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Touch References (spoilers)

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    Fingerling Potato

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I figure that since this manga is based on the world of Touch, it would be interesting if people made a running list of old Touch references they've noticed as they read MIX. A few fairly obvious starters:

1) (Ch.1) Meisei is the same high school that Touch is centered around. Seinan and Kenjou (formerly Sumi) are also high schools that existed in Touch and both played major parts in that manga series.

2) (Ch.8) Nishimura really is the son of the Nishimura in Touch. He goes to the same Seinan high school as his dad, and his dad was also the ace on that team. Nishimura looks identical to his dad when he was in high school...this is a very common drawing strategy by Adachi sensei. Note that his dad's playing career apparently ended in high school because he tore up his elbow throwing too many curveballs at his age, a pitch known to be hard on the elbow.

3) (Ch.2) The dog Punch, well let's say an identical looking and named dog existed in Touch. The same dog being recycled in many of Adachi mangas is a running inter-series joke of his, hence the naming-of-dog humor.

4) (Ch.14) The two major sports featured in Touch were in fact baseball (Tatsuya, the main male protagonist) and rhythmic gymnastics (Minami, the main female protagonist).

Edited by bane_ecf, 20 August 2013 - 11:45 PM.



    Potato Spud

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Hmm, good catch on these facts! I guess its been 30 years since Touch then. I read Touch a few times, but I didn't catch all of the Touch references



    Potato Spud

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Then there's the Nitta siblings. They could possibly be Akio's kids but the brother actually looks a bit like the guy who had a crush on Yuka. Of course, if it was Yuka's kids than they should have the father's surname so its not very likely but I guess its possible that the father took her family name instead, Yuka would probably be the one wearing the pants in the relationship after all.



    Potato Sprout

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Also how the new coach of Nitta's former team said "Their was only 1 guy ever in this school's history that went Pro"

Has to be Nitta that he's talking about right?