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Umi no Misaki

Alt Names: alt รักวุ่นวายคุณชายมังกรalt 바다의무녀alt Ocean's Capealt 海の御先alt 海之彼方alt 海神的巫女alt Океанский мыс
Author: Fumizuki Kou
Artist: Fumizuki Kou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Goto Nagi has travelled to the southern island of Okitsushima, and ventures out to see Umi no Misaki, a striking cape jutting out into the ocean. But when he arrives, he finds that there is much more to this cape than a wondrous view. There is something peculiar about the cape, and about the island's inhabitants.
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Wait, where's this manga going now? I thought we already hit the ending point.

I don't understand the spoiled brat mentality of some of the manga community.  If you don't like the quality, don't read it.  People act like they paid money to read these translations when they did not.  If you didn't pay for service you really have no right to complain about it.  All this complaining accomplishes is less people willing to translate which in the end is a loss for the readers.

You need a very thick skin and little to no care about superfluous comments if you wanna scanlate. If you don't meet this, don't ever bother, you already knew what kind of audience you will have. Sad but true.

Wow, I read the most recent two chapters and...  It's so great all that pointless melodrama is gone now!  It finally feels like it did before there was any talk of the rising dragon festival.  I've missed like 20 chapters and I'm in no hurry to go look those over >.>

well, if nobody else actually visits the scanlator's blog, Impatient Scans says they've had enough of the hate mail and criticism over their work on Umi so this is the very last chapter they'll release............so, yeah, I kinda doubt we'll be seeing anything from them again.   :D


though they did wish everyone a Merry Christmas... :)


I don't understand the spoiled brat mentality of some of the manga community.  If you don't like the quality, don't read it.  People act like they paid money to read these translations when they did not.  If you didn't pay for service you really have no right to complain about it.  All this complaining accomplishes is less people willing to translate which in the end is a loss for the readers.

well, if nobody else actually visits the scanlator's blog, Impatient Scans says they've had enough of the hate mail and criticism over their work on Umi so this is the very last chapter they'll release............so, yeah, I kinda doubt we'll be seeing anything from them again.   :D


though they did wish everyone a Merry Christmas... :)

I'm pretty happy that it's not ending yet. 

I wonder just how long the author will stretch this up. It feels tacked on, like the publisher didn't agree to finish things up and told the author to keep going.


Personally i think it would have been a good time to end this a while ago



Oh well, let's see where it goes.


Thanks NaweG by the way, seems like you're the only one keeping up the good work with this series.

Damm it why doesn't some punish the islanders for their murder suicide traditions I want something bad to happen to that old lady.

You can't punish anyone for Suicide - you could argue they were negligent of their duty of care in raising the Shrine Maidens, but even that does not translate to a murder or even a manslaughter charge.

The arrival of the Dragon God was rare enough that it only happened once every 150 years, if I recall correctly. So the last time the Dragon God and Chosen Shrine Maiden sacrificed themselves, they would have come under local laws, which you'd find overlook it, if not outright covered it up.

Let's say the Granny was held accountable, since she was in charge of the direct indoctrination of the girls. Was there malice involved when she didn't know if the girls would have to go through with it? Premeditation when there was no guarantee a Dragon Lord would be born in her time? What evidence could they present? Who else knew about this? Not the current Island residents, that's for sure. No one even wanted to discuss the Dragon Rising Festival thingy with Nagi, which sort of implies no one else knew outside of Granny. At worst, she's be charged with neglicence which would be a slap in the wrist.

Shizuku, Soyogi and Karin and (possibly even Rinne), but ESPECIALLY Shizuku would have to face the courts for attempted manslaughter however. I don't anyone of us wants to see that. Better to just the old customs die off.


Damm it why doesn't some punish the islanders for their murder suicide traditions I want something bad to happen to that old lady.

Feels like I missed a chapter somewhere.

i realizet that noone ever talked about suicide... "return to the sea" as in "hey Hokkaido is an Island too after all, lets go there."

Good to see the series getting back to its roots.


While I have no control over the RAWS, I do think I should point out what a challenge these are to scan. If you've ever bought a "real" copy of one of these magazines you'll find that the pages (except for the color pages and the cover) are thin enough they could be used for toilet paper. Of course that is part of how the company gets you to buy the tanks later.


I agree with everything you said, but I should note that the main reason the mags use that awful paper/resolution/etc is to save money and make the mag affordable. Using higher quality paper and printing could make a single magazine cost at least six times the normal price (depending on size and binding). Most of these magazines are hundreds of pages long.

Aaaand back to being a romcom again. Curious to see how the author keeps it interesting and fresh.

So it's not ending anytime soon?

I thought it was a good time to end albeit the loose ending.

I can't believe that wasn't the end of the series. Isn't the end. It really should be...


I love this series overall, but I gotta say the ending didn't make a lot of sense.


I hate to hate on this manga cause I really do enjoy it but... I mean If I was him Id be like "Ya...sooooo, we ain't ganna do any of this suicide shit, I'm the motha f*ckin Dragon God b*tch and I say No" and all of this 'dissent' shit pfft, "Oh I'm sorry. You don't like my decision? Too f*cking bad! I'm a GOD according to you and if I'm not then this whole thing is in error and your religion is bogus soooo either listen to me or go f*ck yourself."


Ya I had a lot of indirect anger pent up after this mini-arc/development. Still a good manga though.

anyone want to place bets on which one(s) got knocked up because of this? or if?

i hope this is not the endding i would like to see a real harem end

it seems to give that feel to it but nothing has been announced about it ending so will have to wait and see I guess, hope not though this is one of my favorite manga's to read

i hope this is not the endding i would like to see a real harem end

Was this scanned with a potato?


While I have no control over the RAWS, I do think I should point out what a challenge these are to scan. If you've ever bought a "real" copy of one of these magazines you'll find that the pages (except for the color pages and the cover) are thin enough they could be used for toilet paper. Of course that is part of how the company gets you to buy the tanks later.


So when scanning you have a difficult time trying to scan with enough light to pick up all the detail without losing too much do to bleed-through (the light causing impressions from the other side of the page to be visible).


Worse - the scans I get are usually from folks who do the whole magazine. So they are usually debinding, and then putting the stack into the scanner. Which is why you'll notice that pages are very rarely fully lined up/straight.


In a larger group, the cleaner(s) and/or the redraver(s) are the unsung heros who take all this mess, and try and create a page that looks like it came from a tank rather than from a magazine. In my case, I get the scan "presentable". That means I get rid of any color casts (usually yellow or pink), set a brightness and contrast to eliminate any bleedthrough (to the extent possible) and other artifacts, and then go from there.


The "ideal" situation would be to do what some groups do and only do releases from the tanks. In fact I'm pretty sure that's what Solaris-SVU did for the first several chapters. But once you get hooked on the story, the idea of waiting several months between hits is a little hard to take.


Someone mentioned a V2, and I would certainly encourage anyone who wants to use my releases as a script to produce a better looking release to do so. I just don't think there are many (if any) folks who could make it better looking and still get it out as quickly :-)

I want something bad to happen to the Obaa san she needs to be punished, she was raising girls as human sacrifice come on  manga ka.


Harem end? Harem end.

Hooray for polygamy!

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