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* * * * - (3.84 - 204votes)

Fukushuu Kyoushitsu

Alt Names: alt 复仇教室alt 復讐教室alt Revenge Classroom
Author: Yamazaki Karasu
Artist: Kaname Ryu
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorPsychological PsychologicalSchool Life School LifeSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Fujisawa Ayana was horribly bullied at school. At first, she tried to defend herself, but she soon learned to just stay quiet and wait for the pain to end. However, the bullying escalated one day, when someone pushed her into traffic. At the hospital, as she recovered, she suddenly realized that even if she didn't fight back, her classmates were probably going to eventually kill her.

From this realization, she soon decided that the only path left was for her to take revenge. Her new plan included the students who bullied her, those who stood aside and laughed, and those who did nothing to make it stop. She began gathering notes on her classmates, planning exactly what she could do to make each of their lives collapse. While some of the students really seemed to deserve their fate, her plan also included classmates that she used to count as close friends...
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Had a look at the raws, up to volume 4. There will be some very messed up shit.


I had a quick glance, and see that this is still the same embarrassing mess as the last time I read it, not surprised.


I´m just dropping by to recommend a better read, is finally a revenge story done right (from the mangaka of Hi-score Girl):


Quit trying to be a "hero" and check the genre tabs before doing any comparision. Fukushuu is a Seinen and isn't meant for young readers, while Josei is for the ladies.

I had a quick glance, and see that this is still the same embarrassing mess as the last time I read it, not surprised.


I´m just dropping by to recommend a better read, is finally a revenge story done right (from the mangaka of Hi-score Girl):


"Better". Really guy? It's all the same edgy shit. I've read both, and they're both horrible. But I read it anyways, because I want to see how this train wreck goes. 

I had a quick glance, and see that this is still the same embarrassing mess as the last time I read it, not surprised.


I´m just dropping by to recommend a better read, is finally a revenge story done right (from the mangaka of Hi-score Girl):






Had a look at the raws, up to volume 4. There will be some very messed up shit.

Ayana, your madness is beautiful to behold.


Please keep removing trash until that classroom is clean again.



Ayana, your madness is beautiful to behold.


Please keep removing trash until that classroom is clean again.


the truck driver is like manga version of Stan Lee.

appear in every manga out of no where filling everyday roadkill quota

Remember kids, if you bully someone, he might return to exact horrible revenge on you, so play nice. This should be required reading in every school. If bullies knew that they ran the risk of having their lives ruined (or ended) bullying would surely stop.


btw, i think they need a new rules on for truck driver's appearance in manga

I think it's the same guy in every anime/manga/VN, enslaved by fate to work across realities as a shitty deus ex machina for eternity. 

Wow this new chapter wow. Ayana and this series is not a halfass at all.

This manga is a painful ride.

A painful ride I have to see 'til the end.


btw, i think they need a new rules on for truck driver's appearance in manga

every character in this series is insane. especially ayana.



I'm glad that SEO's truck of plot paid a visit.


On a side note though, kinda feel bad with Shouta when his little sisters showed up. Literally said "oh damn" when they said oniichan.

This is a horrible, horrible story.  (note: not horrible as in poorly written but horrible as in... uh... horror-esque?)

Why can't I stop reading?

So are there actually that many conveniently located trucks in Japan just waiting to run people over? Like seriously, you'd think half the cars in Japan are trucks from anime and manga. 

It must have taken Daisuke a while to shuffle along that bridge with all those wounds. Ryou could very well have waited for a truck to approach and timed his push perfectly. Not that far-fetched or convenient, actually.


Btw, this is not a monthly release. It's a bi-weekly. And since the chapters are getting ridiculously long, we are probably gonna split future chapters and release each half separately. Sorry for the inconvenience (and potentially hateful cliffhangers) in advance.

I checked some raws but I can't make real heads up or down with this guy. I did read them a long time ago so I don't remember, but I don't recall that he was that bad. Not to mention the bullying started before Ryou became interested in Ayana, if he was pissed because somebody got at his girl, he would have targeted that guy instead. I don't quite think Ren is the end of the line, but clearly he is the most dangerous so far revealed and there is a lot more to see from that bastard. His interaction with the other girl is also strange.


