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* * * * * (4.63 - 73votes)


Alt Names: alt ミックス
Author: Adachi Mitsuru
Artist: Adachi Mitsuru
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of LifeSports Sports
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Adachi's second serialization in Gessan Shounen Sunday, follows the story of three siblings, students of Meisei Middle School. Takes place 26 years after Adachi's biggest title, Touch (http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/touch-r1281), and is supposedly a sequel.
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Gah, this wait is killing me. If it's any other mangaka, I'll drop this immediately. But for adachi mitsuru, I'll wait years if necessary.

It's amazing how Adachi can pull the thing with the bath off in almost all of his works, but it never gets old. =)

Yay, new chapter of my favorite mangaka's latest work.  Thanks, Tenko and burucchi.

I love how the main male leads are brothers. It works really well in this story, feels different from previous Adachi works.

And chapter 12 was really great :]  this manga is off to a great start

Mix Volume 03 cover, I love it ^^



Thanks, Tenko.  A new chapter of an Adachi manga makes the whole day for me.

Just so those who don't visit the website don't miss out, we messed up last chapter and typoed the name of the new girl. She's Haruka, not Haruna. There are also a bunch of trivia notes about names and what not in this month's release post, so those interested be sure to check it out!

Well now they both got love interests. woot! As expected of Adachi Sensei.

a new romantic interest?!


but 3 chapters in a week, woo hoo!





Thanks for last chapters guys ^^

Never read Nijiiro Togarashi then? It's also on Batoto. The story is a jidajgeki instead of sports, but has all the Adachi treats we know and love.

I've read every bit of his work that's been translated into English.  Nijiiro Togarashi certainly has it's moments, but it just wasn't as memorable for me as most of his other work.  It was good, like all of his work, but it easily ranks near the bottom for me.  It took me multiple attempts to really get into it and, even then, I never really felt any connection to any of the characters.


Just my personal feelings/reaction, of course.

Thanks, Tenko, for the double shot of Adachi goodness!  It made my day!

I have to agree.  Nijiiro Togarashi was top drawer Adachi, and one of the funniest reads I had in some time.

I completely agree.  I, personally, find his weakest stories to be the ones where he strays the furthest from those types of things.  But with his slice-of-life, sports, and coming-of-age I'm not sure I can think of anything that has more ability to turn me into an emotional mess.  Adachi-sensei's body of work is incredible.


Never read Nijiiro Togarashi then? It's also on Batoto. The story is a jidajgeki instead of sports, but has all the Adachi treats we know and love.

Thanks, Tenko, for the 2 chapter blast.  This manga is pure Adachi, and I love it.  This and a new chapter of Slow Step made my week for me.

He's pretty much a master - for me - when it comes to mixing up slice of life and sports with these coming of age stories, so I'd hather have him doing what he's best at than trying his hand on something that may or may not work very well!


I completely agree.  I, personally, find his weakest stories to be the ones where he strays the furthest from those types of things.  But with his slice-of-life, sports, and coming-of-age I'm not sure I can think of anything that has more ability to turn me into an emotional mess.  Adachi-sensei's body of work is incredible.

passing over of the baton!


Anyway 11 & 12 were March/April Chapters? May still to come? :)


Yes, May RAWs should pop up soon-ish, hopefully.

passing over of the baton!


Anyway 11 & 12 were March/April Chapters? May still to come? :)

V2's cover made me do a double take, I thought of a second I was looking at H2's cover...


Does Adachi sensei repeat some of his other character designs as well?

It is a regular thing for him. I wouldn't say 'repeats', but he definitely has a very recognizable style and doesn't change his character designs TOO much. There's usually some differences in the hair, eyes and what not, but they're subtle. He's even made jokes about this particular trait in KATSU!, if memory serves. As in, one scene where the main character enters a house and people start calling him by all sorts of old Adachi protagonists names, instead of his actual one.

V2's cover made me do a double take, I thought of a second I was looking at H2's cover...


Does Adachi sensei repeat some of his other character designs as well?

oh my, 2 chapters in a day? Wooooooo!!

Oh Adachi, you are like the sunrise. Glorious and predictable.

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