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* * * * * (4.71 - 49votes)

Chokotto Hime

Alt Names: alt ちょこっとヒメalt Little Princess
Author: Kazama Ayami
Artist: Kazama Ayami
Genres: 4-Koma 4-KomaComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Kitten Hime is accidentally adopted by first-time pet owner Nabe. Follow them as the inexperienced boy and the shy kitten grow into owner and pet and as they make many friends along their way.
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"The Beast" mode activated ...

You didn't take the bait the way I thought you would. I expected the question "What was that from?"  The answer: From that other cat series I mentioned earlier.  Of the forty pages in that first chapter, I have 19 of them done.  That said, it has very much been a "back burner" project, in that I scanned the pages way back in January, cleaned them in February, and do a page now and then when I need to kick my mind out of a translating rut (a change is a rest).


UPDATE 2016/10/09 - And in case you guys haven't noticed, I've posted the first chapter of that series already.  A week ago.  Title "Bakeneko System"


sorry, I haven't seen that manga ...

so I think you editing it or something ...

please give link if you post it in Batoto ...

rpapo, I read this years ago (what there was of it) and kind of forgot when the scanlations went on hiatus.  I didn't notice when you started it up again in January, but just found it again, with the latest chapter posted.  Thanks so much for bringing it back to us folks who can't read the original.  I'm really enjoying reading it again (with my cat on my lap).

I didn't know about the series myself, until user Shiroax told me about it and begged me to consider bringing it back to life.  I'm not really a fan of the 4-koma format, but whatever.  From where I sit, it is fortunate the chapters are short, because the pages of this series require some serious redrawing effort to get them ready for scanlation.


I was also fortunate to be able to get ahold of the entire series in tankobon form.  I normally get my manga from Amazon JP, but this time I had to go further afield, and wound up buying from an eBay vendor.

rpapo, I read this years ago (what there was of it) and kind of forgot when the scanlations went on hiatus.  I didn't notice when you started it up again in January, but just found it again, with the latest chapter posted.  Thanks so much for bringing it back to us folks who can't read the original.  I'm really enjoying reading it again (with my cat on my lap).

The cat just goes Super Saiyan!!!

how bout this one ?=3=?

You didn't take the bait the way I thought you would. I expected the question "What was that from?"  The answer: From that other cat series I mentioned earlier.  Of the forty pages in that first chapter, I have 19 of them done.  That said, it has very much been a "back burner" project, in that I scanned the pages way back in January, cleaned them in February, and do a page now and then when I need to kick my mind out of a translating rut (a change is a rest).


UPDATE 2016/10/09 - And in case you guys haven't noticed, I've posted the first chapter of that series already.  A week ago.  Title "Bakeneko System"




how bout this one ?=3=?


pedobear.pngdon't ask what kind of magz cover I take this from ... (=x=); ...

agree ... need more "catness" dosage ... =3= ...


No problem rpapo ... thanks for the release here - as a "cat person" I greatly enjoy this series. Your efforts are appreciated! :)


agree ... need more "catness" dosage ... =3= ...

No problem rpapo ... thanks for the release here - as a "cat person" I greatly enjoy this series. Your efforts are appreciated! :)

I have one more cat series in the wings, with the first chapter about half done, but am uncertain if I want to finish it: looking forward through the chapters I'm not sure it won't turn out to be a Shoujo Ai type of series . . . something I shy away from.

Over two months.  Sorry, but I got a bit busy, what with adding Noel no Kimochi to my list, and finishing all five remaining chapters of Koi Neko at once.

No problem rpapo ... thanks for the release here - as a "cat person" I greatly enjoy this series. Your efforts are appreciated! :)

Over two months.  Sorry, but I got a bit busy, what with adding Noel no Kimochi to my list, and finishing all five remaining chapters of Koi Neko at once.

I altered chapter 15 only to make the name of chapter 16 (in the table of contents) agree with what I actually put as chapter 16's title.  Also, I re-uploaded chapter 18 in order to correct the names associated with Tanabata.  I had thought that Youta's mother was speaking of the two stars Vega and Altair in a metaphorical sense, but she was actually making a reference to a certain legend related to the holiday of Tanabata.  See this page if you wish to learn about it.


BTW, Tanabata occurs on July 7th.  Today's date, though in Japan right this instant it's already July 8th.  My finishing this chapter on the same date as the topic of the chapter was 100% coincidence, as I didn't even know the date of the holiday until after I'd already posted this chapter here.


hmm, weak against heat ...

kinda remind me with my furry dog and furry cat ...

in Indonesia the heat is nasty, and that 2 type of pet really get sluggish and sick in heat ...

