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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.57 - 191votes)


Alt Names: alt ヘタコイalt Bad at Love
Author: Nakano Junko
Artist: Nakano Junko
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: For his twentieth birthday, Shizuka chooses to go to a hot springs alone. To his surprise, he also ends up seeing his first naked woman... a passed out drunk girl. Soon afterward he enters college, and his friend from high school convinces him to join the female dominated travel and hot springs club. Amazingly, the girl he saw naked, Ruka, is also a member of the club! Now he must interact with his club more or less normally, and pretend he doesn't imagine Ruka naked every time he sees her. He is determined that his embarrassing secret never be made public!
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Topic Hetakoi Chapter Discussion (Beware of spoilers) New Window greensoulreaper
  • 22 Replies


Wow, whole volume in a day. Thanks you VIS! Great ending!
Posted Image

Thank you scanlators for all your work, and mangaka for bringing us this manga!
OHHH MANN. What a great way to end it. hahah.
At least I didn't have to wait too long after the cliff hanger.
There's nothing better than ending it with sex in a romance manga.
I just wanna say thanks to HOBO-1. They worked really hard and started this great manga.
I waited for years just to see this moment
Well, it was a good end and a good manga
Thanks a lot VISCANS
and happy anniversary
Chapter 69? Posted Image

awesome ending btw... the fans needed this chapter
FINALLY ended jesus christ. i was afraid someone woulda dropped it again. ty fudgehangingaddnine for getting the job done.
Ah so it's over. Good manga. Good length. Didn't overstay its welcome and provided a satisfying conclusion.
This started in a hot spring and it will end in one about time
The few last pages of chapter 58 must be read while listening a Barry White song.
Thanks for all of the releases! It is very much appreciated!

Goddamn pussy.
WTF... Stupid Cliff Hanger. I was reading two updated chapters... then a few more chapters came out and bamn. It ends with a cliff hanger. GAHHH
I get the feeling... Gramps is going to end up contracting lung cancer from all those cigs he has been smoking... :[ My god that would crush me...
There's no way ch.58 ends at pg 25!! There's gotta be more, THERE'S GOTTA BE MORE!!!!
Nice end.Gonna recommend this manga to all of my otaku friends.

Lol, two chapters.
Sweet! Two chapters for today, Thanks alot Village Idiot. I've been waiting for this. Keep up the good work.
Thanks VIS!
You guys are the man(or women)!
GAH! The suspense!!

She better confess right away after meeting a bear in a life-threatening situation!
Thanks for updates as always!

But damn she sure is dragging the hell out of this with the same rehash elementary school shyness stuff over and over. Good thing it ends this volume.
the cliffhangers
@jackson boo

Good things come to those who wait. Stay tuned. ;)
waiting forever~~~and ever~~~

I agree that this shouldn't be a harem, but not for the reason that you mentioned. I have seen some harem mangas that involve only 2 girls and they did well.

This is not a harem because this is all about romance between Shizuka and Ruka. Both Kurumi and Shimazu are nothing but temporary hindrances to their romance. I wouldn't consider them as target for Shizuka. This is also true for Tsuchiya in terms of Ruka.

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