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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.52 - 287votes)

Seishun Forget!

Alt Names: alt 青春フォーゲット!alt Seishun For-get!alt Youth For-get!alt Youth Forget!
Author: Mikabe Sesuna
Artist: Mikabe Sesuna
Genres: Comedy ComedyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: "Live with Sincerity" is Natsuki Taiyou's motto. It's first day of high school and Taiyou was heading to a school and Taiyou meets Hinata during the way there. He fell in love at first sight and suddenly confessed to her. Her answer was yes and she runs away without saying who she was, but it turns that she was his classmate. Taiyou felt a destiny between them. However, on the next day, she doesn't remember who he is. why could it that be...?
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Topic [Discussion] Seishun For-get! Latest/Previous Chapters New Window greensoulreaper
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Topic Chapter 18- I'll Never Give Up! New Window Souldrake
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Topic Chapter Progress Update (6/30) New Window Souldrake
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Topic Chapter 17- This is Where I Make My Stand New Window Souldrake
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Topic Youth Forget! FAQ/Discussions/Spoiler Thread. New Window Souldrake
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Topic [News] Youth Forget ch15 and 16 (Update: 6/9) New Window Souldrake
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I guess the T,WM stands for "this is Troll, with WaterMark" hmm... and still gonna read it :)
T stands for "Troll", WM stands for "Watermarked".
What does T,WM stand for? Anyway I wasn't absolutely sure I was being trolled until the "get splashed by water, turn into a girl" thing.
the last chapter was lame :/
I hope souldrake keeps this version of ch14 available on m-h's site. :) Best (and possibly most confusing) read in weeks!

sey approves!
Im proud of this translation.
AHAJHAJA that was so hilrious that i was wondering if it was the real translation, thats how crazy manga are these days, i dont not expect crazy things!
I got trolled, and I was amused by it, so, I approve it
FYI, it's a honest-to-goodness troll. Do remember to read the actual chapter when it comes out, and you'll see the huge difference. btw, note the (T,WM) beside the chapter title.
In other news, this troll chapter is excellent (I only read bits and pieces of it before it was released)
Sorry but what in the world is that? I am referring to the latest chapter. It feels like 90% of my brain cell were extinguished when I tried to read that.
When he felt down i though he'd lose his memory lol
We have slowed down with updates, we're pretty much fed up with the mangafox and stuffs - we always released the chapter within 72 hours from original japanese release. Sacrificing sleep time and working our asses off. We're not going to race anymore since noone gives a shit about few little policies - like not deleting our credits nor waiting before uploading.

Expect more delayed releases in future. Also, the current chapter is in the works.
just when its getting good..no more updates already? :I

noez leaking emails to their forum users. still haven't removed their ch 13 credits page and now asking for "special" permissions rather than making an anonymous donation. props, drake.
I am liking the new Girl so much lol she is just hilarious and Hinata has a rival now so i'm looking forward to how she reacts in the next chapter!!
Heh. New girl's eyes on last page are so yandere-like...
really like this d(^_^)b
damn that noez
i like the new girl and where this is heading...gonna get more interesting
damn new girl knows how to take charge!

hate how hinata is still playin the "who the hell are you?" game. as much as i like her, the act is gettin old
I love how the volume number blocks the guys face
New girl is best girl.
@ zablex "more like a doujin"? whats that even mean. doujin simply means independently released.
Mikoto for the win xD
i feel bad for him.... can you imagine being forgotten THAT often? i swear in some chapters i almost cry for him

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