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* * * * * (4.72 - 1090votes)

Dungeon Meshi

Alt Names: alt ダンジョン飯alt Delicious in Dungeon
Author: Kui Ryoko
Artist: Kui Ryoko
Genres: Action ActionAdventure AdventureAward Winning Award WinningComedy ComedyCooking CookingDrama DramaFantasy FantasySeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: After getting his sister devoured by a dragon and losing all their supplies in a failed dungeon raid, Laius and his party are determined to save his sister before she gets digested. Completely broke and having to resort to eating monsters as food, they meet a dwarf who will introduce them to the world of dungeon meshi - Delicious cuisines made from ingredients such as the flesh of giant bats, walking mushroom, or even screaming mandrakes.

BEWARE!: This Manga could make you hungry.
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Now I want them to get a dog and clad it in armor. Or have Laius be their scenthound.


This was basically author's exhibition of "how well did I write my characters" and "how well are the readers paying attention?"


Also in my laziness I appreciate the people who pointed out the 5th set of hands last chapter.

Wait, what? Where?

At the bottom of listed chapters.

Awwwww shiet, read the oneshot chapter people

Ah same character or maybe just same face.

every manga with "adventure" tag are pretty much like RPG, you can't get stronger if you don't grind, especially if you don't just stumbled upon legendary sword after following topless dude with exposed nipple

What's this?

Fucking lost it when Laius did his dog impression. 10/10

Goddamn, I did not expect "he does a fantastic impression of a dog" to ever come up again.

laius is the best

I've been awfully worried about one of them not making it out but an imitation. D:

Awwwww shiet, read the oneshot chapter people

Wait, what? Where?

welp. guess i have to wait another 3 months for the update to this cliffhanger.

Just when you think Laius is about to get serious and solo the encounter, he goes all-four to remind you who he is. Never change, crazy bastard, never change.

You usually do have to go ahead and do some weird stuff if you're soloing group content though.


That aside, I noticed some inconsistency on this chapter with the Marcilles.


This whole time, Laius was actually a shapeshifter druid.
Also, I just wanted to say that I called Senshi being hot months ago.
EDIT: see?


Just when you think Laius is about to get serious and solo the encounter, he goes all-four to remind you who he is. Never change, crazy bastard, never change.

AWwwwwww, marcille ruined the moment, i mean i wanted to see laius duking it out with fox when he acts like a dog. Who knows maybe he would be able to tame it. BUT NOPE, marcille just had to destroy his fcking head :/

Well I think the dog was illusion too, that appeared because Laius was acting like a dog. The Illusion were too smart to be made by a monster. The fight with a dog was to give them a false sense of safety after being worn down, while at the same time figuring out who was the most dangerous, Marcille.

Awwwww shiet, read the oneshot chapter people

AWwwwwww, marcille ruined the moment, i mean i wanted to see laius duking it out with fox when he acts like a dog. Who knows maybe he would be able to tame it. BUT NOPE, marcille just had to destroy his fcking head :/

why don't the real ones just side with Laius to arrest the fakes and hear Laius explanation later? It's obvious for them to know they're real people.

Because while the person themselves know that they are the real one, they still can’t be sure if the other two that got picked is the real one like them or not.
In case there is a fake mixed in his choice then the real counterpart of the one that got pick could ended up in a really dangerous situasion.

why don't the real ones just side with Laius to arrest the fakes and hear Laius explanation later? It's obvious for them to know they're real people.


i'm more amazed that marcille remember eating the zosui. Its not like you can remember what you ate for dinner three ,four days ago

I don't know if that is mad foreshadowing, smart callback or a coincidence.
If it's the first, then this author is one mofo you don't want at your 4D chess table across you.
Because he has won before he entered the building and is thinking on his next 500 games.

Absolutely. Though kui ryoko is a woman.




So it was just a Psydog all along?

And the catgirl is not Akebi. Hm.

dammit, i wanted to see the battle of rabid Laius 

I was actually waiting him to tame the beast .. adding a mystical doggo to his party


cat-girl yeah!! she's probably gonna regret her choices of that day.

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