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* * * * - (3.8 - 162votes)

Trump Manga

Alt Names:
Author: Manlyspirit
Artist: Manlyspirit
Genres: Action ActionDoujinshi DoujinshiDrama DramaOneshot OneshotShounen Shounen
Type: Other
Status: Ongoing
Description: A tribute manga to Donald Trump and his victory over Hillary Clinton
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So, how faithful this comic is actually to the real debate in percentage? :P

9001% faithful.
We all remember the demon fight and the actual fistfight before trump released his special wall technique.

So, how faithful this comic is actually to the real debate in percentage? :P

"oh woe is me, here i am on my throne, the elitist of all manga kind. I come here to relieve myself from the everyday struggles of life. Yet i choose to stress myself out more by reading or commenting on something i dont like. When in reality i just want to be noticed for my clear superiority of the non manga elitist. Hohohohoh." "Ps i also seem to hate koreans for making me read their seductive manwha, wah wah wah."


Everything is wrong and unfunny. Please try again.

And yes, there it is, was just casually strolling the comments and of course there has to be one user who thinks Trump winning will mark the start of a purge of "intellectuals". That statement is actually funnier than this comic.

In Sweden there was that rapist who kept saying "black cock is expensive" when raping a child so it's likely there are other pedos doing the same.


Touché. I Googled it. I lost.


    • Ose likes this
So how come we don't have pedophiles yelling their technique names while raping a poor child?

In Sweden there was that rapist who kept saying "black cock is expensive" when raping a child so it's likely there are other pedos doing the same.

Jesus fucking Christ, would people give this shit a rest already? I come here to get away from the retardation of everyday people, don't bring that shit here with these kinds of "manga".

"oh woe is me, here i am on my throne, the elitist of all manga kind. I come here to relieve myself from the everyday struggles of life. Yet i choose to stress myself out more by reading or commenting on something i dont like. When in reality i just want to be noticed for my clear superiority of the non manga elitist. Hohohohoh." "Ps i also seem to hate koreans for making me read their seductive manwha, wah wah wah."
Even if you dislike Trump you should be able to enjoy the drama in the comments section generated by the manga's very presence. Some anon even got banned on 8ch just for uploading the first page on their /a/ board, kek.
This was hilarious lol people in this comment section are way to full of themselves lol like really who are trying to impress with "knowledge" and stupid usernames.

Kids, (And the only one in this comment thread I wouldn't call kid is PervySageChuck because he like me is as ancient as the internet),


Amywesty listens to A Prairie Home Companion! Don't trust anyone over 60!

This had me laughing from beginning to end.

Although, I feel I'm but one of a handful on here that actually enjoyed it... :(

"Mentally dependent."

I never knew a "getaway" had anything to do with my mental condition. Nah, you don't want to have any getaways you can find peace on because some asshole will come around and fuck it up for you.

No one should be allowed to have one either, I guess. They have to protect their mental state! by paradoxically avoiding getaways.


Jesus fucking Christ, would people give this shit a rest already? I come here to get away from the retardation of everyday people, don't bring that shit here with these kinds of "manga".

Why are you so mentally dependant on the general entirety of manga? You got problems.

It's bad.

By your logic, people who read loli hentai are rapists.

And people who read shounen are hero wannabes.

So how come we don't have pedophiles yelling their technique names while raping a poor child?


I know my subject. Your age is irrelevant.

Or you're just reading too much into.. what was the term I used? Oh, right, fantasy.

That's not an argument. 
In fact, the assertion you made suggests that the idea came from nothing whereas thisthis This as well, Some of these , These fine folk, Other non experts, and many such  others, disagree with you.

Just saying. Know your subject before you try speaking condescendingly to your elders.

Why. Just. Why.

Or you're just reading too much into.. what was the term I used? Oh, right, fantasy.

Oh, I don't certainly don't give a shit about politics. I haven't been quoting anyone in a petty attempt to mimic how retarded this passive-aggressiveness indirect pointing of fingers looks, but I guess it just went over some people's heads. Whoopsie!


