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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * - (4.19 - 315votes)


Alt Names: alt いぬやしきalt อินุยาชิกิalt 犬屋敷alt 犬舍alt Last Hero Inuyashikialt اینو یاشیکی
Author: Oku Hiroya
Artist: Oku Hiroya
Genres: Action ActionDrama DramaMecha MechaPsychological PsychologicalSci-fi Sci-fiSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Inuyashiki has a family, a wife and two kids, none of whom care about him. When he learns that he has only three months to live he realizes that the only one who will miss him is his dog. Shortly after this realization he is killed in a crash landing by aliens. He is rebuilt by them as a machine with a human exterior. How will his life change now that he isn't human?
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O hallowed Banhammer, why hast thou forsaken this wretched comment section?

By what divinity?

By God-Emperor.

Either way, it's time to let it go. He showed up in like 3 panels, for crying out loud.


Powerful moment too. Very wrong, very very wrong, though.   

I find it hard to believe that 131mXe is legit and not a troll. Like, how delusional would you have to be to consider Trump’s victory divine providence? By what divinity? The Christian one, presumably? If so, how is Trump anything but extremely unchristian in his behavior? He’s a foulmouthed, egotistical, uncompassionate, hateful, greedy and prideful individual. To fail to see that you have to blind as well as deaf.

And that’s just his character flaws, not even specific actions of him (e.g. divorcing thrice).


It is Divine Providence, that's is Trump's election, or to be more specific a good thing that G-d has caused to happen for me and you, for the US, for the world.   But the fish don't know the water they swim in, and it is a confounding world.  And my behavior is unxtian, thank you very much!    We all have character flaws, likewise we all have things entrusted to us, that are part of the Divine Plan to act upon.  We act with the Divine, that's a good, against the Divine, that's a bad, but either way the  Divine Plan goes forward. 


The manga we read, this one: The Dog House, and many others speak and describe balances and flows of spiritual forces, recasting them in many ways.   Or rather how men and women in Japan, or where-ever the manga is created perceive such forces and flows.   Manga readers as a group are more intelligent, well-disposed (although comment sections rarely show that) and more spiritually aware.  But how do you use that awareness?   Those gifts?   

If all manga were like this chapter, translation would be an easy job.

[politicagem insuportável]


Because Hillary was such a lovely angel. Surprise, power comes to those who believe to deserve it. These people tend not to care what you think of them.

Either way, it's time to let it go. He showed up in like 3 panels, for crying out loud.

Once Inuyashiki will have saved the world, I hope the author shows Sean Spicer trying to spin this into a Huge Victory for Donald.


Also, huff huff huff.

huff / huff


would huff again


(why am I still reading this...)

I guess space isn't a vacuum anymore. 

I find it hard to believe that 131mXe is legit and not a troll. Like, how delusional would you have to be to consider Trump’s victory divine providence? By what divinity? The Christian one, presumably? If so, how is Trump anything but extremely unchristian in his behavior? He’s a foulmouthed, egotistical, uncompassionate, hateful, greedy and prideful individual. To fail to see that you have to blind as well as deaf.

And that’s just his character flaws, not even specific actions of him (e.g. divorcing thrice).

This is how it is going to end... if you spell Dog backwards you get...


Inu backwards is sea urchin, I think.


-edit-  Thinking about this started to nag me.  Because on one level, I am just wrong.  So let me expand a bit.  If you take a Roman/English spelling of Inu and you reverse it, you get Uni, which is, indeed, a Japanese word for sea urchin.  


However, that's not the way the Japanese would reverse the spelling of inu.  In Romanji, reversing it would give you nui (which calls to mind a family of words that have to do with sewing).

This is how it is going to end... if you spell Dog backwards you get...


what happened to the comment section?...........

Your Bible-thumping MAGA bluster is annoying and you would be well-served by turning it off. It's like reading a Facebook comment section. :/

Not the God for you, sorry!  Sorry for bothering your majestic atheistic lunacy.



