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* * * * - (4.49 - 168votes)

Mouryou no Yurikago

Alt Names: alt Cradle of Monstersalt Cuna de los monstruosalt 魍魎の揺りかごalt 魍魎的摇篮曲
Author: Sanbe Kei
Artist: Sanbe Kei
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHorror HorrorMystery MysteryPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: A group of students finds themselves on a sinking capsized ship. Together with some zombies. What happened to the ship and why are there zombies aboard? It's a battle against time and the zombies, to save themselves.
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There were two delinquent chicks. The dark skinned one was the one that lived, who developed a crush with the nerd.

I get that but when they go to the cirus they are watching some guy jump lol I thought it was the mc for a second.

nope, he looks way too much ike him, but its shunsuke (the little boy), only 10 years later

Thanks for finishing the series DTS m(_ _)m



And another series comes to an end with the all-too-familiar Japanese style of leaving a lot of answers to the reader's imagination.


At first, this type of ending, which seems to be a cultural thing for Japanese authors, really upset me.  But I have come to a sort of compromise in my normal patterns of thought on this and done my best to try to appreciate the what and the why of the reasons behind these type of endings.  Especially for series that WEREN'T axed by the publisher and hurriedly ended. And this series does not appear to be one of those that got axed by the publisher, so I can sort of appreciate how it ended.


It was open ending before, but they seriously started to move toward this sort of ending since there are times when a series will get a sequel/spinoffs due to demands and the ending screwed with the author's/publisher's plans.  They leave enough hanging here that a future where their kids or something stumbling onto the truth and go after the bad guys or something else all together entirely.  Similar to what happened with Shaman King and the PSME sequel.

the MC died while making the water enter the air tank, and she thought it was the MC who attacked the bad guy, but it was the little kid, that's why in the end she said the MC is "still alive" on the little kid (being brave and all that stuff).



what delinquent chick?? the blonde one? she was killed.

I get that but when they go to the cirus they are watching some guy jump lol I thought it was the mc for a second.

Wait did the MC die or was that him jumping?

the MC died while making the water enter the air tank, and she thought it was the MC who attacked the bad guy, but it was the little kid, that's why in the end she said the MC is "still alive" on the little kid (being brave and all that stuff).


...I still think the little kid is infected.


Also.  What happened to the delinquent chick?  That was left out.  WHY?!


what delinquent chick?? the blonde one? she was killed.

Wait did the MC die or was that him jumping?

Feb 16 2014 03:55 PM

Bad ending...

...I still think the little kid is infected.


Also.  What happened to the delinquent chick?  That was left out.  WHY?!

The MC hero, DIED... It's a bonafide tragedy.

And another series comes to an end with the all-too-familiar Japanese style of leaving a lot of answers to the reader's imagination.


At first, this type of ending, which seems to be a cultural thing for Japanese authors, really upset me.  But I have come to a sort of compromise in my normal patterns of thought on this and done my best to try to appreciate the what and the why of the reasons behind these type of endings.  Especially for series that WEREN'T axed by the publisher and hurriedly ended. And this series does not appear to be one of those that got axed by the publisher, so I can sort of appreciate how it ended.


If you're disappointed by the ending, or just want to read more, the same mangaka has another ongoing manga with (hopefully) a better plot than this one: Boku dake ga inai machi

he became yuuya talk about strong impressions

both nude check, pelvises infront of each other check, should of just fucked, one nudge was all it takes. damn crap ending and sad that the hero went the way he did while that fuck still had some fight in him. Also wtf cutter, need more answers. Anyone else think those guys on the rescue boats will kill the survivors?

the chapter name gave me a false hope

it was a really pedo ending

"poor" little kid hahahaha

There's still a short epilogue.

I'm also thinking this chapter was quote weak :(

i love this manga but that ending was weak

hmmm it felt like a lot of the pages were out of order in chapter 41. anyone can confirm?

wait.. that was the end? honestly  it was completely dissapointing

the chapter name gave me a false hope

Is this completed or not?! WHAT THE HELL

wait...isn't the little kid infected?

That's the ending? wth seems so plain like the mangaka just wanted it to end half assed

So this is the last chapter ? What about the Cross hunter :/

Bah, I meant it'd be the bad guy that would pop back out of the water, and oh, look at that, I was right. ^^'

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