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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.17 - 121votes)

Nanoka no Kare

Alt Names: alt Ang Kasintahan ni Nanokaalt Ein Freund für Nanokaalt 菜の花の彼alt 菜乃花的他alt Il fidanzato di Nanokaalt Nanoka's Boyfriend
Author: Tekkotsu Saro
Artist: Toumori Miyoshi
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Nanoka's friends are only interested in boys, leaving Nanoka feeling alone and left out. The truth is, she had a boyfriend before, but was left so heartbroken by his lies that she's not interested in dating anymore. That's what she thought, until an overheard conversation moves her so much that she ends up suddenly confessing to a boy that she's never even seen!
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seriously....are japanese girls are stupid or what ???? or the character are made dumb to extend manga...
1.how can u go off with complete stranger and on top of it ,,with  a boy...
2.that girls friend was right behind her..how did she not busted him right there...why call her boyfriend from another school.....she could have stopped him right there....
3.and whats with our female mc....didnt she has cellphone or what ...she quietly followed him to cafe..alone..
4.seriously...how can such brat are not repoted to police for sexual assault and rape???? not only here but in most manga ...
anyway female mc is too weak and dumb to be liking.....this manga is off for me,,,,/////

Haha, it's just a manga, but this sounds a bit like victim blaming.

Anyway, dayumm. Her boyfriend choices are A+.

seriously....are japanese girls are stupid or what ???? or the character are made dumb to extend manga...

1.how can u go off with complete stranger and on top of it ,,with  a boy...

2.that girls friend was right behind her..how did she not busted him right there...why call her boyfriend from another school.....she could have stopped him right there....

3.and whats with our female mc....didnt she has cellphone or what ...she quietly followed him to cafe..alone..

4.seriously...how can such brat are not repoted to police for sexual assault and rape???? not only here but in most manga ...

anyway female mc is too weak and dumb to be liking.....this manga is off for me,,,,/////

how can u even read manga with that line of thought?

this manga has all of the shojo tropes but presents it in a way that is refreshing rather than cliché.... anyone else wondering what the mangaka is trying to do with the story? 

I am following just because the art is cute. Don't judge me.

Who is Takato ? -_-

I've got no idea, but it makes me feel at ease that I'm not the only one who doesn't know.

seriously....are japanese girls are stupid or what ???? or the character are made dumb to extend manga...

1.how can u go off with complete stranger and on top of it ,,with  a boy...

2.that girls friend was right behind her..how did she not busted him right there...why call her boyfriend from another school.....she could have stopped him right there....

3.and whats with our female mc....didnt she has cellphone or what ...she quietly followed him to cafe..alone..

4.seriously...how can such brat are not repoted to police for sexual assault and rape???? not only here but in most manga ...

anyway female mc is too weak and dumb to be liking.....this manga is off for me,,,,/////

Who is Takato ? -_-

Ex who lied about how far they went, I'm guessing.

Who is Takato ? -_-


usually I hate


Ahhh shiaaat so excited waiting next chap!!!


Thank you so much Chibi Scans!

oh boy, look who appeared

If her irritating, nasty, two-faced friend who has poor taste in boyfriends (seems to be an asshole in general who wants to have her around for sexual reasons) is getting interested in Nanoka's boy like it seems she is, I'm gonna be pissed. Because that friend has been nothing but trouble so far and proved herself to be a total flake, and I can totally envision her trying to stir up trouble for Nanoka so that she can date the nice boy instead. Ugh.

I wonder what it is about this manga ... there is something about it that I just like, that resonates with me on some level. It is fairly standard in terms of story line and genre, etc., but somehow it just ... I don't know ... WORKS for me. I really like it, though I would be hard pressed to explain to someone why I do. :\


I feel the same way! This is manga is really cute, and yeah, I love how Nanoka falls for the guy because of his personality and not "OMG HE'S SO HOT" "OMG HE DID THIS NICE THING FOR ME ONCE" that kind of thing. Which is fine but it gets tiring in most shoujos xD I hope this keeps getting supported~

i was curious about those little yellow flowers that always show up - on the volume cover, on in between pages - even on that note paper she used or on her cellphone! - and i figured it wasn't just a coincidence since they seemed to show up all over!

so, i google translated nanoka's name as it appears in the title (菜の花) and the translation came up as 'field mustard' - and lo and behold, when i looked that up, it was those little yellow flowers! (see here: http://eol.org/pages/583898/overview)

maybe this was obvious but i thought it was interesting anyway, and i wanted to share! i like when artist's use a play on a character's name like this in an unspoken way, especially these little flowers that really suit nanoka's image!

Awww, bucketloads of sweetness!

Plus I love the leads.  She's sweet and sincere.  That's not unusual in a shoujo heroine--one of the reasons I enjoy the genre.  But he . . . is unselfish and considerate, but not weak.  You hardly ever see that.  He strikes me as a guy who is centred enough in himself that he can afford to be good to others.  He doesn't cast blame and so forth because he doesn't need to shore himself up at others' expense.  But he doesn't let himself be pushed, he says what he means when he needs to say it.  A shoujo male lead worthy of respect.  That is so awesome!

And it may have happened fast, but she really fell for him because of that personality--not because of looks, or style, or because he happened to save her in some way due to being in the right place at the right time, but because in her short brushes with him she got treated to an inside look at what a classy, generous-hearted guy he was.

*squeals and smiles happily* Good job! That was a wonderful chapter! I love how they interacted with each other, especially at the end, when you finally got the feeling that "ah, and this is where a happy memory will replace a not-so-happy one." Thanks for the upload!

I really love these two characters. Their atmosphere is so refreshing, beautiful... I can't quite put my finger on it, but seeing them interact together is heartwarming, especially in this latest chapter.

Annddd ... you were correct! Good guess. :)


Ohhhhhhh, you knooooow, these shoujo manga are just always so hard to predict!11!!! :P (Ilovethemsomuch.)

I'm guessing she went to visit her old classroom and it just happens to be his too.


Annddd ... you were correct! Good guess. :)


Oh yes - Ch 5 was a very nice chapter. Nice to see things begin to sort themselves out for the two of them. ^^

    • lzy likes this
Something about this is just super cute and refreshing and idk I just like really enjoy both the main leads and I think if it continues on this way it will be one of my favorites

that friend of hers.....can't help but jump to the conclusion of her being a bee; what other reason is there for her actions?

I want to say it's kinda creepy you know what class he's in but then again DESPERATE TIMES CALL FOR DESPERATE MEASURES. I'm glad Hayato feels the same way ^-^ And I found it extremely adorable that they visited each other's schools to find each other :3

I'm guessing she went to visit her old classroom and it just happens to be his too.

I wonder what it is about this manga ... there is something about it that I just like, that resonates with me on some level. It is fairly standard in terms of story line and genre, etc., but somehow it just ... I don't know ... WORKS for me. I really like it, though I would be hard pressed to explain to someone why I do. :\

I want to say it's kinda creepy you know what class he's in but then again DESPERATE TIMES CALL FOR DESPERATE MEASURES. I'm glad Hayato feels the same way ^-^ And I found it extremely adorable that they visited each other's schools to find each other :3

too early to tell, but black-haired girl's bf looks like a douche whose only interested in getting laid. considering her apparent need for male companionship to affirm her worth, I wouldn't be surprised.

    • lzy likes this

I rather like this one.   The ending of that chapter had some promise. 

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