Fuck governments and politicians everywhere. I stand by my point about these things having so much overexposure in real life to be unjustifiably brought to the fantasy world.

And fuck Korean mangas. There was a time these were somewhat good, but they're downright porn nowadays. And terrible porn, too.

Half of the manga you read are the result of the current political climates. Japans harem mangas? All the fanservice and the likes? The result of the need to motivate people to reproduce. There are quite a few manga which deal with the falling birth rate problems.

The X gets summoned to an alternative world? The worries of people having no direction in life and thus seeking escapism. Then the post modern examination of these stories which deals with "Subverting" them. 

Look at Gate, thus the JSDF fought there. It extolls right wing values and a desire for a stronger sense of nationalism. It's not readily apparent but it's there. 

Military manga. Same basic thing as Gate. 

Fighting manga: getting the males to celebrate their fighting spirit as a result of people worrying that the Youth have become push overs. 

Everything you read is shaped by politics, they are all commentaries in their own way of how Japan deals with various worries. This manga is no different. 


Aren't calling everyone here kids just gonna increase the saltiness? :P

Maybe. It'd make my point all the more though. 

Oh, I don't certainly don't give a shit about politics. I haven't been quoting anyone in a petty attempt to mimic how retarded this passive-aggressive indirect pointing of fingers looks, but I guess it just went over some people's heads. Whoopsie!


Fuck governments and politicians everywhere. I stand by my point about these things having so much overexposure in real life to be unjustifiably brought to the fantasy world.

And fuck Korean mangas. There was a time these were somewhat good, but they're downright porn nowadays. And terrible porn, too.

That's exactly the point in "copyright trolling." Bato would burn just because it's okay to bring everything and

anything to it.


Yeah, but the thing is, this comic here is not pornographic and honestly didn't violate any Batoto's standard rule for entry.





Aren't calling everyone here kids just gonna increase the saltiness? :P

The comic is great.
But the saltiness in this comment thread is even greater.

Kids, (And the only one in this comment thread I wouldn't call kid is PervySageChuck because he like me is as ancient as the internet), it's just a manga. It satirizes the hype and the memetic warfare that dominated this election, and it poked fun at the browsers of /pol/ and how they acted during it all while at the same time contributed to the conversation by doing the work of News sites. By no means does it demonize you, the voter, no matter what your political party is. 
One of the most important lessons you will ever learn is how to not only respect someone elses position on an issue, but also that each person comes to a decision based upon a series of nuanced decisions informed by their life experiences and the geography of where they grew up. A person in the mid west has difficulty fitting in in say Los Angeles or Washington D.C. (I tried both) and consequently, an urban hipster will have problems fitting into middle of lake Wobegone Minnesota (Gerrison Keeler fan here). However, your experiences don't invalidate theirs. It's just important to actually TALK to one another and get where they are coming from. That will save the embarrassment of Huffington post and blaming Trumps win on everything but the democrats choosing a terrible way of painting their opponents and the news media cheerleading Hillary (And not only CNN but MSNBC politico The New York Times and other news sites are openly admitting they did wrong and are resolving to change how they approach these things in the future). while also alienating essentially half the voting populace. 

The point is we all have different experiences, but it is wrong to paint people with generalizations and adding isms to everything. Spend 5 minutes talking to someone. Understand where they are coming from and for the love of the Force COMPROMISE. In order for us to move forward, we have to first understand what we both want and then come to a solution that benefits both parties...

That is all. Den Mother has spoken. 
Here's another warhammer meme to close out the night.


That's exactly the point in "copyright trolling." Bato would burn just because it's okay to bring everything and anything to it.

Too much trouble. Can you imagine how many duplicates there would be?

It has to be Fakku. No point if there's no copyright trolling involved on top of making Bato a porn-infested shithole.


Well, you can always limit the entry to those translated to English.


What's the point of adding entries that you know will immediately taken down by copyrights? :D

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