(they usually get more active in AC room)


this also same like Bethoven (Dog) movie ...

(try to find "behind The Scene")

That's honestly sound more like a yandere.


And about bathing cats, i'm sorry felines of mine, i always use the vet bathing service to get all of you to bath...


now that you mention it ...

one time my mom talking close to me while she is using android (I'm in front of PC) ...

and suddenly one of my cat (which I said all dere) climb, claw and furiously biting her leg ...

but because my mom using long legs clothes, she just thinking the cat playing ...

(I admit it's NOT normal for a cat attacking a human without any reason like that, usually stray / wild cats only attack human if they cornered, and mine is tame all over)

that cat laying at the top of my foot before attacking her ...

also that cat is female too ... ?x? ... yandere cat ?


(it's been a year ago when the cat still a bit small, she stop biting like that after being kicked and hit a back wheel of parked motorcycle, when my mom walk she jump to attack and get swing instead, weird cat)

Okay ... that chapter was hilarious. XD

Bath time challenges!

Thanks for the release!

for my cat, she's full dere ... always want attention and mewing around people ...

not to mention seek full attention ...

when I'm using PC and don't pay attention to her, she bite my legs, and if I still ignore her, she jump up and bite my hand / finger ... =x= ... maybe I'm cuddling her too much when she still a kitten ...

That's honestly sound more like a yandere.


And about bathing cats, i'm sorry felines of mine, i always use the vet bathing service to get all of you to bath...

I don't know why you'd want to bathe a cat. Maybe if you felt you had too many fingers.

my cat often sleep under my car (its dirty) and tight places. She also hunts roaches, rats, bats, birds, snakes, my neighbor's chicken, and my baby nephew for snacks and luls....not to mention all the fights she does at night ( or is it mating? i don't know...),,.. so yeah... she s dirty as hell...

I don't know why you'd want to bathe a cat. Maybe if you felt you had too many fingers.


When my cat went to the vet, she'd always pee on herself, and her mate would soil himself due to the sheer terror they felt. So after they went there, I had to give them a warm shower to get them clean. Misaki (the female) would complain, but she never scratched me. She'd just wander around. And Taro, despite being so skittish, enjoyed being in the shower as long as I held him.

Also, some cats benefit from a bath with a very gentle shampoo because they may get dandruff, and that causes a lot of allergies.

I don't know why you'd want to bathe a cat. Maybe if you felt you had too many fingers.

this is not fair... my cat turn into wolverine when i bathe her...


about cat playing with it tail ...

in my case, it goes nuts and attack chair legs instead ... weird ...


I wish my cat was as cute and affectionate as Hime. My cat is the definition of feline tsundere, and she's a glutton too. She's also a massive suck, but that's just to get what she wants.


for my cat, she's full dere ... always want attention and mewing around people ...

not to mention seek full attention ...

when I'm using PC and don't pay attention to her, she bite my legs, and if I still ignore her, she jump up and bite my hand / finger ... =x= ... maybe I'm cuddling her too much when she still a kitten ...

This more cute imo:  https://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/zoccha-no-nichijou-r17742

Rpapo on fire!! new chapter of Chokotto hime and v2 of koineko 92 in the same day!

As I noted over there, the Koi Neko 92 was only a refresh.  I had already uploaded it to Batoto four days ago, but didn't like how some of the pages looked when presented against a white background.


But you do have a point.  I hadn't noticed it, but it was six days for Mill 31, five days for Neko Ane 12, then four days apiece for Koi Neko 92 and Chokotto Hime 15.  The next, Boku no Marie 66, shouldn't take long either.  The one after that will, however: Yuki ni Tsubasa 7 will probably take a whole week.


UPDATE 2016/03/12: No, Yuki ni Tsubasa #7 will probably take me two weeks.  The chapter is 68 pages long!  (And the redraws are horrendous.)

This is cute. But still not as cute as Nukoduke (I prefer calling it Nukozuke).

This more cute imo:  https://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/zoccha-no-nichijou-r17742
Rpapo on fire!! new chapter of Chokotto hime and v2 of koineko 92 in the same day!


This is cute. But still not as cute as Nukoduke (I prefer calling it Nukozuke).

UPDATE 2016/01/02: ...I tried to buy the published tankobons through Amazon JP, but nobody who would ship to the USA had it available.

I did, however, find the tankobons on eBay.  They arrived yesterday.  In extremely good condition.

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