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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.57 - 145votes)


Alt Names: alt せんゅう。alt Senyuu WEBalt 戦勇。
Author: Haruhara Robinson
Artist: Haruhara Robinson
Genres: Adventure AdventureComedy ComedyFantasy FantasyShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Once upon a time, a Demon King named Rchimedes caused havoc and destruction in the Human World. He was sealed away by the great hero Creasion, and peace returned to the world.

1000 years later, Rchimedes has returned, a hole has opened up in the Human World, and countless monsters have sprung up. To prevent any further destruction, the King calls upon all 75 (probable) descendants of Creasion.

This story focuses on the adventures of descendant number 45, Alba, and the royal soldier appointed to assist him, Ross.

> Original Webcomic:
( http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/comic/senyu )

Manga Remake:

> Senyuu. Main Quest
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/senyuu-main-quest-dai-isshou-r10084 )

Manga Spin-offs:

> Senyuu. Jump Square (SQ)
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/senyuu-jump-square-sq-r10928 )

> Senyuu. - Alba・Ross-hen "Minato Machi no Eiyuu"
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/senyuu-alba%E3%83%BBross-the-hero-of-port-city-r11154 )

> Senyuu. - Foyfoy・Rudolf-hen "Mogura to Oashisu"
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/senyuu-foyfoy%E3%83%BBrudolf-hen-mogura-to-oashisu-r13112 )
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Teufel you poor child I feel you<:'')

Oh jeez how are they gonna pull this off,,,

poor poor Teufel, is hard having stiff shoulders

Having full conversations with someone in your head while outwardly appearing like a stuttering mess. I can totally relate, Teufel. o__o

Teufel is so adorable <3

Vol.2 ch.47 page 45, number 4 from the right, the pink haired girl who is smiling. Anyone knows what manga is that? I'm so curious..

it's first "spoiler" then the other one is "/spoiler" with [ instead of "

Thanks but it somehow changed before I got the chance.

Yayyyyy, new chapters! Thank you!

The Teufel and Ares part was the best xD And...Samejima is too cooooool > u < 

I died at Teufel and Alles haggling. That was perfect. :'D 

Is there going to be a forum for challenge 6? Well I'll post my answer here in the spoiler in case I miss it.


Teufel and Alles XD and their "Friendship" !!

whoa, no wonder mortmome II won the tournament. despite being naked he's so important! O__o i REALLY love alles' and teufel's interaction xD was that really the situation to be haggling in haha



[\spoiler] "Friendship ATTACK!!!!!" right after the bidding priceless XD [spoiler\]


P.S. spoiler fail


If someone can remind me how to do it ill change my comment


it's first "spoiler" then the other one is "/spoiler" with [ instead of "


I always see Alba x Teufel fan art... I guess we'll be seeing why soon enough.

hime, what are you thinking... xD


thank you guys so much!!! i was dying after that last cliff. Teufel is becoming so cool, I think I'm falling for him.


are what Dezember hates the most but he will lie when he needs to because some times adults have to do things they hate.


P.S. sorry for posting this word for word here and in the forums but I only saw them for the first time after writing this answer.

Always got this feeling that the butler is a demon but didn't except him to be important.

Thank you so much for the new releases! I'm so happy! x333

Ah, man, I feel for Foyfoy there. And it seems like everyone is getting some kind of angsty or hurtful backstory... not that I'm complaining. I think these developments are adding that much more depth and I love it.   

For a second I confused Hime for Juli due to her new hairstyle 

And suddenly, badass. And I just noticed but it's pretty cute that Janua and Momotome II are dancing in the background. xD Thanks for the updates! (accidentally wrote the answer to the thing in the wrong area)

Not going to lie, did not see that one coming.

I really should have, but I did not.

Are you planning on translating Chapter 3 when you're done with Chapter 2? (Please say yes!) And would you be willing to translate other Senyuu stuff, like the anime's OPs and EDs or the booklets that came out with the DVDs? (One of the booklets has Alba and Ros' first meeting!)

Wowow slow down, chapter 2 is only halfway done :D
That's all up to gatesofhill to decide though, so I dunno yet.

OP ED are already subbed somewhere on youtube, afaik.

As for the booklet thing, no, unless somebody is willing to provide a well-scanned do-able raw then we might.

Yay, finally something from part 1 :)  

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