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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
* * * * * (4.69 - 114votes)

Amai Seikatsu

Alt Names: alt 内衣高手alt 甘い生活alt Sweet Life (YUZUKI Hikaru)
Author: Yuzuki Hikaru
Artist: Yuzuki Hikaru
Genres: Comedy ComedyDrama DramaEcchi EcchiHarem HaremRomance RomanceSeinen Seinen
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Ongoing
Description: The complicated story of a young man who goes to work for a lingerie company.

This manga has 40.5 volumes.

Sequel: http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/amai-seikatsu-second-season-r18229
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Hope this is still being translated......

I just realized I fail at credit pages again....

It is referencing the 1962 film "The Miracle Worker".  The film was a major story arc in Glass Mask which seems to have been released around the same time Amai Seikatsu



I really didn't expect to see Anne Sullivan trying to explain to a guy how to pump his well water...

Okay what the hell just happened? Is the waterfountain supposed to be a euphemism or a flashback? Did he just get turned on by her crying?


It's a reference to Helen Keller, a woman who was both blind and deaf.  So basically, a man who would've normally been unable to communicate his...  tumescence has now been successfully educated on how to do so.

Okay what the hell just happened? Is the waterfountain supposed to be a euphemism or a flashback? Did he just get turned on by her crying?


One of the major differences I've seen in this manga compared to most others (not including art style) is the attention to detail in the clothing of the ladies. Most manga I've read, the women's clothes are the same 2-3 outfits, and simple ones at that. This manga is a cut above just because of the variety clothing the characters are wearing. You can see the author/artist has had to do major research into women's fashion just for Wakamiya's clothes from day to day. Now expand that to the other women in the manga. The only other manga I can think of off the top of my head with that much attention to detail (to the clothes as well as the rest of items in the manga) is Oh! My Goddess. That level of craftmanship explains (to me at least) this title's popularity. Would that other manga-ka and artists would follow suit.

Somebody told me that there was an important message on this page, but I haven't been able to find it yet.  Can someone help? 


I can only see ONE thing!!!




Perhaps "important message" is a euphemism? A SEXY euphemism.

Somebody told me that there was an important message on this page, but I haven't been able to find it yet.  Can someone help? 


I can only see ONE thing!!!



Well I am literally just 1 panel short of releasing chapter 22... if anyone could help me with translating it i would be really happy...


I was able to get tls and here is chapter of amai... around an hour late lol

7 of 25 pages done. So 18 more pages to go through and i will have a release. (Considering that i started on 4/7 and it took 2 weeks to get 7 pages done, it will probably take me a month alone to finish this chapter...)

college kills my time (same with slacking) and i looked through next chapter (tsed a few pgs) and questioning content slightly lol

Two of his works are up. Where's Boku no Shotaiken?


I'm always like your coment

Welcome to Edo's Harem *COUGH* ...I mean PLANET EARTH.

Edo has an incredible power over women right now.


What happens if he actually learns what "Sexiness" is!?


The rest of us overly horny men in the world will NOT STAND A CHANCE AGAINST SUCH A SUPER-SAIYAN GOD-LIKE POWER UPGRADE!!!


We must STOP Edo from EVER becoming aware of the power of LUST!!!


We must make our plans to stop this increase to Edo's natural ability.


In the meantime...   Ravin must give up his gaming hobby, and concentrate strictly on his college studies...   Along with getting the next 400+ chapters scanlated, of course!!!  But we are patient.  WE will allow you one whole week to get all of them done!!!


Unless of course, Ravin, you want us to send Edo to get the sizes of your sister, your mother, and all of your other female relatives along with all of your female friends!

haha loved this chapter. Really liked the i hate you part


If the name "Domina" is any indication of her personality, then I predict Edo will be kidnapped by her and he will learn about a whole new fetish at her hands...  Or will it be Domina learning a whole new fetish at HIS hands!?  She might have to change her name to "Submissa".  MUA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!

....No comment... this is just something i feel as if i can accept hearing from you. *I have yet to look at chapter 21 yet or further so even i am unsure, but very doubtful of this


Shiet, can't wait until more chapters come out!! Amusing and interesting indeed...




license to grope... hahaahha

I actually started slacking originally when i was typesetting this chapter and read till the end and died laughing there.

license to grope... hahaahha


Shiet, can't wait until more chapters come out!! Amusing and interesting indeed...

If the name "Domina" is any indication of her personality, then I predict Edo will be kidnapped by her and he will learn about a whole new fetish at her hands...  Or will it be Domina learning a whole new fetish at HIS hands!?  She might have to change her name to "Submissa".  MUA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!

Welp I accidentally removed chapter for here instead of ochi >.>

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