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* * * * - (4.34 - 285votes)

Shishunki no Iron Maiden

Alt Names: alt Iron Maiden Pubertyalt 思春期のアイアンメイデン
Author: Watanabe Shizumu
Artist: Watanabe Shizumu
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Mayama Haruki and Himemiya Tsukiko have been childhood friends and neighbors for as long as they can remember, but after a girls-only meeting in fourth grade, Himemiya distanced herself from Mayama. Now in their 2nd year of middle school, Mayama has become an ero-freak who specializes in harassing Himemiya.

Determined to unravel the greatest secret of girls, what happens on "that day", Mayama follows Himemiya and uncovers...!
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Yes, definitely. Although I can't say much as a leecher but sometime the sentences just don't make sense. While I don't think it's affected the story much, it might very well possibly happen in future chapters.
Get a proofreader.
wow what a relevation! thanks for stating the obvious!
i am sharing my opinion, i like to my share my opinion so good for me.
If not a battle arc, perhaps a new material for weaponry..
The plot is interesting enough even with the lame MC.
So the 'iron' has something to do with blood?
@pandastew yeah with that evil scientist-lookalike I'm sure it'll have a battle arc
i FEEEEL U MC, u just can't fcking b true with urself when u like someone and have to nag and bitch to them out of jealousy, but in the end it hurts man i love this, it is time for the MC to shine and conquer her heart :D
i personally like the MC. if there ws this girl i liked, in his case Tsukiko and hear it from her mouth how she likes someone and blabber more about how he is so awesome... well that would hurt like an iron stake grown from a maiden's body striking through mah haart T.T
Wouldn't she die if she losses that much iron from her blood? Actually isn't it impossible for her to even have that much iron in her blood? Magneto wouldn't need any metal to kill people with if that was true...
Thanks for the chapter, I hope that Casanova don´t drop this but if they have come to dislike de MC so much that they don´t enjoy working in this manga anymore there is nothing to do about that. Thanks again and great work like always
I really don't like it when they make the main female like someone other the MC. even though i know that they will more then likely end up together. its just an annoying process that they have to go threw, she will eventually figure out that she really likes the MC and blah blah it just get's old after a while! I hope they mix it up and not make it so predictable.
If she simply imagine everyone in the audience being in their underwear, she will at least not feel so out of place when she transform XD
OMG! Someone doesn't like a protagonist you do!? What madness is this!? It's like people have different opinion or something...

I don't like this MC, if you do then good for you...
The MC seems pretty smart for a 14 year old. Knows he is the problem and walks away. Knew himself, he has no chance!
Predictions: A transformation is gonna come on during the speech, MC will save her somehow. (maybe its on a stage and there's a stage curtain)
tbh this is one of the best MCs i have seen in a long time. he actually acts human as one of the commenters said. if you want to drop it because of the MC, youre crazy, arent you tired of reading manga about MC that are either overly nice or overly badass? we need someone who is human to be MC for once
Randrakan564, the MC is childish?! OF COURSE he is. Do you want a 14 year old to act like an old man?!?
Gl with that speech, she'll need it
wait... a dense FEMALE protagonist? soviet russia?
HE's fucking 14 year olds ..... It's called innocence.... Anything he did is perfectly normal ..... he get jealous , he brag about his sexual thing while never done it once ..... it's PERFECTLY NORMAL and make PERFECT SENSE and PERFECT PERSONALITY .... it's really hard to portray a personality so realistic(compare to real life) like this .... You guy just don't like it because you want pervert MC and ecchi scenes...
HE's fucking 14 year olds ..... It's called innocence.... Anything he did is perfectly normal ..... he get jealous , he brag about his sexual thing while never done it once ..... it's PERFECTLY NORMAL and make PERFECT SENSE and PERFECT PERSONALITY .... it's really hard to portray a personality so realistic(compare to real life) like this .... You guy just don't like it because you want pervert MC and ecchi scenes...
we are actually thinking of dropping this because of the MC
This MC annoys me...he's just way too childish and retarded for me to like.
The plot is interesting and the art is good for me, but I might actually drop it because of this MC.
putting $20 this is going to have a battle arc
you gotta be careful on "that day" for them cause you don't know if you could end in pieces lol
i am really diggin this MC (male), well except for the wimping out part about the boobs and stuff. other than that, total awesomeness!!

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