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* * * * - (4.19 - 180votes)

Anti-Magic Academy “The 35th Test Platoon”

Alt Names: alt Antimagic Academy - 35th Test Platoonalt 対魔道学園35試験小隊alt Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutaialt Taimadou Gakuen Sanjuugo Shiken Shoutai
Author: Yanagimi Touki
Artist: Hanao Sutarou
Genres: Action ActionComedy ComedyEcchi EcchiFantasy FantasyHarem HaremRomance RomanceShounen Shounen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Welcome to the 35th Test Platoon of the Taimadou Gakuen, or "Antimagic Academy". The academy is home to squads that hunt down and kill, destroy, or otherwise render harmless magical practitioners and artifacts. The 35th Test Platoon is a band of misfits who don't seem to fit in anywhere else. Each member is a specialist with a focus on a different aspect of operations. The squad may become the greatest team ever, but first they must overcome their greatest obstacle: each other...

You can read the Light Novel translation here
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I saw the boob grab coming when he tripped.

Damn, been reading too much ecchi.

Is the first panel a reference to the movie, "Dark City?"



Dat face when he said "I prefer small breasts". Interested to see where the author takes the team, all of them are have great potential but are extremely rough around the edges.

"I really nailed him this time!"


I laughed and cried at the same time

And... actual plot developing! Who knew, right?

some manga really do take "fanservice" beyond "fans"... i guess the artist is a bit like the one in "mangaka-san", judging by how much he likes to draw panties.

I am the only one who remember about the the relic eater candidate ?

Anyone count the number of pant shots this chapter?


Because goddamn that was a lot. O_o

13 panty shots.  There are 9 times we see her legs/skirt but no panty shot.


It would be funny if the mangaka keeps doing this just for her.  Like an absurd running gag.

Edit: No, wait, I read a manga like that.  It just becomes normal.  Neither funny not boring.

my expectation for the MC and his team is going down hill fast... 

Though this is the first time ever that I actually wish that the princess should put a bullet between his eyes and just finish this series.  That way, she can join another team with hopefully more capable people.

I guess you're not familiar with the term character growth and for fuck's sake there's only been three chapters.

You know, that could be a strategy of hers... Distract the enemy to make it easier to take them down.

3rd chapter should be entitled "Gun shots and Panty shots!"

Anyone count the number of pant shots this chapter?


Because goddamn that was a lot. O_o

my expectation for the MC and his team is going down hill fast... 

Though this is the first time ever that I actually wish that the princess should put a bullet between his eyes and just finish this series.  That way, she can join another team with hopefully more capable people.


Wished I could give the author the benefit of the doubt, but I don't see this going anywhere.

So we got 3 chapters just to show how pathenic and incompetence the main character and his teamate.

Seriously ? A sniper that can shoot accurately but have no sense of direction ? 

A whole chapter about how the main character feel insult about the fact that guns are better than swords and he vow to make people see otherwise but end up in bad spot just because he is so stupid that he charged into a room full of hostiles without at least take out the light sources or bring with him something like a flashbang. And he is a moral fag to boost. Worst kind of Main character in my book.


The "princess" on the other hand is much better. Sure, she is a cold hearted bitch but at least she is competence and get the job done without much stupid talk and stupid flash back. And i will be like her to completely forget about someone as uselss as the main character. I hope that she will remain that way till the end of the manga. One moral fag is more than enough.

I'm sorry I couldn't see past the panties, what just happened?

Panties, Panties everywhere

another one of those annoying ass heroines who go all emo like, "i will exterminate them cause they're scum". and they always have some "horrible (some of them aren't even really life changing bad) " past that makes everyone feel sorry for them. sooo tired of those kinds cause they're one of the most annoying types of heroines. i like the goofy sniper girl and will be rooting for her but because of all of my manga and anime experience, i already know he will forget about his grudge and fall for Ootori. hopefully the author will suprise us all with something knew.

people are too early to judge ._.

I don't like Ootori.

I also don't like it when they make the guy look weak.

Wow, Ootori scares me now.


this heroine is a bitch, i would like her if she killed him straight away but nah shes a bitch

I can appreciate your frustration, but I don't really like to give out spoilers. How about, "You'll really enjoy chapter 4 then..."?

What a shit way of trying to make the guy look weak. Seriously, she shouldn't have said anything and just let him take care of those derps. Fuck sake.

Ok I dont really care what happens next but i want to see who his imotou is!!

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