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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.52 - 287votes)

Seishun Forget!

Alt Names: alt 青春フォーゲット!alt Seishun For-get!alt Youth For-get!alt Youth Forget!
Author: Mikabe Sesuna
Artist: Mikabe Sesuna
Genres: Comedy ComedyMystery MysteryRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: "Live with Sincerity" is Natsuki Taiyou's motto. It's first day of high school and Taiyou was heading to a school and Taiyou meets Hinata during the way there. He fell in love at first sight and suddenly confessed to her. Her answer was yes and she runs away without saying who she was, but it turns that she was his classmate. Taiyou felt a destiny between them. However, on the next day, she doesn't remember who he is. why could it that be...?
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Topic [Discussion] Seishun For-get! Latest/Previous Chapters New Window greensoulreaper
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Topic Chapter 18- I'll Never Give Up! New Window Souldrake
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Topic Chapter Progress Update (6/30) New Window Souldrake
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Topic Chapter 17- This is Where I Make My Stand New Window Souldrake
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Topic Youth Forget! FAQ/Discussions/Spoiler Thread. New Window Souldrake
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Topic [News] Youth Forget ch15 and 16 (Update: 6/9) New Window Souldrake
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wow talk about a throwing a wrench into things
Lol at the Manga-Heaven test! =))
Jun 17 2012 04:28 PM
Hinata looks soo awesome!!!
I almost forgot Manga-Heaven releases and their trademark watermark. Glad i'm reading in Batoto
Dude, that was douchy, reminds of Nemu's route on Da Capo, stupid flowers and their petals and broken brains.
....OMG i was expecting this from ch14 O_o........... now how will this all gets solved? one thing that poped in head is he will go and become brain surgeon or something similar to help her.
I don't think she'd have much of a problem if the guy didn't smother the shit out of her every chance he gets...
Posted ImageHinata!!!!!!
get well soon, drake
No need to downplay it Krytyk. Fact is I feel like $hit and have been for about a month now. I've had good days, but during those days work demands my attention and, unfortunately, a good day and "free time" have not coincided for work on my end to occur. I've been in and out of the hospital (Asia, going to the hospital is not something to be entirely shocked about) though I was actually admitted for 2 days over one weekend while they ran some tests and wanted to observe me to see what the hell was wrong with me.

They gave me some meds (and this is Taiwan so meds is like 10 pills to take per day of various herbal stuff >.>;;;) and sent me on my way and now I get to "try to relax a bit" and wait and see if my rainbow-colored assortment of daily supplements actually does anything. If not, they may give me real drugs.
Daaayum those cliffhangers!
Small update, we had a small break, due to personal matters of members (we're a small group without any spares), i anticipate that we'll be back working somewhat soon in future.
i’d like to see an illustration of the “kill note” plot from shizuku’s seishun keikakusho ① find a death note ② make a contract with a shinigami ③ identify kira ④ blackmail person into a relationship … maybe as a tank omake chapter
Well, they gotta avoid those copyright infringement lawsuits...
Quite it was written as "Kill Note" in English.
Are you sure it's a "Kill note" and not a "Death note"?
The newest raws are out! And I know that something interesting happens, what though? No idea, lol.
Kill Note definitely made my day LOL
Some of you might wonder where your comments went. I posted quite a couple here.

Please use the forums for chapter discussions.
Please refrain from spoilers on the comments section~ Use the forum threads for tat~ kthxbye
@Souldrake Pardon me, but people on the net are mostly lazy. They post one liner, they don't bother to spell-check their entries, they spam and rant and randomly spoil things for others without any consideration...I've been pointing out all these on other sites as well but to no avail. =.=

Those who takes time to write properly are few and far between, thus a thread must be made by someone in the first place before anything else, but not many are willing to do so is the problem.

Worst still, people may start creating mindless threads just for the kick, which happens alot on other sites I've visited before. This is the cruel reality...sigh.
First time I've seen the guy fall instead of the girl.
Guys... STOP discussing in the comments. Use the forum thread.
i liked ranma 1/2 good combo there :) and i don't like the snap sound :(

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