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* * * * - (4.19 - 315votes)


Alt Names: alt いぬやしきalt อินุยาชิกิalt 犬屋敷alt 犬舍alt Last Hero Inuyashikialt اینو یاشیکی
Author: Oku Hiroya
Artist: Oku Hiroya
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMecha MechaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Inuyashiki has a family, a wife and two kids, none of whom care about him. When he learns that he has only three months to live he realizes that the only one who will miss him is his dog. Shortly after this realization he is killed in a crash landing by aliens. He is rebuilt by them as a machine with a human exterior. How will his life change now that he isn't human?
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Trump ... a very selfish and stupid person ... Besides, Trumps mouth makes it apparent to the world he sucks, so what if some people think he sucks in a way that he actually doesn't, such mistakes are very understandable.



Amazingly childish  (not in a good way) way of analysis you have, truepurple.   Psychologically its called projection.  Here's a clue to a dim bulb:  you ain't the world.  You are ONLY you.   You don't speak for anybody but yourself, much less the world. 

It's not pandering, it's just that that caricature is going to be all their audience is likely to know.


I'm seeing a lot of comments from you on this section but, unfortunately for you, it seems almost nobody cares what you think. Acting like a condescending little twat doesn't make it better either. If you want to start drama, go on that trash heap called Twitter.

Why so rectally rustled, Nodos? Are you one of them centipedos? Is it my lack of reverence for the Donald that trigger you this much?

On a side note, why would you even think that I comment in the hopes of someone “caring” about what I think? I mean, sure, it’s funny to see people like you actually caring (by throwing a shitfit in this instance) but I for one mostly just comment for catharsis, not conversation. Are you different in this regard? Do you wanna get on your little soapbox when commenting?

Two_chapters_without_dank_Trump_memes_streak. We can do it, people.

Wow... yet another chapter full of nothing.


I keep expecting something happens, but when it does, it's so diluted that I lose interest halfway. He went full Namek on this.


I think he's just having a laugh at the expense of the readers.


Hanako is probably the MVP. At least she didn't say any bullshit yet.

you should see it from the perspective of reading the collected volume instead of each chapter separata

Wow... yet another chapter full of nothing.


I keep expecting something happens, but when it does, it's so diluted that I lose interest halfway. He went full Namek on this.


I think he's just having a laugh at the expense of the readers.


Hanako is probably the MVP. At least she didn't say any bullshit yet.

Trump has always been very random. Some Trump supporters almost seemed to vote for him strictly in hope he would be like a wrecking ball to all government, just making a mess out of everything. That kind of randomness includes him telling all for themselves, calling for chaos. As a very selfish and stupid person, it is not outside the realm of possibility for him.


Now I doubt he would go that far, but I really couldn't say impossible. I wouldn't put it past Trump for him to act exactly like that faced with world ending calamity.


Besides, Trumps mouth makes it apparent to the world he sucks, so what if some people think he sucks in a way that he actually doesn't, such mistakes are very understandable.

Ugh at least when Gantz went full trash it was still entertaining to read. 

Huh? Where? By depicting Trump accurately as an embarrassing troglodyte? That doesn’t strike me as pandering.


I mean, he's writing for a Japanese audience.  There's nothing to pander to; to his audience, Trump is a foreign leader, not something directly political in a way they'd be concerned with - they don't really know American political parties or political issues.


This is just how most other countries see Trump (aside from Russia, where he's popular) - a shouty madman obsessed with bragging about how rich and successful he is.  Sort of like how representations of Obama in manga and anime usually focused on this telegenic smiling "HOPE" and "YES WE CAN" because those are the few references Japanese audiences would have of him, while George W. Bush (who, like Trump, was very unpopular abroad) was often portrayed as whiny, blustery, and ineffectual.


It's not pandering, it's just that that caricature is going to be all their audience is likely to know.

Did anyone else get a laugh at that dog tripping over the stairs while the humans cry? Really surreal.

