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* * * * * (4.68 - 209votes)

Marginal Operation

Alt Names: alt マージナル・オペレーション
Author: Shibamura Yuri
Artist: Kimura Daisuke
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaHorror HorrorSeinen SeinenTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: A 30-year-old Japanese NEET joins a PMC in the Middle East and becomes the handler of some soldiers.

Adapted from the novel series of the same name.
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Concerning the nickname Nippo-zu (it's supposed to be a long "o" sound and the ending "u" is barely audible). The closest it sounds like is "Nipples" I guess. =\

Everyone is pointing out scan quality or grammar...and I am just sitting here, noticing stuff like the diagonal line of As in this pic.




I wonder what's wrong with me...

I can't look away from it now T_T why did you have to point it out???

Everyone is pointing out scan quality or grammar...and I am just sitting here, noticing stuff like the diagonal line of As in this pic.




I wonder what's wrong with me...


oh and what does Jargon heavy mean?(like you may have noticed english is not my main language)


Technical terms not usually used in normal conversation.


Example: "Aplha Point Tango" is under attack. "B Squad" is coming in as reinforcements from "broadside".

Aside from it being Jargon heavy, only a few grammatical errors stood out. Where were there, for example was a bit jarring until my mind auto corrected what they meant. 
Further, the tactical set up involving the logistics of the specialized equipment that was under transport seemed rather to the point. 

The only thing I was iffy about was the quality of the scan. Looks like someone got this out of a tankubon and did the scanlations the old fashioned way 

yea sorry about the quality

my usual scans didn't have those pages (just copies of the previous page) and i couldn't immediately find new ones so... Sorry

but the next one doesn't have that and i hope to have found a solution by the time this happens again


oh and what does Jargon heavy mean?(like you may have noticed english is not my main language)

He's a little bit tight, might need to loosen up a little, otherwise he'll break.
Well at least he got his shit together.

Elf girl (look alike) on a battlefield. For her sake I hope tentacles or orcs don't appear

It was hard to follow the newest chapter. Grammatically, the last few pages were a trainwreck.

Aside from it being Jargon heavy, only a few grammatical errors stood out. Where were there, for example was a bit jarring until my mind auto corrected what they meant. 
Further, the tactical set up involving the logistics of the specialized equipment that was under transport seemed rather to the point. 

The only thing I was iffy about was the quality of the scan. Looks like someone got this out of a tankubon and did the scanlations the old fashioned way 

Oh come off it.  You're an American, are you not?  I'm a Canadian.  In both our countries, the only "cost" we might suffer from choosing peace is that we might not get to boss some country around as much as we're used to.  I mean, as long as you're talking about "taking control", we might as well admit that that's what our wars have been about . . . or at least, all the ones before WW II and all the ones after WW II.  All our wars are aggressive.

So I'm not sure where you're supposed to have dug up a pacifist who had an "any cost" available when they were calling for peace.  This annoys me on behalf of pacifists even though I'm not in any theoretical sense a pacifist.  



Lol. You should read up on this war that happened before WW II called WW I. While you're at it, you should also read up on U.N. Resolution 83 after WW II.

It was hard to follow the newest chapter. Grammatically, the last few pages were a trainwreck.

What are they trying to achieve by telling the participants that it's the real thing? I assume it'll be more practical to keep them in the dark and squeeze as much missions as possible before they realize it by themselves. Are they trying to rope in the successful applicants permanently? I have a hard time imagining the kind of mission where the applicants are required to know the truth for it to be successful.

Seem they want them to eventually join the company as permanent. It works cause they have permanent employees. Just like those who join the army know there is a large chance they will kill someone one day.


They also don't force you to stay with them. They were perfectly willing to fire him and have him go back home if he couldn't adapt.

I like how human the MC feels, and not just a two-dimensional caricature. To be honest, I half expected him to be an edgy asshole before I started reading, and I'm glad to be proven wrong.

The only edgy asshole here is you.


Also, everything is edgy. The shit that comes out of my ass is edgy cause its not moe, and happy go lucky white morality.

Remember this the next time you run into one of those hypocritical so-called "Pacifists" who profess to seek peace at any cost.  The vast majority of those people are really just trying to take control over you by limiting and restraining YOUR natural survival instincts that might prove to be a threat to them!!!

Oh come off it.  You're an American, are you not?  I'm a Canadian.  In both our countries, the only "cost" we might suffer from choosing peace is that we might not get to boss some country around as much as we're used to.  I mean, as long as you're talking about "taking control", we might as well admit that that's what our wars have been about . . . or at least, all the ones before WW II and all the ones after WW II.  All our wars are aggressive.

So I'm not sure where you're supposed to have dug up a pacifist who had an "any cost" available when they were calling for peace.  This annoys me on behalf of pacifists even though I'm not in any theoretical sense a pacifist.  



all i have to say about the latest chapter is: since when did elves start living in america? 


