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* * * * - (3.8 - 162votes)

Trump Manga

Alt Names:
Author: Manlyspirit
Artist: Manlyspirit
Genres: Action ActionDoujinshi DoujinshiDrama DramaOneshot OneshotShounen Shounen
Type: Other
Status: Ongoing
Description: A tribute manga to Donald Trump and his victory over Hillary Clinton
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Trump making weebs mad again kek

Too much trouble. Can you imagine how many duplicates there would be?

It has to be Fakku. No point if there's no copyright trolling involved on top of making Bato a porn-infested shithole.

"Risking" myself to look bad? Do you really think I care about such petty things?


I know! Let's bring the ENTIRETY of fucking fakku.net here! Surely this is valuable material that would enrich Bato's catalogue! Right?!


Of course not, but strangely you actually have spent your precious time to reply, instead, you know, not care at all?


ExHentai or Doujin-moe is a better choice than Fakku IMO.

I had fun reading through this and recognizing the references, some being more subtle than others.

"Risking" myself to look bad? Do you really think I care about such petty things?


I know! Let's bring the ENTIRETY of fucking fakku.net here! Surely this is valuable material that would enrich Bato's catalogue! Right?!

Finally, a manga that's worthy of 5 stars.

Threatening someone on the internet. How brave!

Since you, too, don't have a clue what CONTEXT means, I'm not going to bother explaining why claiming "Bato is not yours" is the most retarded counter-argument anyone has ever used. Specially because I never made such a claim in the first place, but you wouldn't even know why now, would you?


Where did exactly you saw someone threatening you? That was just an offensive joke, not a threat. Funny you mentioned CONTEXT because clearly you didn't understand the context of that "Threat" and this very comic.


If you really are smart, then you just need to contact moderator to evaluates a manga, and let them decides if that manga really is not fit to be here. No need to start such controversial argument and risking yourself look bad.


Also, i too never claimed you claimed Batoto is yours, i simply said Batoto is not yours, which is true in every way, same with Batoto is not mine, which is also true in every way.

Threatening someone on the internet. How brave!

Since you, too, don't have a clue what CONTEXT means, I'm not going to bother explaining why claiming "Bato is not yours" is the most retarded counter-argument anyone has ever used. Specially because I never made such a claim in the first place, but you wouldn't even know why now, would you?

This is great, it's like legend of Koizumi silly.

No one's forcing anybody to post this shit.

And yet, here it is.


So, you always read every single manga that got posted here?!


There's absolutely all the need. Read my previous posts, there's all the context you need for my complaint.

I fucking hate those Korean mangas which are nothing but porn and complain about them too. There's a time and a place for EVERYTHING.


Batoto is not yours. You may complaint for every single manga that got uploaded here that didn't match your liking, but no way in hell that means Batoto should also not accept them.


Am I supposed to laugh?


Yes, or you'll just gonna burden yourself from the sheer pressure of the worst that has yet to come.

If people can just accept that this is fiction and is in no way affect your views, that would be great.

Am I supposed to laugh?

There's absolutely all the need. Read my previous posts, there's all the context you need for my complaint.

I fucking hate those Korean mangas which are nothing but porn and complain about them too. There's a time and a place for EVERYTHING.


Your place is inside the gas chamber. The time? January 21, 2017.

...your point? Anyone can write anything and such. In this situation there is no need to be annoyed at it, just move onto another manga. 


There's absolutely all the need. Read my previous posts, there's all the context you need for my complaint.

I fucking hate those Korean mangas which are nothing but porn and complain about them too. There's a time and a place for EVERYTHING.

This was utterly ridiculous. Props to the artist!

All politics aside, it was fun to read a story about the presidential race told from the classic shounen action perspective. There was a lot of thought, effort, and love put into the making of this comic; I enjoyed reading it as a fun story and parody of the election, despite the fact that I voted against Trump.
Sure, you can argue that this skewed the facts and painted an inaccurate picture of both sides, but isn't that the whole point of a parody? It's not supposed to be accurate, it's supposed to be funny. And dammitall if I didn't crack a smile a few times at all the tropes and references they managed to fit in here. Thumbs up, glad I had a chance to laugh at the election after so many months of being frustrated with it.

They spelled MAGA wrong. Sad.

I need Toei Madhouse to animate this fight now. That was actually incredible.

fun read, think there were some missed opportunities - but props to the effort put in


considering trump's stand was [The Wall] (would've been nice to see a pan-out view including a ridiculous wall instead of a buff eagle or maybe including the buff eagle), a nice play on words would've been hillary's opposing stand could've been Wall St. maybe a face-palm pun saying "BerNii-san". 


fully expect by the end the revelation of clinton part of the illuminati and trump saying it was all a prank bro

Funny thing for me is that I originally read this on on eof those websites.

Well I guess this counts as a sort of Trump porn like how the movie series Saw is called torture porn. But I mean porn porn as in rule 34 type porn like the kind Obama got when he got elected.

I always find it amusing how some people get so butthurt from encountering a manga series that disagrees with their personal viewpoints. Personally, when I encounter a manga that I don't like. I consider it good manners NOT to denigrate the taste of others and just go on to another series.  But I suppose that there are many people out there who consider it to be their solemn duty to inform everyone else who might disagree with them just how wrong they are... And usually in a very rude manner.  I guess they don't realize that when they insult the personal taste of others, they actually weaken their own viewpoints.


I don't mind someone expressing their opinion on the value of a series, but to put it in such a way that is insulting to others who might enjoy that series is the height of barbarity and an expression of an elitist view that their OPINION is actually an established FACT.


But that is merely my own opinion on the matter...

No one's forcing anybody to post this shit.

And yet, here it is.

...your point? Anyone can write anything and such. In this situation there is no need to be annoyed at it, just move onto another manga. 

Propaganda perfusion already has begun through half-satire. The demonization and removal of the intellectuals comes next. Then the burning of books and rise of the police state. 1930s Germany here we come.


I mean hitler basically got that one Majong manga, why not Trump? Does Trump not deserve to go Super-Aryan as well?

Ok, I admit that I didn't vote for either one of those 2 for the election (yes, I did vote), and yet, this was f-ing hilarious. Wicked witch of the left? Damn....

Read it first over at the_donald. Great stuff centipede!

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