Your Bible-thumping MAGA bluster is annoying and you would be well-served by turning it off. It's like reading a Facebook comment section. :/

Two_chapters_without_dank_Trump_memes_streak. We can do it, people.

So he lives rent-free in your mind.   Understandable! 

The whole world knows we elected a dumb president dawg

What a foolish and childish view.   There is no "whole world" that knows anything.   There are only individual humans, you and I and all the other few billions.   And most of them, unfortunately, are too busy trying to survive day-by-day to have a considered opinion on a subject so far far far from their daily life.  And those such as yourself with 'opinions' are often found to be entrapped in a steam flow of propaganda and group-think.  Trump is smart enough.  And genius in many areas, as the success he has had shows, and as the intelligence and deportment, the kindness and modesty of his children and their spouse show.

For those of u that dont know this,, Inuyashiki is getting Anime,, sadly berserk 2016 style

{1) But polls said before, that Trump wouldn't win. (2) Anyway, there are no good people in big politic


(1) Right!  The published polls are agit-prop, political propaganda, with biases as stupendously over-the-top as the media operations that fund them.  


(2) Despair is death.  Don't be a zombie.  It IS very hard to make it into big time US or big state politics without having all sorts of bribery and corruption issues.  Extremely hard.  It is simply SO EXPENSIVE to run for office.  You can make it on some novel and RARE methods of relating to Juan and Juanita Q Voter such as done by Bernie and Trump at the national level.  In the end Bernie's corrupted politic busted him out.  Trump's PT Barnum-style (and PT was an effective anti-slavery GOP politician in his own day) and his experiences with The Apprentice and with the wrestling extravaganzas of Vince Mahon and his wife, trained him to reach to the public AGAINST the heavy flak field of the major media.  And the BILLIONS G-d granted his endeavors insulated him from the stupendously forceful and almost completely pervasive corrupting influences.   


Trump's victory itself is due Divine Providence.  That's something many in the world outside of the US do not yet understand, and that much of elite Europe will never understand.  Putin understands, though, which is great.

-Huff huff

-Huff huff

-Huff huff

-Huff huff


-Woof woof


*suddenly asteroid*

Amazingly childish  (not in a good way) way of analysis you have, truepurple.   Psychologically its called projection.  Here's a clue to a dim bulb:  you ain't the world.  You are ONLY you.   You don't speak for anybody but yourself, much less the world. 

The whole world knows we elected a dumb president dawg

Name-calling is what is "amazingly childish".  And no, when you summarize what the polls say, you are not "projecting".  In the US, Donald sets another new record for lack of popular support pretty much every month.  International polls show the same.  Even the Russians have begun to dislike him.

But polls said before, that Trump wouldn't win. Anyway, there are no good people in big politic. Only ones, who rich enough to make a positive image among the electorate. While having so much power and responsibilities, you have to deal with different kinds of "shady" stuff and allmost nothing can be fundamentaly good or bad. Even this drop of popularity among the russians could've be done with aim to show to the congress, that he's not a putin's candidate or something. That's just one of possible theories. You can think of hundreds of those, and they all would be equaly profane and useless.


My point is: go do your trump/antitrump shit in places, spechialy designed for this. That comix had not more than 4 pages of Trump. It's a freaking cameo, like that spiderman comix with Obama.

Damn, that's more than enough place in the internet, to not discuss Trump and related shit here. That comix isn't even about politics.


Damn, I'm so triggered right now. It seems I should go pet my bear and drink few shots of vodka to relax.

Amazingly childish  (not in a good way) way of analysis you have, truepurple.   Psychologically its called projection.  Here's a clue to a dim bulb:  you ain't the world.  You are ONLY you.   You don't speak for anybody but yourself, much less the world. 

Name-calling is what is "amazingly childish".  And no, when you summarize what the polls say, you are not "projecting".  In the US, Donald sets another new record for lack of popular support pretty much every month.  International polls show the same.  Even the Russians have begun to dislike him.

No dialog at all, this ep.  Hardly any in the last few months.  I think when Oka sensei grew up, he always wanted to be a mime.

I feel bad for Hanako... She was running after her human. ;_;.

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