I want answers. 

shes not a real one, she had plastic surgery cause she like elves so much....

liked the LN better, also there's no kishimoto-san hugging all the lines.

Liking this one more and more.


If the translator of ch.5 reads this, please continue.

Waiting a quarter of a year for this chapter was almost unbearable, knowing that the raw was out already.


Guessing ak forgot about it, can type setting really take that long?


Nah, ak has been like this from the start. Just look at the release dates.


june -> november = 5 months

november -> january = 2 months

january -> may = 4 months

may -> september and ongoing = 4 months and ongoing


It's nice and all that they translated this in the first place, but update schedules like these make you wonder why they picked up the series at all...

Liking this one more and more.


If the translator of ch.5 reads this, please continue.

Waiting a quarter of a year for this chapter was almost unbearable, knowing that the raw was out already.


Guessing ak forgot about it, can type setting really take that long?

Thank you so much for translating, man. I've been sick of these slow translations. Please keep it up!
On a second note...I dunno if I am just scum, but I think I wouldn't be so tormented about this as much as MC is. Sure, I do not want to hurt people, but as long as I don't actually see my actions resulting in people getting hurt, I am pretty sure I could somehow deal with the guilt. Considering the fact that I would only see icons moving around and flashing up, I should be fine. I would probably just continue thinking I am still playing games. It's easier that way...especially if I didn't have the luxury of backing out by shouldering a penalty. The again, I would have probably been one of the guys who got sorted out early because he doesn't know the first thing about strategy...

You mean all those people i kill in halo multiplayer are real?!.... Still gonna tebag the corpse

I like how human the MC feels, and not just a two-dimensional caricature. To be honest, I half expected him to be an edgy asshole before I started reading, and I'm glad to be proven wrong.

Thanks for the work man!



Thank you so much for translating, man. I've been sick of these slow translations. Please keep it up!


On a second note...I dunno if I am just scum, but I think I wouldn't be so tormented about this as much as MC is. Sure, I do not want to hurt people, but as long as I don't actually see my actions resulting in people getting hurt, I am pretty sure I could somehow deal with the guilt. Considering the fact that I would only see icons moving around and flashing up, I should be fine. I would probably just continue thinking I am still playing games. It's easier that way...especially if I didn't have the luxury of backing out by shouldering a penalty. The again, I would have probably been one of the guys who got sorted out early because he doesn't know the first thing about strategy...

In the past sixty years, what I have noticed is that in real life, there are very few real pacifists who will NOT kill if their own life is on the line.  Most people will hoist the Jolly Roger under such dire situations because basically, it is a natural instinct to survive.


True pacifists tend to die out because they lack that necessary survival instinct.


Remember this the next time you run into one of those hypocritical so-called "Pacifists" who profess to seek peace at any cost.  The vast majority of those people are really just trying to take control over you by limiting and restraining YOUR natural survival instincts that might prove to be a threat to them!!!

There are those who won't kill, there are those who kill because of what you called instinct to survive, those who kill because of experience so they already able to and lastly there are fucked up people that actually like to hurt and eventually kill people mmm...


You can't quantify the number but the approach in this manga is quite accurate especially for MC who's just a city folk who like to play a game before he came to that place mmm...

i'll be honest, the turn and mental turmoil of knowing you are killing people was a very realistic take on it. Showing how you have to understand what it is you are doing, and how individual people deal with that moral conflict and how they over come it or dall to the wayside is a very amazing. 

See, when I was in the Army in Basic training (like 10 years ago) this was a thing we had drilled into our heads. We had to desensitize ourselves to killing other people and we all had to wrestle with the hows and why of doing such acts. You either adapted, or you section 8'd out. 

Needless to say, I adapted. 


In the past sixty years, what I have noticed is that in real life, there are very few real pacifists who will NOT kill if their own life is on the line.  Most people will hoist the Jolly Roger under such dire situations because basically, it is a natural instinct to survive.


True pacifists tend to die out because they lack that necessary survival instinct.


Remember this the next time you run into one of those hypocritical so-called "Pacifists" who profess to seek peace at any cost.  The vast majority of those people are really just trying to take control over you by limiting and restraining YOUR natural survival instincts that might prove to be a threat to them!!!

i'll be honest, the turn and mental turmoil of knowing you are killing people was a very realistic take on it. Showing how you have to understand what it is you are doing, and how individual people deal with that moral conflict and how they over come it or dall to the wayside is a very amazing. 

See, when I was in the Army in Basic training (like 10 years ago) this was a thing we had drilled into our heads. We had to desensitize ourselves to killing other people and we all had to wrestle with the hows and why of doing such acts. You either adapted, or you section 8'd out. 

Needless to say, I adapted. 

all i have to say about the latest chapter is: since when did elves start living in america? 


I want answers. 

Since Japan.

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