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* * * * * (4.65 - 237votes)

Looking for a Father

Alt Names: alt 아빠를 찾습니다
Author: Dong Bi
Artist: Dong Bi
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaHarem HaremRomance RomanceSeinen SeinenSlice of Life Slice of LifeWebtoon Webtoon
Type: Manhwa (Korean)
Status: Complete
Description: Original webcomic: http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/list.nhn?titleId=509093&page=1
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staight to doggy style, romance isn't dead

Erotic chapter!

"mature content, parental approval", if that is mature content, the what the hell is what happens in drug candy and household affairs¿

You forgot to read the description?

"mature content, parental approval", if that is mature content, the what the hell is what happens in drug candy and household affairs¿

Those are published in a +18 website.

"mature content, parental approval", if that is mature content, the what the hell is what happens in drug candy and household affairs¿

Lol, this guy is a pro.


Are you sure? give me 10 dolar after update chapter 42 please


Wow, you raw reading magnificent bastard, haha. Here, have the promised 10 imaginary bucks. Enjoy them, have an imaginary burger on me or something.

So this ws looking for a husbando all along?


Yep,what a twist!

It's ironic because she's a teacher, and she's getting a D.

even the teachers can get the D from time to time (I hope he wasn't that fast in all the thing he did there)



Coming from behind with the WIN!!!


wow...in every manga they tease this sexy stuff when going into love hotels, so I actually went into this, expecting some bullshit to happen so that one of them cna chicken out, but they actually go through with it for once. Nice. Good job, author.


PS: I can relate to that last page. I once wrote the smuttiest fanfic ever and my grandma randomly decided to drop by, asking me what I did. Well, luckily enough, she couldn't read english, so I could pass it up as just being "a story" which it technically was...no one needed to know that people were getting it on in it, tho.

So this ws looking for a husbando all along?

Coming from behind with the WIN!!!

It's ironic because she's a teacher, and she's getting a D.

That last image in ch 41 *dies from laughter*

I believe the correct translation should've been, "Hell, it's about time."

Serious though, imagine the author. It's one thing trying to explain to your parents why you're looking at R-18 stuff, but how does one explain why one is drawing said R-18 stuff? Although I would have to say this was pretty mild.

I'm iffy on the relationship with Teacher and Mister. It seems like he's just pushing her around, and I'm uneasy about that.

hook, line and sinker

That last image in ch 41 *dies from laughter*

Maybe father is an actual jerk lol 

Dong box.


You underestimate how frequently the word "dong" comes up in the korean language.

Well that was... completely out of character

"Hell, it's about time."


Yay SC2 reference! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hROzz6yD_a8) 4:00

Censor-ship ship is coming.

Let's ship them not, this ship's gonna' pass!

For those who may be confused by the last panel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnSlg-I03oQ

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