I'm not too sure about the timing. Although I can read Japanese, I prefer reading in English if the releases are regular, so I haven't checked anything beyond this chapter. But it seems Ayana's bullying started after the summer holidays. So the thing with Moritani might have been the trigger, although I wouldn't know, you may be right.


And I mean Ryou might have started grudging Ayana not for going out with Moritani, but for humiliating him by kissing Moritani right after Ryou confessed to her.

Wow, this keeps getting better and better.


For now, I wonder why Ryou pushed Daisuke off. Last chapter there didn't seem to be much animosity between the two.


I can only conclude that he got wind of Daisuke's raping of Ayana. Maybe he even witnessed the events in this chapter?


And since I am at it, here's another far-fetched theory, based on the fact that Ryou seems quite cold-blooded even if he bears deep hatred of Daisuke.


A person pushes Ayana into traffic.


A person pushes Daisuke off a bridge.


The second person is Ryou.


Maybe so is the first?


Given the incident with Moritani, I'm guessing Ryou bore a festering grudge of Ayana.


 Maybe Ren knows Ryou is the source of the bullying? That would explain why he called Ryou a hypocrite.


Maybe Emi and Yuuko knew as well.


So jealousy may be the source of everything.


Ah yes, one more thing: Daisuke's death is the first one that cannot be attributed to accident or suicide alone. The autopsy will find the nail wounds (and the rat in his digestive system?). If we contrast this with Kazuma's return to the school and the rumour that "Ren has been killing people" (and maybe the "email from Ren" in Daisuke's mobile phone)… Ayana may have found her fall guy.

I checked some raws but I can't make real heads up or down with this guy. I did read them a long time ago so I don't remember, but I don't recall that he was that bad. Not to mention the bullying started before Ryou became interested in Ayana, if he was pissed because somebody got at his girl, he would have targeted that guy instead. I don't quite think Ren is the end of the line, but clearly he is the most dangerous so far revealed and there is a lot more to see from that bastard. His interaction with the other girl is also strange.

Wow, this keeps getting better and better.


For now, I wonder why Ryou pushed Daisuke off. Last chapter there didn't seem to be much animosity between the two.


I can only conclude that he got wind of Daisuke's raping of Ayana. Maybe he even witnessed the events in this chapter?


And since I am at it, here's another far-fetched theory, based on the fact that Ryou seems quite cold-blooded even if he bears deep hatred of Daisuke.


A person pushes Ayana into traffic.


A person pushes Daisuke off a bridge.


The second person is Ryou.


Maybe so is the first?


Given the incident with Moritani, I'm guessing Ryou bore a festering grudge of Ayana.


 Maybe Ren knows Ryou is the source of the bullying? That would explain why he called Ryou a hypocrite.


Maybe Emi and Yuuko knew as well.


So jealousy may be the source of everything.


Ah yes, one more thing: Daisuke's death is the first one that cannot be attributed to accident or suicide alone. The autopsy will find the nail wounds (and the rat in his digestive system?). If we contrast this with Kazuma's return to the school and the rumour that "Ren has been killing people" (and maybe the "email from Ren" in Daisuke's mobile phone)… Ayana may have found her fall guy.

Glad he died. Every death is such a satisfaction. 

So are there actually that many conveniently located trucks in Japan just waiting to run people over? Like seriously, you'd think half the cars in Japan are trucks from anime and manga. 


Hey, you can apply the same for cars in Hollywood movies.

Main character is falling off? Better send him some plot armor (truck loaded with mattresses passes by)

So are there actually that many conveniently located trucks in Japan just waiting to run people over? Like seriously, you'd think half the cars in Japan are trucks from anime and manga. 

I know this is a monthly and, as a scanlator, I know how hard it is to put out a chapter this long.


But as a reader, I cannot help feeling greedy. I feel sooooo tempted to make a script for the next chapter. But I'll resist the urge. Good job, EGS team!

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