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* * * * * (4.6 - 226votes)

Amari Mawari

Alt Names: alt Around Amarialt あまりまわりalt 亚麻理的日常alt 아마리 마와리
Author: Kuroda Bb
Artist: Kuroda Bb
Genres: Comedy ComedyRomance RomanceShounen ShounenSlice of Life Slice of Life
Type: Manga (Japanese)
Status: Complete
Description: Guy has some "precious book" with some "wonderful pictures" that he can't show to anyone.... The reason being, most of his college friends can't really understand his "tendencies".

Of course, we wouldn't have a story if the guy didn't go through some life changing encounters (all thanks to that very same book).
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Hello Jack here, First time translating a manga here so I hope you all enjoy it. Any suggestion to improve my translation?


And i'll try to translate chapter 29 and 30 in the next week.



you can just translate and that's enough to make everyone happy. Thank you so much for this update.

Hello Jack here, First time translating a manga here so I hope you all enjoy it. Any suggestion to improve my translation?


And i'll try to translate chapter 29 and 30 in the next week.



A new fetish has been unlocked for Haru.


List of fetishes-

Pet Fetish (dogs and cats, non-perverted)

Gap Moe (Kyouka, quashed when she opens her mouth, non-perverted)

Lolicon (appears to be romantically interested in Amari, non-perverted)


Seriously though, it's not that bad. It isn't like he says "I think I like you," and then they jump in the sack. They can date, sort of, until she's old enough. Just because you love someone doesn't mean you need to go doing the nasty with them right away.


Do remember that Amari said she wants things to remain how they are now, with them hanging out and caring for the animals, with the addition of some hugs here and there. Haru is the idiot who is overthinking things.


The world is in a severe lack of romance that doesn't involve the two (or more) people involved deciding to increase the rating of whatever show/comic it appears in. I don't mind ecchi, but when it just drops into smut after they've only known each other for a very short time, it looks more like lust than love.




Source of the naval girl? I don't know why, but I think I'd enjoy it. Must be the art style, or maybe the comment.

Embrace the cuteness. He just need to imagine her as a cute puppy with twin tails and all will be fine with the world.


How closeminded can you be

There is only maybe 5 years of age difference


Welp, time to arrest the MC.


Fuckin' pedophiles.

There is only maybe 5 years of age difference

I don't know if it's the art or the confession, but to me Amari looked older in this chapter.

I'm kinda worried now.

Just kiss her already you damn lolicon!!!

Noooo Kyouka is the best girl! Damn Amari for confessing and making him confused.


Not only has the Kyouka ship sunk, it's hit naval mines on the way down. Shit's obliterated.


And I'm perfectly ok with this. Fuck the police I guess.

Uh how old is Amari again? She's cute and all but you seriously shouldn't get doki dokis from her when you in college, boyo.

This is Japan. Remember that. :V

The story of a man as he awakens to his burning Lolicon spirit.

Welp, time to arrest the MC.


Fuckin' pedophiles.

Uh how old is Amari again? She's cute and all but you seriously shouldn't get doki dokis from her when you in college, boyo.

Uh middle school so 13-15 possibly I guess.

Uh how old is Amari again? She's cute and all but you seriously shouldn't get doki dokis from her when you in college, boyo.




Why do I see a 'and everything continued on as normal' ending in the future? Haru's too much of a coward to do anything to a girl.

I will be crewing the SS Kyouka until the bitter end. I fully believe that there is still a feasible possibility of development there.

The only development that will happen with that ship is when it straps on the ice breaker and cuts the SS Haru in two before it meets up with the SS Amari, spilling crimso- er- black gasoline all over the place.


Seriously, Kyouka may as well be a lesbian (nothing wrong with that) with how little interest she shows in guys and how much insane, almost yandere level interest she shows in Amari. She calls herself the girl's nee-chan, but we all know she wants to be Amari's 'onee-sama.'

I still don't understand why people complain about things being "illegal" and "pedophilia" when reading media that comes from a different culture with different moral guidelines.

1) It's a country where the legal age of consent is ~13 (though generally that requires the parents to verify the relationship as sincere, otherwise the age is typically 18, but it can and does happen earlier).

2) A romantic relationship does not have to mean sex happens, and a thing called "waiting" exists. A 25 year old guy can date a 14 year old girl, and as long as they wait a few years to do the nasty there's nothing illegal about it. Bit of an odd age gap, yet nobody complains if it's 50 and 35.

And 3) it's a manga, for crying out loud. Fantasy. Not real. If something creeps you out that's perfectly fine, but there's no reason to force your views of taboo on it. I don't like KissXSis because incest is weird to me, but I don't go in the comments and complain about how nasty it is, I just don't read it.




I know nobody's really making a big stink about it in here, but I felt the need to get that off my chest regardless.


It's like our society's gotten to the point where if something's arbitrarily labeled as morally wrong in most cases, anything that resembles it is disgusting and terrible; but if there's a manga or any other kind of media where the main character is a serial killer - an actual, objectively wrong act - nobody goes "but that's illegal!"

