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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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* * * * * (4.53 - 154votes)

Chikotan, Kowareru

Alt Names: alt Chikotan is Broken
Author: Imai Yuu
Artist: Imai Yuu
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Miyahara Chiko is a mysterious girl who never seems to talk to anyone and always wears a pair of headphones and a scarf. But what is she hiding behind that silent facade?
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Wow... In the course of an our her jealousy got her killed twice. I guess we get to see Unit 7 while 5 and 6 get repaired.

Unit 5 was just damaged, not killed/destroyed. It seems the same w/ 6, but they didn't really tell you enough to know for sure.

Wow... In the course of an our her jealousy got her killed twice. I guess we get to see Unit 7 while 5 and 6 get repaired.

'my clumsy girl status just got ntred' I died

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just reread the chapter after reading your comment. I still didn't see him do so

Last page, last panel. You can see unit 5 under the towel next to her when she hits her head.

How would they transport the broken drones back? A truck and a bag?

he hides her body by throwing a towel over her head. 

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I just reread the chapter after reading your comment. I still didn't see him do so

he hides her body by throwing a towel over her head. 

His idea of a hiding spot is arguably the most disturbing thing about this chapter

You sound angry about something.

Show me on the doll where the Whedonites touched you.

Mostly I'm annoyed by people getting "uses tropes" confused with "isn't original". NO work is devoid of tropes.

The official name is TropesAreTools. Used to be called TropesAreNotBad.

And the description of what tropers are like, is simply FACTUAL. Point out even a use of artistic license, let alone an ERROR or inconsistency, in a Whedon work, on TV Tropes, and you'll get cultish rationalization that would make a Young Earth Creationist blush.

(E.g., either the terraforming in Firefly is orders of magnitude too fast - we know how big an atmosphere is, and what it takes to manipulate that amount of gas - or else the Alliance should be able to BUILD planets...which necessarily would mean that they would NOT be having any problems with Reavers, or for that matter with the Browncoats. And, for that matter, can go toe-to-toe with the Flood, the Reapers, the Borg, the Pak Protectors, and quite possibly Frieza or the Guardians of Oa. Good luck getting any Troper to admit that their Sacred Show took liberties with thermodynamics, though; that's not one of the most basic laws of physics, or anything.)

Thanks for picking this up!



Never claimed they didn't. TVtropes has sections for non Japanese stuff for a reason :P

I don't actually watch "normal" TV though so it isn't something that every affects me. I only watch movies and anime.


My criticism isn't based on the use of tropes per say (as they are little more than the rhetorical devices, motifs or clichés used in making the story) but the formulaic bundling of tropes that are commonly associated with certain genres into a complete copy paste with no extra flavour added to it by the author. E.g. the 5-6 completely generic harem anime aired every season. There are some genuinely enjoyable but very trope heavy harems that show up from time to time (Like MonMusu) and that is because they have their own way of doing things; it is the ones that chop and drop the same setting, plot premise and character archetypes into a sequence of deja vu situations that annoy me. The whole "if you've seen one, you've seen em all" effect. Generic in other words. 

(I hope this makes sense. It's 2am. And yes I'm aware of the hypocrisy of that given how much I love SoLs lol).




I think it comes back to comfort zones like I mentioned before. I like SoL's because I can expect certain themes, I can expect them to be a certain way. Regardless of how different or "unique" they are as a SoL they are still recognisably a SoL because of certain things that go into their makeup. There wouldn't be genres if there wasn't some degree of uniformity in their structure.

Want to know a secret? You haven't read an "original" work or a work that doesn't use tropes IN YOUR LIFE. They don't exist. What you've read, is works that use tropes that are new TO YOU, or that for whatever reason, you don't notice. They're still there, and they're still tropes, just as much as if they had been listed in CamelCase by a bunch of Whedonites with liberal-arts degrees.

You sound angry about something.


Show me on the doll where the Whedonites touched you.

Want to know a secret? You haven't read an "original" work or a work that doesn't use tropes IN YOUR LIFE. They don't exist. What you've read, is works that use tropes that are new TO YOU, or that for whatever reason, you don't notice. They're still there, and they're still tropes, just as much as if they had been listed in CamelCase by a bunch of Whedonites with liberal-arts degrees.

heroine get!!

how to dunk a ball 101

This chapter has some magical plots.

it becomes a trope because it's used alot and it's used alot because it's popular so why wouldn't you use tropes

Jul 09 2016 06:54 AM

To be honest, I am not sure most authors have a choice. Most manga is published in weekly/monthly magazines which have casual readers and to get their story read and understood in a minimal amount of pages, they have to rely on tropes.

As sad as it is.


When you DON'T do these tropes. Your bound to have an high chance of failing.


Alot of good manga dont use them. And are quite unique in a way. And interesting to follow.

But then again.


AS LONG AS PEOPLE like it ... it's going to be produced.


I like this manga too. And others that are like it, it makes me laugh here and there ^^.

But i prefer things like Übelblatt, Overlord, Dorohedoro and the like ... knight of sidonia OR whatever the author will churn out next.


Some Authors never or rarely use these topes and are well off.

But they have an core of fans and GREAT Art at most times.


I'm so conflicted. Who do I cheer on?


Both, #THREESOME anybody?


my hero

man there's a lot more cursing now isn't there

I'm so conflicted. Who do I cheer on?


An irritating number of Japanese authors seems to use TVtropes as a writing template. Predictability is the in thing apparently.

As if western authors and movie scriptwriters don't use overused tropes from decades back.

Besides TVtropes is one of the worst generalization you can base criticism on. It's only useful if you want to find similar works or weeb talk.

That sounds like a scheme to get ladies pregnant.

Lol! Poor rubber! :D

Thanks for the useful comment.. I tried it out after reading your comment and glad I did.. it's funny and interesting.
I wish people would use the forum properly..

This is not the forum tho, this is the comment section, the forum is just above the chapters listing.

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