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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.72 - 152votes)


Alt Names: alt ストレッチ
Author: Higashiyama Shou
Artist: Higashiyama Shou
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Take a peek into the lives of the roommates Keiko and Ran, living and stretching together!
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Chapter 25: I got yuribaited.


What a nice and funny chapter

Based Show

next chapter will be released at 9/25

The random button led me here.

I feel like I just won the lottery or something.


So she did change her ways!


She's been having a steady relationship since Uni and it wasn't the "super fast" shotgun marriage.






This mangaka... Page 1 was low blow man, why would you bait us like that?!

Ya, now s/he's just playing with the yuri fans.

LOL, chapter 24 good.

Wait, what happened? I wanna see >.<


This mangaka... Page 1 was low blow man, why would you bait us like that?!

Bet he got beat up by her, considering she was a bit of a delinquent in her school days. Or maybe just mental breakdown...


I think the "beat up" part is supposed to represent that she wanted to try another shot at a child. since she found the seed after beating the kid in the first part of the dream.

the reason why he was so beat up, is because she was giving her all to have another one, no?

Ah, new chapter. It's been far too long.

Say "I'm sorry", you flat-chested surfboard.

"Flat-chested surfboard."

Just gonna replay that line in my head a few times.

pectoralis major triceps brachii stretch position was nice. i need to find a partner to stretch with

On one hand, this series is moving beyond just stretching.


On the other hand, it's not yuri. Boooo.


It's not yuri..... yet.


High school Keiko is 2cool4me

So she did change her ways!


She's been having a steady relationship since Uni and it wasn't the "super fast" shotgun marriage.




*puts on his yuri googles*


t-this isn't what i subscribed for!

Well, everyone knew this was going to come up at some point. It was said she slept around in her teenage years. 


Probably seeking affection from her peers since she didn't seem to get enough affection from her parents.


This was probably the start of a self-destructing behaviour for her. Did she keep it up all these years even with her fiancé ( Shotgun marriage )?


It remains to be seen, it could of been a fluke or she was still the same way she was years later as a working adult.

On one hand, this series is moving beyond just stretching.


On the other hand, it's not yuri. Boooo.

t-this isn't what i subscribed for!

It could be possible she did not tell him she lost the baby, but I'd be surprised. He seems to at least be aware that things happened (he did not give details, of course. Who would do that to a random bartender?).


She probably suffered mentally more than he knew. She might have even seen him as one of the reasons on why she lost it, or felt guilty about it. Whatever happened, she probably tried to act normally, then just pushed him away as some sort defense mechanism. Maybe she felt hurt every time she saw him?


Those are just speculations, but I'm pretty sure the guy himself is not to blame for not understanding what happened.


I don't know, it's just, you'd have to be pretty dumb not to understand that the loss of a baby could affect a woman that way.


This might be a case of the typical Japanese man understand anything else than work, work... and work. 


I still have to give him the benefit of the doubt. Always innocent until proven guilty.

He says he didn't understand what changed, is it possible he didn't know she lost the child before they separated?


Or is this another case of Japanese men not understanding womankind?

It could be possible she did not tell him she lost the baby, but I'd be surprised. He seems to at least be aware that things happened (he did not give details, of course. Who would do that to a random bartender?).


She probably suffered mentally more than he knew. She might have even seen him as one of the reasons on why she lost it, or felt guilty about it. Whatever happened, she probably tried to act normally, then just pushed him away as some sort defense mechanism. Maybe she felt hurt every time she saw him?


Those are just speculations, but I'm pretty sure the guy himself is not to blame for not understanding what happened.

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