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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.57 - 65votes)


Alt Names: alt セルフ
Author: Saku Yukizo
Artist: Saku Yukizo
Genres: Comedy ComedyEcchi EcchiPsychological PsychologicalSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Youichi is a very serious, stoic young man with a girlfriend and a regular sex life. However, he has never experienced sexual self-gratification.

Recently, he's become aware of a book called "Masturbation" at the library he works at -- an educated discourse into the history of the sin of Onan and related practices. Finding himself increasingly intrigued by the concepts within, he begins to conduct a series of experiments... Join him as he embarks into a whole new world!
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Weird enough, this can be categorized as sexual harassment if intended, but rarely happened, while if we swap the role, the chance of this kind of conversation become a sexual harassment is a lot higher mmm...


Unfortunately, over the past fifty years, I have seen the politically correct movement become almost completely successful in arranging for almost everybody becoming so offended by almost anything in order to give them an excuse to pass a law against it.  Those people just can't be happy unless they are making the life of somebody else miserable.

Would you be able to ask in the first place?


By the way, this question can happen--I was actually asked roughly this once, by a beautiful and very unusual young woman.  The answer was yes, in both directions, but the weird thing was that we both knew this wasn't  a come-on; neither of us had any intention of doing anything about it for various reasons.  But it was enjoyable for both of us to know the other found us attractive.  We're still friends.

Weird enough, this can be categorized as sexual harassment if intended, but rarely happened, while if we swap the role, the chance of this kind of conversation become a sexual harassment is a lot higher mmm...

Would you be able to ask in the first place?
By the way, this question can happen--I was actually asked roughly this once, by a beautiful and very unusual young woman.  The answer was yes, in both directions, but the weird thing was that we both knew this wasn't  a come-on; neither of us had any intention of doing anything about it for various reasons.  But it was enjoyable for both of us to know the other found us attractive.  We're still friends.

Quite same for me.
Nice to know/share.

This right here? Onani master Kurosawa all over again.

My body is all kinds of ready.

So...  He only faps to that one girl, eh?


My problem would be trying to think of anyone...  or any THING...  that I DON'T fap to.

Do you fap to me?




Is that so?



I wouldn't be able to keep my cool like her if someone said this to me (´・ω・`)

Would you be able to ask in the first place?


By the way, this question can happen--I was actually asked roughly this once, by a beautiful and very unusual young woman.  The answer was yes, in both directions, but the weird thing was that we both knew this wasn't  a come-on; neither of us had any intention of doing anything about it for various reasons.  But it was enjoyable for both of us to know the other found us attractive.  We're still friends.

More lovely teasing to come.
Izumi prefers to be "used" in a more "hands-on" type of research.

This is beautiful...

Do you fap to me?




Is that so?



I wouldn't be able to keep my cool like her if someone said this to me (´・ω・`)




Their straight faces throughout the entire discussion is what really made it for me. 



That seems like a nice experiment, wish me luck, I'll try it (while also reading bunch of ecchi manga) mmm...

Jesus Christ. I didn't expect Yuka to be the type to NTR someone. Ironically though, Izumi wants to NTR Yuka in the process. XD

To be fair the MC is a guy who's never masturbated before this manga, so likely ALL of his previous girlfriends are a part of a long chain of "thieving cats."

They were probably all acceptably tolerable self-centered girls too.
Jesus Christ. I didn't expect Yuka to be the type to NTR someone. Ironically though, Izumi wants to NTR Yuka in the process. XD

LMAO! I like how that ended well. I'm glad there's no unnecessary drama.

"Ended well" might be an overstatement.

I just realized that the translator is from Indonesia because of the familiar word in the cover page.

And because of that, I finally realized that their name means dick (it's dick if I go by google search or scrotum if I go by google translate). It's Sundanese, definitely not one of the languages that I'm familiar with.

Youichi still haven't learned how to lock the door before masturbating.

Too bad he didn't get to finish his "practice" :lol:

LMAO! I like how that ended well. I'm glad there's no unnecessary drama.




The face of true confusion mmm...

YouichixHand OTP. The others can't even compare.

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