of japanese and the other steps of doing oh well

What a boring woman. Only stays at home and does housework, just dotes way too much, can't keep a thought for 3 seconds straight, is way too submissive and man, is she prude. "Don't look!"? After six goddamn years of marriage? That's way too late to play the "cute and innocent" card.

While I certainly know that someone like her might be ideal for some people, I'd not touch her with a 10ft pole. No interesting character and the body just ain't my case.

No problem, I'll gladly touch her with my 10 ft pole.

Omg MOAR!! Where do I send the bitcoins!?


seems like you didn't know about the old Japan in feudal times, eh?


The wife cannot have any job and therefore if they're married, they cannot leave their house even for a moment. You better watch Utakoi for a moment story of some wifes.


Guess Japanese still had that kind of stereotypes (not all of them thou).


Well, for me, I liked this kind of wife (leaving those huge boobs, face and such). I prefer I'm the one working and my wife stay at home doing chores and such. So the kids wont be alone in house or needed to hire babysitters.

1) That's basically the historic and, for some countries, still present state of the female role. That attitude is not exclusive to Japan at all. Also, I mentioned I know about how some people prefer things like this. That includes large parts of modern-day population of Japan, although that slowly changes.

2) There are not enough chores to keep you busy the whole day. Perhaps if you have big house with a big outside area and you want to have everything sparkling every single day, yeah, but the heroine of this manga lives in flat.

3) She has no kids. Even if she had kids, there's things like school and pre-school/kindergarten once they're past a certain age.

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