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* * * * - (4.34 - 285votes)

Shishunki no Iron Maiden

Alt Names: alt Iron Maiden Pubertyalt 思春期のアイアンメイデン
Author: Watanabe Shizumu
Artist: Watanabe Shizumu
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiPsychological PsychologicalRomance RomanceSchool Life School LifeSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen SeinenSupernatural SupernaturalTragedy Tragedy
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Mayama Haruki and Himemiya Tsukiko have been childhood friends and neighbors for as long as they can remember, but after a girls-only meeting in fourth grade, Himemiya distanced herself from Mayama. Now in their 2nd year of middle school, Mayama has become an ero-freak who specializes in harassing Himemiya.

Determined to unravel the greatest secret of girls, what happens on "that day", Mayama follows Himemiya and uncovers...!
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People say not to hate on the MC but all I see him as is a boy who is at the very early stages of puberty being a sore loser because he has yet to realize he likes his childhood friend who likes someone else. I went through this stage in the 6th grade, and stopped when I realized I wasn't getting any girls. It's not the girl's fault she likes someone else, but the MC can still help his childhood friend in her dilemma that could potentially kill her.

But seeing as he is overcoming that, hopefully the heroine would eventually fall in love with him instead.
I would have either blackmailed or exposed her ass in a second, she comes to me asking me to help her with her love life, im nt that type of pushover
@Randrakan564 Yea, opinions are personal. Doesn't matter what logic or ethics you give vocke.
Mayama is epic and it looks like the red hair girl likes him nice. I just hope this doesn't turn into something like the annoying iron girl getting jealous at him and her when they start talking later on
Mayama: Yeah well I'm gonna go build my own school festival! With blackjacks and hookers XD
So? I still don't like her...
I've noticed this a lot, but it has never been more apparent here; People seem prone to evaluating character's actions from a position of Cold Logic, as if the character can calmly decide between choices like Spock or something, and they always fail to take into account that these characters generally aren't Rational Vulcan Adults but kids with emotions and stuff like that.

Take the Female MC here. She's a hormone addled Teenager and the central premise of the manga ensures we only really get to see her when she's on her period, ie when her already hormone addled body kicks it into overdrive. And she turns into a bladed nightmare monster in a process that I'm sure is quite painful considering the manga seems like it is going to work toward not just ignoring all of the possible side effects. Remember for instance how she needs to dispose of the iron spikes she grows after they fall off.

On top of that, she's dealing with the very real threat of losing her life if someone finds out about this. Given the crazy expression that teacher gave and the fact that the other girl literally just up and disappeared after talking to said teacher, her fears are pretty damn justified.

Plus she's a Teenage Japanese Girl, and I've read plenty of Shōjo manga where the plot boils down to "guy gets incriminating or embarrassing photo of girl and blackmails her into being his slave" and the guy in question has been established as a bit of a sex hound, so her "ecchiness for secrecy" bargain actually makes a scary amount of success.
I 2nd his plan! Lol
I 2nd his plan! Lol
thats the stuff haha finally were getting there
So it's true. Yu-Gi-Oh cards CAN bring boys and girls together. On an off note:

maybe a discussion thread for the latest chapters would be a good idea.
Oh look at that, a new female rival appeared in ONE panel and I already like her more than the female MC :|
NEW RIVAL? Posted Image
I still hate the "she's in love with senpai plot point, totally useless. We all know how this will end anyway, so i don't see reasoning behind more USELESS drama.
so new chapter's out on casanova's website. MC's a pretty nice guy, tsukiko needs to change how she feels about him soon.
@Cytl Excuse me, little decency? She borderline wants to him to be her dog by any means possible, i mean she even stripped for that; notice that HE had the decency to reject. Yes, he wanted her to do ecchi stuff, but he didn't expect for her to actually do it.. FMC is weird. I don't see behind her reasoning.
i donno, if anyone hates the MC but i think even if his actions r like this there's no reason to hate him bc his just trying to suppress his feelings, bc his hurt by her and the way she just decided to not interact with him after they were friends.
Is that an iron shark fin or are you just happy to see me?
packed in a spoiler again^^;
It seems like my dislike for the MC was misplaced...or atleast overshadowed by my dislike for the heroine.

Judging by how things are going he'll likely help her out next chapter by taking the attention off her so she can get away without being seen...however at this point I actually want something like, the girl manages to get herself out of that bad situation without his help and see how it develops from there.
What an Oranyan (Male Tsundere)
So the MC should help that girl and see her getting together happily with her senpai? That's more illogical. He reacted the right, humanly way, not some kind of saint.

She's been having that kind of problem for quite long, so why begging for help from the MC now? And if you don't want to be exposed with that symptom, you must be aware that being in a large crowd is the most dangerous thing to do. Yet she's looking for help from the MC now of all times?

Also I just can't bring myself to like this heroine. AbyssalDemonX and Mr. Late also seems to have the same point.
@Daru: I understand that he is harsh with her because he is jealous, that's pretty much normal. The problem is that she is in risk of becoming a test subject and yet he acts like that.

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