The internet, and FF.net, needs more people like you on it. Seriously, it is a rule I came up with when I started writing: Don't like, don't read. It isn't like someone is standing there with a shotgun to your head, forcing you to read anything.


As for the last point, Dexter was a popular show in spite of the MC being a serial killer, yet nobody got all uppity about it. Same could be said about Sons of Anarchy, Breaking Bad, Blacklist and, more recently, Limitless. (Seriously, the MC in Limitless is a drug addict who can't do anything without popping his pills)

Someone should tell MC he's in a manga. Don't need to worry about the popo.

Amari should become a Hairdresser :)

I wonder why noone thought of that until now?

I will be crewing the SS Kyouka until the bitter end. I fully believe that there is still a feasible possibility of development there.


Creep responsibly, is what I'm saying.

And I have absolutely no bone to pick about that. I don't like people lashing out against the concept in media for reasons already stated in two prior comments now, so I won't keep adding to it, but by no means do I accept the other extreme of "relationships with children are always totally okay" either.

It's all a matter of individual context. I will reiterate that if we can read about mass-murdering protagonists without qualm, finding issue with lolita-esque content is hypocritical; but by no means should you carry that attitude into real life.

There should always be great caution about relationships involving younger children.


As a side note, in case you didn't notice this in my first comment: it's not a matter of prefectural law overriding it. They address two different things. To quote wikipedia for clarity:


"The Japanese Penal Code sets a minimal age of consent of 13. However, all prefectures and districts have (largely similar) "obscenity ordinances" (淫行条例) that forbid "fornication" (淫行) with anyone under 18 years of age, but exempt sex in the context of a sincere romantic relationship (typically determined by parental approval)."


So basically you have to be 13 to consent, but unless your parents can back up that you're consenting to a relationship and not just a temporary fling, it's considered fornication and that won't fly.

Not that I'm trying to use this to debate you, it doesn't invalidate anything you've said. I just think it's good to be clear on these things when such discussions do arise.

Read the raws for 28 and 29. My nutbladder is coughing out rock sugar.

Early 1900's is "ancient" now? And thats without considering that its still a common practice today.

"Ancient" was the word non8 used. The point is that just because a thing happens doesn't make the thing right.

There are plenty of OTHER reasons why there's nothing wrong with a 13 year old girl getting into a relationship with a slightly older guy in an imaginary Japanese comic book, but you can just scroll down a bit for my last comment on that.
tldr; different cultures work in different ways and minimum age of consent in Japan is 13, dating does not equal sex and people can wait, and finally: it's fantasy, not reality, so who cares anyway?

To be clear, I have nothing wrong with this book. I'd probably be down with it even if it were actual porn, since Amari's extremely cute and Haru is extremely harmless. And it is just fiction, like you said.


What I object to is the developing undercurrent in this comment segment arguing that a relationship between Amari and Haru is fine, not for reasons derived from the fiction - "it's cute and funny", "Amari is initiating", "Haru won't hurt her" - but for reasons suggesting that any such relationship is fine in real life - "there's nothing wrong with the age gap", "13 is within the age of consent in Japan" (My understanding on this point is that in practice, prefectural law overrides this and bumps the age up closer to 18 in most places), "families pressed daughters into marriage at very young ages for much of history" (It continues to baffle me that anyone would bring this up in defense of underage sex, or indeed anything but the near complete worthlessness of pre-industrial humankind).


To this, I want to play angel's advocate (unusually) and posit that there do exist important reasons why relationships involving one or more parties too young to drink should be, if not illegal, at the very least treated with caution and suspicion. I don't want to belabor the point too much more, but let us at least remember that there is a great gulf in power between an adult and a minor; a child cannot be reasonably assumed to be capable of overpowering an adult financially, mentally, or even physically. Were it not for the possibility of social and legal retribution, Amari would enjoy a happy relationship with Haru by his mercy alone.


Again, a bit of loli, or incest, or polygamy is quite alright with me. But I do think it's important to recognize that while the potential for fuwa-fuwa-ness exists even in real life, in practice it's probably just emotional manipulation, molestation, or blackmail.


Creep responsibly, is what I'm saying.

Such an adorable little fluff-ball~ q_q

Morality discussions aside, however, I actually agree with this.

This is a super fluffy slice of life and I don't know if I'd like it with a full-on romance plot pushed in there.

I'm pretty sure that this will never actually turn into a "Full-on" Romance. More like a "Light and fluffy with really slow development" kinda thing. ^_^ My guess would be, that he won't be able to give her an answer just yet but they can keep playing together etc., while he'll grow conscious of her over time~.. I mean, I'm still kinda rooting for Kyouka somehow, but I really wouldn't mind if it happens like that. It's still mostly SoL and I don' think that the author would just pull a 180-genre-turn at this point.

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