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Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.7 - 398votes)

Ane Naru Mono

Alt Names: alt 姉なるものalt The Demon Who Became My Sisteralt The Sister of the Woods with a Thousand Youngalt 恶魔姐姐
Author: Iida Pochi.
Artist: Iida Pochi.
Genres: Drama DramaEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSupernatural Supernatural
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Adapted from the adult-rated doujinshi series of the same name, this non-explicit version of 'The Sister of the Woods With a Thousand Young' is a heart-warming story of a neglected orphan, Yuu, who has been blessed with the offering of a free wish by a demon, but simply asks her to become his older sister.
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Was she holding a condom? Or do I have a dirty healthy mind?


Was she holding a condom? Or do I have a dirty mind?


Was she holding a condom? Or do I have a dirty mind?

Dumbing down the title as its made for the sterotypes. Good job.

So many faces, so few palms.

(Military) Advance of the Titans = Attack on Titan

The Shape of Voice = A Silent Voice

and so on, and so on...


The Eternity You Desire = Rumbling Hearts

wtf ( •̌ _ •̑ )ˀ̣ˀ̣

Except Yen Press licensed it as The Demon Who Became My Sister, sooo...

Dumbing down the title as its made for the sterotypes.

Good job.

Except Yen Press licensed it as The Demon Who Became My Sister, sooo...


Ooh, nice! Looks like it's scheduled for Jan. 23, about 7 bucks for the ebook.

chp 9 pg 14, yes, kill them all plz

Being so overpowered that you accidentaly summon Eldritch Horrors by trying to draw normal lifeforms with a normal pencil on a normal sheet.


Outer Gods have it hard...

Still my all-time favorite alt title.


As for the actual English on the cover: "The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young" is part of the Cthulhu mythos, the title of (off to look up…) Shub-Niggurath, one of the Elder Gods.


Not usually described as a hot babe.

A friend who loves horror once had "Dagon" playing on the VCR when I was over. It would be extreme understatement to describe that movie as the polar opposite of sexy. (☉﹏☉)

My Eldritch Abomination can't v this cute


Still my all-time favorite alt title.


As for the actual English on the cover: "The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young" is part of the Cthulhu mythos, the title of (off to look up…) Shub-Niggurath, one of the Elder Gods.


Not usually described as a hot babe.

Holly molly! Annoying pet alarm! Uncertain, so code green for the time being.

Considering that this manga is a rewriting of an originally Hentai manga series, it isn't that far-fetched.


Now I want a manga that's a rewriting of every one of Teri Terio's works. Damn, that guy is amazing


The author put the English title as "The Sister of the Woods with A Thousand Young" while the Japanese title is "姉なるもの" which translates to "Something Became Sister" but with the way Japanese works and how subject and object are often left out in sentences, certain liberties can be taken when localizing.


So really.... There is no real way to translate this to English until official translations or whatever the author says comes out.

Except Yen Press licensed it as The Demon Who Became My Sister, sooo...

Who went HAM on the alternate titles?  Can we get that shit cleaned up please?  There should probably only be 2 English alt titles.  The Sister of The Woods with A Thousand Young and The Demon Who Became My Sister.

The author put the English title as "The Sister of the Woods with A Thousand Young" while the Japanese title is "姉なるもの" which translates to "Something Became Sister" but with the way Japanese works and how subject and object are often left out in sentences, certain liberties can be taken when localizing.


So really.... There is no real way to translate this to English until official translations or whatever the author says comes out.

My Eldritch Abomination can't v this cute

Who went HAM on the alternate titles?  Can we get that shit cleaned up please?  There should probably only be 2 English alt titles.  The Sister of The Woods with A Thousand Young and The Demon Who Became My Sister.

Do you have some sort of mental disorder?

Someone appears to have peed in your coffee this morning. I'm not sure why you think it was me.


With regard to your question, who knows. But at least I don't attack other people for no reason, then double down when they explain why I was wrong. Have a nice life, if you can.


Do you have some sort of mental disorder?
Anyone vaguely familiar with finding manga should reach for mangaupdates or one of the trackers first
Artists do tend to use pseudonyms but generally with manga they limit it to one to foster notoriety and maintain readership.
Finally, other than both being competent hentai artists their art isn't particularly similar,
in a nutshell
1) lurk more 2) learn to use better website tools 3) put in some thought before asking a question 4) read what has actually been written in earlier comments or replies 5) don't be a burk

First Impression before reading anything:

The cover - *sees slutty hentai looking woman on cover* "This looks like an intellectually engaging and interesting plot driven story! followed!"

Alternate titles - *looks at spanish title* "my sister the mayor is a demonio.. so the political struggles of those who deal with accusations of nepotism and are "demonized" by the media... and people say manga is softcore fap material, ha!"

The description - Adapted from the adult-rated... *thinks to self* "wow so i'm in for some really mature and compelling content! I may have to look into the pre-adapted version afterwards to acquire a fuller understanding of.. the plot, yes the plot"

Wow no "h-scenes" this chapter. Loved the way she acted like a child. But she might not be drawing again anytime soon

i thought of that too ^-^
reminds me of the doujin version

We need more girl

Wow no "h-scenes" this chapter. Loved the way she acted like a child. But she might not be drawing again anytime soon

Didn't need to know that.

If you'd spent as little as 30 seconds looking you would have found that Iida Pochi and Maybe are different artists both with a combination of publicly listed hentai and mainstream works.

Ane Naru Mono was the only work I found when I spent my "30 seconds" searching for information at Batoto (typically a better source of information than average) for IIDA Pochi, the adaptor of an "adult-rated doujinshi series". It's not unreasonable to believe a mangaka would use another name when doing so.

search result


Strange as it may sound, some people ask questions because they haven't easily found information and would like to know the answer without spending 30 minutes (if someone demonstrably knows already).


Addendum: Spending a few minutes in Batoto's defense, 7 of the 10 top Google results also show IIDA Pochi with just one work, Ane Naru Mono. One of the 10 shows two different works, and another one shows Ane Naru Mono plus one. Just one best/top result* shows several works, both novels and manga, and includes two different pen names (looks like four but it's just two: Pochi-Goya。 and IIDA Nogi, rendered in romaji and Japanese). Imagine that, one mangaka using different pen names.


* - For anyone who wants to see, it also has a cute picture of her hiding her face behind a booth sign with the name Pochi-Goya。. Also worth noting, imo: The original doujinshi for Ane Naru Mono is her work as well.

If both are publicly-known figures, thank you for the answer. If not, I should have worded my question better: Is it possible that both are done by the same mangaka, with pen names not necessarily indicative that it's a different person? (In the same sense that I'm "arimareiji" here, I used to use the name "darkarima" on cosplay.com, and I use different names elsewhere but I'm the same person regardless.)

Didn't need to know that.

If you'd spent as little as 30 seconds looking you would have found that Iida Pochi and Maybe are different artists both with a combination of publicly listed hentai and mainstream works.

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