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It's Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular!

Alt Names: alt 私がモテないのはどう考えてもお前らが悪い!alt It's Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular!alt WataMote
Author: Tanigawa Nico
Artist: Tanigawa Nico
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaSchool Life School LifeShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: Kuroki Tomoko is a super popular, high school girl, who has had 50 years of dating experience, and 100 boys... in the Otome game world. In the real world, she is a 15 year old shut in, who has all of the qualities of a "mojo."

However, when school isn't going as she expected, and she isn't as popular as she had thought she was, she takes a look at herself in the mirror for the first time in a few years, and has some shocking revelations...


> It's Not My Fault That My Friend's Not Popular.
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/its-not-my-fault-that-my-friends-not-popular-r8377 )

> Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui! Anthology
( http://www.batoto.net/comic/_/comics/watashi-ga-motenai-no-wa-dou-kangaete-mo-omaera-ga-warui-anthology-r10477 )
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Watamote is a legitimate exponent of that old and good genre called as "Make You Feel Good". For a series that began in such infamous fashion for all the cringe and suffering of the protagonist this development is truly amazing.
Looking at Emoji in this chapter...
I'm thinking if maybe she was really a lesbian all along but hadn't notice this until she became obsessed with Tomoko. And that she thinks the feelings she has now are "disgusting" because she still doesn't understand what is happening with her and was taught that same sex relations are wrong. The way Watamote is and the quality it proved to have I honestly expect to see something "good" happening with Emoji, a honest and genuine development. Maybe Tomoko rejecting her will be her first homo experience.
And that situation with Nemo and Pinneaple hair, very subtle.
There is so much here to react to, I’m having a hard time deciding what part of this I liked most, or laughed at hardest. I guess my first reaction is just happiness. Because our dear little socially awkward Tomoko is now part of a growing group of friends. She is no longer alone. And I’m just so happy for her I could cry.
i think tomoko right now is literally enjoying the field trip as the largest girls group in her class

Most people don't understand how much Tomoko has come so far... I still remember the early chapters...

I try to forget them. Like my own high school years.

My delinquent can;t possibly be this cute!

Most people don't understand how much Tomoko has come so far... I still remember the early chapters...

Geez, Emoji should just get her own spinoff at this point, lol.

so happy to see her having friends

The best part of this chapter is that how much build up it got from previous chapters. 

This chapter was entertaining on like 9 levels

Why, because it's been the same tropes we've seen like a dozen times so far?

Well, I guess Nemo is new. And not in a good way.


I love this manga. Every character has a purpose and is interesting, no event is unnecessary, and everything is enjoyable. This is probably the most consistently good manga I've ever read.
An early chapter?! Well,either way I haven’t laughed this much in a while xD not saying it isn’t funny anymore,is just that I feel the awkwardness is slowly returning,but with the new characters just makes it even better! Lel I knew the Pineapple Girl was upset with Nemo(probably for not being honest) while Nemo seems kinda more relaxed and actually more interested in Tomoko (specially with what she says at the end of the chapter),hopefully Yuri doesn’t get all jelly again like she did in the last chapter with Tomoko and Yuu-chan’s close relationship,I laughed so much with Ucchi appearing like that and then acting so indignified as she was ignored and then they wanted to call one of her friends (the thirst is very real) she’s becoming very creepy as she’s doesn’t stop staring at Tomoko...she’s kinda making a self-aware joke with the harem thing (as many readers call it) and finally best girl Yoshida was alone...why? What happened to her? I wonder if they will tell us eventually or just leave it to the reader’s imagination? I can’t wait for the next chapter!

Disgusting indeed ;3

She's enjoying Disneyland so much its adorable.


oh boy, this is gonna be good.

This chapter was entertaining on like 9 levels

Emoji know, we all know our little Tomoko has evolved into a romcon harem MC.

She's enjoying Disneyland so much its adorable.

you know truth be told I kinda feel like Yuri is hanging out with Tomoko because their teacher told her and Yoshida to be nice to her even after the school trip is over with,


Well, sure, Yuri and Yoshida were pretty anti-social during the field trip up until the teacher made them pay closer attention to how much effort Tomoko was trying to put into it and why. 


But as for whether they're friends now or not, I don't understand how that can be doubted. I mean, Yuri herself has remarked on how similar Tomoko and her are, and unconsciously started acting jealous when she saw that she had another (more attractive) friend. And Tomoko also recognizes that they've become close, referring to her (and Mako) as friends to Yuu, and thinking that they've been friends for too long for her to start calling her by her last name now. In short, Yuri seems to empathize with Tomoko as a fellow loner, and isn't doing it only out of pity; she's not that distant from Tomoko in her social skills when she's not being overly reserved. 


Maybe she wouldn't have become Tomoko's friend without the teacher's intervention; she's almost as stuck in her own head as Tomoko, so she might not have picked up on Tomoko's desires otherwise. But even if that's so, I think that they're certainly actual friends now; even if the teacher told her that she could stop if she wanted, I highly doubt that she ever would.

you know truth be told I kinda feel like Yuri is hanging out with Tomoko because their teacher told her and Yoshida to be nice to her even after the school trip is over with,

Chapter 124, page 4. It looks like Yuri is sorta stalking Tomoko.


When Yuri found out Tomoko said she have to meet with someone, then Yuri suggested she and Mako should go to someplace.


We see Mako talking to Yuri about Minami (the fanged girl) getting friendly with make-up girl, but Yuri seems uninterested about that, but looking around, possibly looking for Tomoko.

Well, Yuri has been established as something of an introvert and is generally low energy; small talk and socializing with the rest of the class isn't exactly her thing, as was made clear in the first Valentine chapter.  Usually she makes an exception for her long-time friend Mako, but she really doesn't like Minami or hearing anything about her, so true to her reserved nature she tends to just clam up and faze out whenever the conversation turns to that girl (rather than go crazy like Tomoko with Kotomi), in hopes the topic'll change. 


She's really not so much looking around with any sort of anticipation, as she's staring with glossed-over eyes straight in front of her, most likely as a result of the current conversation topic. The non-verbal exclamation point when Tomoko and friends comes into her field of vision rather seems to suggest that she's surprised that her friend's meeting happened to be in the same area where her and Mako had been shopping; sure, it doesn't show much on her face, but then again most things don't. So even if she was the one to suggest shopping (and I'm not entirely sure that the speech bubble shouldn't be attributed to Mako, but I'll concede that point), I don't think that it's really necessary to believe that Yuri was intentionally stalking her; she didn't give Yuri any info about where she would be, so their coming across her later while shopping seems like pure luck to me. 

Notice that this chapter's title is from Yuri's point of view, instead of Tomoko's 


I-is that means Yuri becoming a second main character?

It's entirely possible that it's still from Tomoko's viewpoint and is referring to the fact that Yuu and Yuri ended up meeting each other.

I like it that they show more of the darker side of characters,in this case is Yuri who’s the “normie” or more normal girl in their group,that being said the way she acted was kinda like she was being possessive or jealous of Tomoko and Yuu-chan’ relationship,which is something interesting,since we know that she did freaked out when Mako decided to go with Minami’s group which might make Yuri seem more of the possessive type,yet it kinda makes sense as it doesn’t seem she has many friends,so that might make her insecure about her friendships and cherish her relationships so much as we have seen her being the one to want to be with her new friends the most,in the end I’m still wanting to get to know more about her character since we all know the quiet ones are the one she who keep the most secrets~
I love Yuri! That said, she really has her own issues with making friends and maintaining healthy relationships. I’m really enjoying her personality being explored more and more. Such a good chapter. It really has transformed into a story about personalities and emotional growth.

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