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Hero Union BBS

Alt Names: alt 勇者互助組合 交流型掲示板alt Hero Cooperation Union Exchange Bulletin Boardalt Hero Union BBSalt Yuusha Gojo Kumiai Kouryuugata Keijiban
Author: Okemura
Artist: Akiyama Nenehisa
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: (From /ak/)
The hero union's BBS, where heroes gather, crossing many dimensions. A bulletin board made by heroes for heroes. Unfair settings, complaints about comrades, tales of failure, and discussions of secret agendas, they are all found here! Even now, new threads are being made!

A comedic chronicles about the travels of heroes.

Original Webcomic: http://www.alphapolis.co.jp/manga/viewOpening/107000053/
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What a great and hilarious manga, I can't stop laughting xD

BTW, if you wanna see 'Freeter's future', you can read this oneshot:


oh god veggievorn.

Really interesting read. Looking forward to more!

All my thanks!

this manga is really interesting

and veggievorn!!

dang i lol'd so hard

I kept thinking Veggievorn VS Mario bros after hearing about the destructive pipe kingdom

I KNEW Princess peach was the real villain!


Does that include new year and night festivals, I wonder.
I kept thinking Veggievorn VS Mario bros after hearing about the destructive pipe kingdom
That solves it. I been wondering why on old superheroes shows villains always attack one place at a time or after school have ended or on vacation.

Him and magical girl should create a support group.

Ch 13: I must admit that my reaction was just like Student's when I finished reading the entire chant.  Oh gods the other heroes need to get with the Earth series silliness.

When I learned what orz means the conversation went pretty much exactly like that, except no one admitted to being Veggievorm. (and I don't blame them!)

... Wow, someone actually came up with something stupider than "peanut butter jelly time"-themed superheroes.

Man, I feel sorry for Detective. His universe is all fucked up. lol

veggievorm? damn I thought I'd never see a hero weirder than pri pri prisoner

Edit double post.
Btw, magical girl is on different world/dimension.

If I understand correctly, for ch 12, Prince's idea was basically have Waitress Hero betray her own country, but work under another country's hero?
I am a little confused, because usually, a world summons one hero, who effectively ties him/herself to one country.  The world is Estard, and I'm presuming that it was the same country that forced Waitress to become Hero (this way, bypassing the Summoning Ritual and therefore Union would not be able to intervene like they were able to back in ch 4).
Yet Prince makes a good point - monsters would threaten all the countries of that world.  Why couldn't another country in Estard just have used Summoning Ritual and bypass all this sillyness?  I just don't understand why other countries would leave it to a country that has already messed it up once (presuming that they even know about it - Waitress did report that all history of Summoned Heroes have been erased).
Whatever, nice to see this chapter.

Estard is the major power there. Do you think they will let some small country make the move. Summoning tech maybe their exclusive too.

wait,Axis Phase Earth and Parallel World 4 are the same?

Fairies really love fucking with that universe don't they?

More like a man who know how to set his piority straight.

A Real Man can give half the world happiness - Dark Schneider

Anyway, Veggievorn would be pleased to know DBZ is full of veggie pun.
The protagonist is a carrot pun, Kakarot.

4th wall...breaking...and it seems like there's some kind of secret to it.

Dec 09 2014 08:21 PM

I kinda get the feeling that Waitress Hero(ine) is actually that world's version of HighSchool Hero(ine)

Shes so manly cute q.q!!

I kinda get the feeling that Waitress Hero(ine) is actually that world's version of HighSchool Hero(ine)

Well, high school girl was mainly ignored while the princess/shrine maiden tries to be the real hero.


Shieldbro on the other hand had Trash as his enemy.


Well, they did mention that the girls probably would have been better if there had been a male hero... and this new girl IS pretty manly... damn, it could've ended up a harem. lol 


Well, props to her for not just getting caught in the flow and going along with it. Moreso since she KNEW how corrupt her country is/was. High school girl didn't know anything about the situation, so you can't blame her for leaving either.


And I really did not need to read your spoiler...

"So guys, they did this demon summoning ritual and I got called. They want me to fight the enemy's hero. So am I a demon lord or what?"

there a story that is like that. The demon nation keep summoning persons to become the demon king but all of them are kind. The first one teach them agriculture so they won't have to pillage. The next ones are the same that teach them a lot of stuff so that they prospered . Years later human nation invade they keep losing because the current and former all didn't teach them how to go to war. So they they summoned the next one. He is a fat short guy who is very good at war simulation and know every tactics and strategies of famous conquerors..A-kun (17) no Sensou - I, the Tycoon is the title

After read comment section, I wonder if they have anti-hero board or not.

"So guys, they did this demon summoning ritual and I got called. They want me to fight the enemy's hero. So am I a demon lord or what?"

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