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* * * * - (4.48 - 102votes)

Liar x Liar

Alt Names: alt ライアー×ライアー
Author: Kindaichi Renjuurou
Artist: Kindaichi Renjuurou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaRomance RomanceShoujo ShoujoSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: One day, on a whim, twenty-year old Minato decides to walk around the city dressed in her friend's cute high school uniform. To her horror, she ends up running into her stepbrother, Tooru, who is actually only months younger than her. Since he's cute and a notorious player, Minato has had to deal with constant jealousy and suspicion from other girls throughout her entire school days.

Amazingly, she manages to convince Tooru that she's actually someone who just happens to look a lot like his stepsister. He is so convinced that he starts trying to date her and, for various reasons, she goes along with it. What started as a simple joke is now evolving into the biggest lie Minato has ever told!
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Plot gets any thicker it'll be crunchy peanut butter.


I think it just became entirely peanuts.

Nooooooo the awkwardness of shared social circles!!!!!!

for some reason, I'm starting to think that Tooru knows that Minato is Mina but he's playing dumb about it...


I think that's a pretty popular opinion right now. It fits with the name of the manga, and really too many of his reactions seem to imply that he has some knowledge. Otherwise, he, who has had basically no real social connection with his sister until now wouldn't keep inquiring about her love life, or looking depressed at times he wouldn't unless he knew. Honestly, I get the feeling he has always liked her, and the reason that he accepted the love of so many girls growing up was because he didn't think he could have her and thus was trying to fill that void. 


Also going to throw out a wager that Minato has had a thing for Tooru for a long time too, and her obsessive compulsiveness to clean and the source of that compulsion have much to do with her mentally wanting to reject what was happening between Tooru and other girls, even if she never realized it as such. 

for some reason, I'm starting to think that Tooru knows that Minato is Mina but he's playing dumb about it...

I would love to see incest ending , if not i will probably rage a little .


It's not even really incest but I agree. Whatever the ending may be, I just don't want it to be Kurasuma. Tooru and Minato only met sparsely until they were already in middle school. People are already falling in love by that point so the hang up about them being "siblings" is just hogwash as a reason why they can't be together. All the things he says and does bleeds ulterior motives and jealousy, from subtle to flagrant. I definitely don't want him in the final picture.

...and the plot thickens.

Plot gets any thicker it'll be crunchy peanut butter.

I mean its already legal since they mentioned that they're steps siblings from early chapters!

why dont they get married already and save me from all these cliche!

I want her and the brother to both end up alone.   I enjoy the story, but the characters are ugh.

The Bro is.......... just skeevy and kind of on the dumb side.

And Mina seems to be a complete airhead.


Actually I hope they end up together and the brother cheats the first chance he gets.  Then I could atleast laugh at Mina for not realizing that if he fooled around before (and according to her, he did a lot), he'll do it again.

Yandere guy appears!!!

I would love to see incest ending , if not i will probably rage a little .

i'll rage a lot lol

I would love to see incest ending , if not i will probably rage a little .

...and the plot thickens.

omg, this is getting soooooo exciting! The climax is coming soon, and it's going to be awesome.

Man this is going to explode in her face eventually.  I'm torn between having to see it happen and cringing at how bad it'll be when it does. 

Liar x Liar, indeed.


That's way too many lies to handle them.

Implosion incoming soon.

Liar x Liar on Dessert cover of June:


 By all means rage, rage against the sinking of the ship! 

Another poetic allusion, PLG? Oh dear shippers, do not go gentle into that good night.


Interesting analysis, too. Maybe with all these guys suddenly liking her, she can realize that she's attractive as herself, loosen up a bit, and somehow work things out with Tooru as Minato. I think it also helps that Tooru is holding back with her, since the source of her trauma is related to him and his activities

Minato is unexpectedly popoular. But I don't think I like that guy.

i swear if this manga didnt end with mina and tooru , 

im gonna throw or flip a table

if its end with uncertained ending , ill go crazy!

the last two chapters really put me in an awkward pose when I read them in public ....

LOL this is getting even more complicated :))

Bewbs? Did I just saw Bewbs?

Now, I'm reminded of Robert Frost's "Road Not Taken," 

Well spotted! :D

It looks bleak for Tsukagushi-senpai, sadly, but he's definitely my best pick for liking Minato as her plain 'ol, obsessed-with-cleaning self. Sounds you're totally resolute about that ship not happening :D

Don't you mean Karasuma?  Didn't we only just find out about Tsukaguchi-sempai's feelings?  Anyway, when it comes to Karasuma, I'm not so much resolute against that ship as I find it vanishingly unlikely.  The whole structure of the story, the way the main conflicts are working, and just the way she feels about things, says to me that Karasuma is a foil, there to bring her guilt over liking Tooru to the surface, sharpen her conflict over it by presenting the alternative that she realizes she can't do after all.  She just doesn't basically like Karasuma like that; the only thing he has going for him is her feelings that she shouldn't be doing what she really wants to.  That's always a losing hand unless it's one of those literary novels about people becoming messed up and having sordid affairs after marrying the wrong person--even there it's a losing hand, just in really slow motion.  

So anyone shipping Karasuma, or anyone other than Tooru, is setting themselves up for disappointment . . . but I have nothing against that!  By all means rage, rage against the sinking of the ship!  I just think it's as well to realize going in that this alternate ship is not going to reach port; go in with clear eyes and your head held high and play show tunes as it goes down.

On the current chapter, all I have to say is apparently it's not just Tooru, boys are just gullible.

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