Inu Yashiki.  The Dog House.

I'm seeing a lot of comments from you on this section but, unfortunately for you, it seems almost nobody cares what you think. Acting like a condescending little twat doesn't make it better either. If you want to start drama, go on that trash heap called Twitter.

Nah, Demut and I have our differences in other manga comments but I fully support him in this instance.


 So, uh ... what was that about him not being able to heal the other salaryman?


Huh? Where? By depicting Trump accurately as an embarrassing troglodyte? That doesn’t strike me as pandering.

I'm seeing a lot of comments from you on this section but, unfortunately for you, it seems almost nobody cares what you think. Acting like a condescending little twat doesn't make it better either. If you want to start drama, go on that trash heap called Twitter.

 So, uh ... what was that about him not being able to heal the other salaryman?


Also muh political pandering 

Huh? Where? By depicting Trump accurately as an embarrassing troglodyte? That doesn’t strike me as pandering.


Exactly. And with the "you are who you choose to be" bit as well. I won't be surprised if that exact sentence shows up.

In the news conference, Trump briefly said that he'd inherited a plan to deal with the meteor from Obama and that every nation pooled its resources for it, but it didn't work.  (The "we've tried everything" bit.)


So apparently they did detect it and were hiding it from the public until now, but whatever plans they had to deal with it didn't pan out somehow.


Also, can I just note with amusement the poor announcer who had to follow up the US president declaring rape and murder legal with a calm, completely-generic "and now we take you to the prime minister's press conference."


They should have shown that press conference; I'd like to see what the Prime Minister said in response.  "Uh...  no.  Don't do that."

You know, when they inevitably survive because Inuyashiki or Shishidou or both of them sacrifice themselves or something, I really want to see Sean Spicer trying to spin that later.

In the news conference, Trump briefly said that he'd inherited a plan to deal with the meteor from Obama and that every nation pooled its resources for it, but it didn't work.  (The "we've tried everything" bit.)


So apparently they did detect it and were hiding it from the public until now, but whatever plans they had to deal with it didn't pan out somehow.


Actually that meteor thing was mentioned briefly a long time ago. I don't remember which chapter it was, but I think it mentioned Obama consulting with NASA or something.

But it still doesn't change the fact that the last 2 chapters were the most retarded thing I have ever seen to be printed on paper.



For example, this is not the news report I was talking about, but they mention it back at ch52:


Wow, that was full of nothing.

The End Of The World, but trains operate as usual. Japan.

It seems like they'd detect a giant meteor far in advance.


In the news conference, Trump briefly said that he'd inherited a plan to deal with the meteor from Obama and that every nation pooled its resources for it, but it didn't work.  (The "we've tried everything" bit.)


So apparently they did detect it and were hiding it from the public until now, but whatever plans they had to deal with it didn't pan out somehow.


Also, can I just note with amusement the poor announcer who had to follow up the US president declaring rape and murder legal with a calm, completely-generic "and now we take you to the prime minister's press conference."


They should have shown that press conference; I'd like to see what the Prime Minister said in response.  "Uh...  no.  Don't do that."

It seems like they'd detect a giant meteor far in advance.

These Chinese cartoons are weird, man.

I know that Oku did hentai before, but did he have to relive in in this chapter? Could've done with a tad less nudity.

"Vision of the Bell-End"

Dammit Oku, you were doing so good for a little then you Gantz'd it up!


Go back to your corner!

Ya. . . this situation just came out a bullshit field. it's like, ok so we're gonna have this story that focuses on old and young and the responsibility of power OH WAIT NEVER MIND LET"S HAVE AN ASTEROID KILL EVERYONE AND EVERYONE ACTS LIKE ANIMALS HUMPING AND NAKED NAKED SEX SEX SEXXXXXXX!

Dammit Oku, you were doing so good for a little then you Gantz'd it up!


Go back to your corner!

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