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* * * * - (4.17 - 121votes)

Nanoka no Kare

Alt Names: alt Ang Kasintahan ni Nanokaalt Ein Freund für Nanokaalt 菜の花の彼alt 菜乃花的他alt Il fidanzato di Nanokaalt Nanoka's Boyfriend
Author: Tekkotsu Saro
Artist: Toumori Miyoshi
Genres: Drama DramaPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeShoujo Shoujo
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Nanoka's friends are only interested in boys, leaving Nanoka feeling alone and left out. The truth is, she had a boyfriend before, but was left so heartbroken by his lies that she's not interested in dating anymore. That's what she thought, until an overheard conversation moves her so much that she ends up suddenly confessing to a boy that she's never even seen!
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Glad to see a new chapter, but it just left me wanting more. I really hope we don't have to wait 4 months for the next chapter. <.<

^ Well, I see that that certainly didn't happen... -_-

I stopped reading after reading the raws with rough translations up until chapter 21. I won't spoil anything, but honestly, I really, really love Hayata, okay. And I read up until that far for him. But just a lot of things about this manga don't work out for me... it's sweet and cute and honestly the hero is A+++++ (biased, but really, Hayata is that nice of a guy.) but I'm dropping this.


wow this mc is model for shallow girls without brain out there...god

1-wanting to date just because your other shallow friends without brain have nothing else to talk.

2-confessing to a random guy in the street without even see his face or know if he´s a rapist.

3-Almost raped and abused by two guys, because again...The girl have no self respect or any skill to judge character.


wow...just wow...This almost make the Hwang Mi Ri MC´s pale in comparison...almost...

1. Uuuuum... the one who wanted to date just bc her friends did was the mc's friend. The mc herself even said that one shouldn't date just bc everyone else does. If you paid attention, you couldn't have possibly missed it?

2. Rape is awful, but not everyone's a rapist and being paranoid of everyone like that will bring no benefit. It would be different if the guy seemed creepy in any way, but he lied for no one's benefit but his ex's and thus made the memorable impression of a really nice guy.

3. Almost raped by ONE guy, abused by two. Takato would not have raped her (bc he's established to be the antihero, the other prince, the second male lead, and so on, so the author wouldn't do that). And yeah, the girl HAS no self-respect or good judgment of character. She's in her first year of high school! Were you suddenly a perfect judge of human nature, 100% fine with yourself? Even if you were, there are tons of kids who aren't.


I understand that there are many stupid heroines, but as far as MCs go, I oddly don't find this one annoying. She's not innocent and trusting to a fault. She doesn't immediately go "dokidoki" at her ex. She's just quiet and, yes, inexperienced. And it's been noted several times how much she's changed since middle school, and even since the beginning of the series. Plus, if the ex is already introduced, that means the plot is moving fast and she'll grow even faster and soon it'll be over.

wow this mc is model for shallow girls without brain out there...god

1-wanting to date just because your other shallow friends without brain have nothing else to talk.

2-confessing to a random guy in the street without even see his face or know if he´s a rapist.

3-Almost raped and abused by two guys, because again...The girl have no self respect or any skill to judge character.


wow...just wow...This almost make the Hwang Mi Ri MC´s pale in comparison...almost...

Glad to see a new chapter, but it just left me wanting more. I really hope we don't have to wait 4 months for the next chapter. <.<

This girl has no self-preservation instincts.

Takato, Takato, You a stupid fuckin' hoe. Takato, Takato, You need to take yo ass home. Takato, Takato, more like fuckin' Taco Bell.

Aww, that felt way too short. Thanks for the chapter though.




Someone should hit that asshole with a truck

I'm dying for new chapters of this. >_<

I'm starting  to love this one and i don't even know why. 

hmm.. strange

Oh god, you are not allowed to make the rival character so hot. My heart swayed a little. Okay, maybe a lot.

I'm still sticking with Hayata though! Go Hayata!


Must. Stop. Thinking. About. Takato.


I swear Takato's face looks very familiar.

Am I the only person who likes Takato more than Hayata already, despite the bad things that we know about him and the fact that he only appeared in one panel?

No, not at all, I'm sure there are lots of others.  Poor taste is widespread.

Or more likely, the karaoke place was his part-time job...

That's definitely possible. It's either that or he was at karaoke with his friends when he saw her...

Oh, COME ON, ex-boyfriend already?! What is this BULLSH--................godyouaresopretty,Takato.

Am I the only person who likes Takato more than Hayata already, despite the bad things that we know about him and the fact that he only appeared in one panel?


I was interested in him as early as chapter 1

You are not alone! As soon as I saw him in the beginning, although we didn't see his face...I was like, crap, he's definitely going to have the character design I always fall for. But like, be the ex, and be the third wheel. And likely cause a love triangle. WHY.


And sure enough he gets that gorgeous big panel and I know I'm doomed. 

That's....a bit early for Takato to be introduced -.- I was kinda hoping Hayato would be all prince-like then Takato be introduced a few chapters later when they got to know each other better. Plus...how in the world did Takato even know? did yuu's boyfriend and takato go to the same school? Urgh

Or more likely, the karaoke place was his part-time job...

That's....a bit early for Takato to be introduced -.- I was kinda hoping Hayato would be all prince-like then Takato be introduced a few chapters later when they got to know each other better. Plus...how in the world did Takato even know? did yuu's boyfriend and takato go to the same school? Urgh

return of the ex already??! a little early for that, don't you think?? :\

they still barely know each other!

Am I the only person who likes Takato more than Hayata already, despite the bad things that we know about him and the fact that he only appeared in one panel?


I was interested in him as early as chapter 1

>:I why do ex boyfriends gotta get up in their biz?

ohhh noooooo. i am not here for a love triangle. please just let nanoka and hayata be cute puppies together forever. :< 


(not gonna lie, though. takato is hot. //thirst) 


also, i actually like yuuko a lot. seems like she just wants nanoka to be real with her and share some details of her life the way friends do. 

then again i can barely ever bring myself to hate cute girls so there's that 


If her irritating, nasty, two-faced friend who has poor taste in boyfriends (seems to be an asshole in general who wants to have her around for sexual reasons) is getting interested in Nanoka's boy like it seems she is, I'm gonna be pissed. Because that friend has been nothing but trouble so far and proved herself to be a total flake, and I can totally envision her trying to stir up trouble for Nanoka so that she can date the nice boy instead. Ugh.

try to keep an open mind while reading. shojo mangas use 'rivals' or 'fake friends' to force the main characters to develop. in every story, you need some kind of conflict to keep the drama rolling. if the conflict happens to be the two faced friend, so be it. personally, i just want to see how the naive nanoka will work her way out of these situations, and how she'll evolve as a character. 

If her irritating, nasty, two-faced friend who has poor taste in boyfriends (seems to be an asshole in general who wants to have her around for sexual reasons) is getting interested in Nanoka's boy like it seems she is, I'm gonna be pissed. Because that friend has been nothing but trouble so far and proved herself to be a total flake, and I can totally envision her trying to stir up trouble for Nanoka so that she can date the nice boy instead. Ugh.


Uh, that's not the way I read that at all. I think the author just wanted a reason to have Hayata-kun on the way to the hotel, where he'll probably bump into Nanoka and Takato (whoever he is...but he's pretty hot). Plus, I think the friend's just upset because she feels Nanoka doesn't trust her or looks down on her. You've never felt upset in that way towards a friend before? 


I also think Nanoka probably followed that guy because he's still Yuuko's boyfriend, she trusts Yuuko and doesn't have any reason to suspect him? Not really that stupid, but maybe naive. It's not like he's a complete stranger.  

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